Temple of Heaven

On the circular Temple of Heaven is a long table made of huanghuali wood.

On the desk are all kinds of melons and fruits, a copper incense burner, and all kinds of instruments, which are dazzling.

There were many people standing around, including ministers, guards, and some ladies and young ladies.

At this time, the sun has come out, the thick autumn fog is gradually dissipating, and the sky is like being painted by a naughty child holding a huge paintbrush, and gradually, gradually... It begins to turn blue.

Everyone who stood in the thick fog for nearly an hour, bathed in sunlight, finally felt a little more comfortable.

After getting up early in the morning, the emperor took a bath and changed clothes under the service of the palace maid, and then recited a hundred sutras to show his devotion in body and mind.

At this moment, just after the reading, the emperor put down the scriptures in his hand and wanted to stand up, but his feet numb and he sat back on the futon.

Eunuch Lin immediately stepped forward and knelt down to help the emperor rub his legs.

"Has the seventeenth emperor entered the palace?" The emperor kept his cross-legged posture unchanged.

Experience told him that only by maintaining the original posture, the numbness will recede faster.

That will not give birth to the feeling of being bitten by thousands of horse mosquitoes, the more you move, the stronger the feeling.

"Go back to the emperor, King Jin hasn't entered the palace yet." The emperor sat on the futon, and Eunuch Lin knelt on the edge and massaged the emperor's knees. , can he bear it?

The emperor's age is getting older every year, and his body is not as good as before.

He knelt down and recited a hundred scriptures. In previous years, he was fine, but this year he couldn't stand up by himself.

The emperor frowned: "Is this auspicious time coming? Why hasn't the seventeenth emperor come back? Does it take so long to meet the host of the Guofo Temple?"

Today is an important day!

Eunuch Lin: "Probably the host of the Guofo Temple is getting older, so the carriage is going slower?"

The emperor thought about it and thought so.

The host master of Guofo Temple is also quite old.

Kneeling like this, his feet are numb, and he has an old bone, and he can't bear it even more.

Of course, apart from this reason, the emperor couldn't think of any other reason.

It can't be that the peach wood box containing the auspicious days is gone!

After all, that thing is not worth the money, and it is useless to others.

"I think it should be coming soon! Set up the Kangning Palace, pick up the Queen Mother, and start the ceremony! I'm fine." The emperor moved his legs, feeling that his feet were much better, and said.

"Yes!" Eunuch Lin responded immediately, and Emperor Fu stood up.


Canning Palace

Nuan Nuan was talking with the Queen Mother in the Kangning Palace, surrounded by many concubines and some first-rank court wives.

The queen mother does not like to deal with too many people, but she can't help but greet those wives. After all, their husbands are all working for the court, so only a few ladies of the first rank or above are invited.

Nuan is now looking at the gift list of the concubines and wives donating cotton-padded clothes to the border soldiers.

Concubine Li said with a smile: "The Princess Hui'an, under the leadership of the Queen Mother, the sisters of our harem and the wife of the imperial court donated a total of 600,000 cotton-padded clothes to the frontier soldiers. All of them worked hard for one piece. It took many months to make it. I heard that the Queen Mother also saw that Mrs. Anguo was making cotton coats for the soldiers in the frontier, so she thought of doing this. I don't know how many pieces Mrs. Anguo made in total?

Because the Anguo Gongfu was surrounded by heavy troops before, when this palace counted the number of cotton-padded clothes donated by everyone, it did not count the number of your residence.

And now that autumn is coming, and winter is coming soon, should we hurry up and send it to the soldiers on the frontier? "

Concubine Li lukewarmly ridiculed that Duke Anguo's mansion was surrounded by heavy troops and had the momentum of treason, so she wanted to warm it up with irony.

While ignoring the money from the former state treasury, Duke Ang pretended to make cotton coats for the soldiers at the border. It is estimated that he knew that the matter was exposed, and deliberately falsified to try to atone for his crimes.

She had never seen someone as hypocritical as the Hui'an County Lord's family.

The other ladies also nodded immediately: "Yes, it's time to hurry up and send it over, Princess Hui'an, are the cotton-padded coats of Duke Anguo's mansion ready?"

"It's autumn, and it will snow if you don't send it. It's better to send this cotton coat as soon as possible, otherwise it will be meaningless! Is the county master Hui'an ready for your house?"

"If Anguo Gong's mansion is not ready, ours can be sent first..."


Everyone was a little dissatisfied. The Queen Mother asked Hui'an County Master to be responsible for sending the cotton-padded clothes they donated to the border. This is clearly the biggest credit for Hui'an County Master!

Seeing everyone's slightly dissatisfied appearance, Li Guifei sneered in her heart.

She originally wanted the second prince to be responsible for transporting cotton-padded coats to the border soldiers, and took the opportunity to lift the ban.

The second prince has been confined in the mansion for so long, enough is enough!

But the emperor seems to have forgotten his second son!

Moreover, the emperor has not been to the harem for a while. Even if he did not go to her palace before, she really couldn't make the emperor release the second prince's ban.

It happened that the Queen Mother said that Mrs. An Guogong made cotton coats for the soldiers in the frontier, which was an example of the world's life-threatening women! The women in their harem, as concubines, enjoy all the glory and wealth, and should do something more.

Everyone said that they would also make cotton-padded jackets and trousers for the soldiers at the border.

She thought that the state of Nalan was in trouble. Isn't it the time when the second prince took the opportunity to stand up and serve the court?

This is a good opportunity to transport cotton coats to the soldiers!

If the second prince sent cotton-padded clothes to the frontier soldiers.

In this way, the second prince can not only resume his activities in the imperial court, but also the soldiers at the border will miss him, and take the opportunity to gain a little military heart!

Simply kill two birds with one stone!

Therefore, she has been so actively cooperating with the queen mother these days, leading the concubine of the harem and the court woman to do this!

But the Queen Mother said just now that these cotton-padded coats were handed over to Hui'an County Master to arrange for them to be transported to the frontier to the soldiers!

Isn't this handing over all the credit for her busy work for several months to Princess Hui'an?

No, not only did he give the credit to Princess Hui'an, but the queen mother actually wanted to give the credit to her son!

At this moment, Concubine Li really felt warmth and Nalan Jinnian, and the queen mother hated her to death!

But she still had to hold back all her hatred and grievances and speak with a smile.

The faces of the other concubines present are not so good-looking, and they feel that their credit has been robbed by the family of the Duke of Anguo.

It's just that the queen mother spoke, and they are not good at showing it.

I can only urge him, hoping that Princess Hui'an will be a little bit more knowledgeable and retreat.

But, obviously, they are going to be disappointed.

Nuan is not a person who retreats in spite of difficulties. When she does things, she looks at her mood first, her needs second, and her enemy's face third.

What she did, the enemy's face was ugly, she felt comfortable, and when she was in a good mood, she was willing to do it.

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