The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1165 My legs are about to kneel down!

Although Nalan Kingdom has floods in the south and drought in the north this year, the harvest is much lower than the emperor expected, but because of the rice yield of 1,000 jin per mu, overall, the food is still about twice as much as before.

After all, this year, the entire Nalan Kingdom has fully promoted rice and wheat with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu, and the harvest of one mu of land has tripled!

Besides, didn't Nalan Kingdom win a few cities, and those cities also had grain harvests, which almost just made up for the gaps in the cities suffering from floods in the south and drought in the north!

In short, the treasury has a lot more grain than last year as a whole!

The emperor was still satisfied.

As long as it is more than last year, it is a bumper harvest.

And after the beginning of spring, there will be a trip to harvest winter wheat!

As long as the winter wheat can be harvested in the coming year and the four countries besiege, there is nothing to be afraid of!

So Qin Tianjian finished summarizing, and then asked the emperor to take the lead in offering wine and bowing down. The emperor's actions were much more pious than in the past few decades!

The next step is to pray for good weather in the coming year, peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

Both are important.

The emperor took the lead, offering wine, kneeling and worshiping a series of etiquettes very piously, if he prayed a few more times, the food in the coming year would be doubled, and the treasury's money would be doubled several times, he would be willing to kneel down!

Half a day passed, and seeing that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was about to end, the emperor had asked Qin Tianjian to slow down as much as possible to delay the time, but he still hadn't seen Nalan Jinnian's figure.

The emperor was anxious: "Why haven't you come back yet, could something have happened?"

At this time, Eunuch Lin saw the figure of the host of the Guofo Temple with sharp eyes.

He happily whispered to the emperor: "Here we come! King Jin is back! Your Majesty."

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, kneeling until my knees almost rotted!

Finally back!

If I don't come back, my legs will be ruined!

In order for the seventeenth brother to marry a good wife, it is not easy for him to be the emperor's brother!

Qin Tianjian also saw the abbot of Guofo Temple coming, he was relieved.

He recited the sacrificial verses of this heaven-sacrificing ceremony for the second time, thinking that he would start to recite the third time.

He hurriedly read the last few lines, and then said loudly: "Get up!"

Eunuch Lin quickly helped the emperor up: "Your Majesty, get up first!"

The emperor nodded, enduring the pain in his knees and stood up.

This time the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven took a quarter of an hour longer than before, and his old knees were almost shattered!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

I don't understand why this year's ceremony seems to take so long.

Some old ministers knelt down until their old bones were about to fall apart!

Qin Tianjian was about to announce the end of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, and then announced the date of the wedding of King Jin and Princess Hui'an.

But he found that the director of Guofo Temple who was walking on the stage winked at him, and then waved his hand.

Qin Tianjian: "."

The shrewd Qin Tianjian immediately changed his words: "Next, I invite the master of the Guofo Temple to come and do the fortune-telling for Nalan Kingdom."



What the hell is the fate of the country!

Then he realized that there was only one person from Guofo Temple, and Nalan Jinnian did not appear at all!

The emperor couldn't help worrying, he couldn't be assassinated, right?

Then I thought, probably not, the abbot of Guofo Temple would not show up if he was assassinated, but someone should tell him secretly.

So what happened?

The surrounding civil and military officials and wives were also stunned!

Do the math again?

Didn't Qin Tianjian already do the divination just now?

It is said that although there are dangers and difficulties, but there are auspicious stars shining brightly, pray for the resolution, and finally the death will be auspicious!

What they said just now, Qin Tianjian made them kneel for a quarter of an hour to resolve it! ! !

The abbot of the Buddhist temple in this country is here, and you have to do the divination again?

Although everyone knows that the abbot of the Guofo Temple is an eminent monk, he, Qin Tianjian, and Master Yunhua all came from the same sect, and they are very powerful. It may be more accurate to ask him to do the divination once.

But everyone has a feeling of being tricked!

The abbot of Guofo Temple walked to the Temple of Heaven, first knelt down piously, bowed three times, and then began to chanting words and swinging the magic weapon on the desk.

Qin Tianjian sang "Kneel!" "Bow!" from time to time

here we go again!

Everyone was extremely helpless, but in this matter, many people believed very much, so they all knelt and worshiped very piously.

Wen Nuan saluted along with everyone in a standard manner, but couldn't help but think about it.

At the Guofo Temple, the host recalculated the fortune of Nalan Kingdom in the coming year, and once again prayed for blessings and disaster relief. Seeing that noon has passed.

A young eunuch hurriedly came to the altar holding a peach wood box.

Eunuch Lin recognized at a glance that the box was sent to the Guofo Temple as an enshrinement that day, and it contained the peach wood box with the wedding day of King Jin and Princess Hui'an and their hair.

He reminded the emperor in a low voice: "Your Majesty, King Jin should be back this time!"

The emperor looked over and recognized it. Although he was surprised that he hadn't seen Nalan Jinnian yet, he was relieved a lot: "Go and present the box to Qin Tianjian."

"Yes!" Eunuch Lin walked down immediately.

When Eunuch Lin went down to pick up the box, the little eunuch said, "King Jin said he will be there in half an hour."

Eunuch Lin nodded, took the mahogany box with both hands, then turned around and walked up to the altar, and handed it to Qin Tianjian: "My lord, King Jin will arrive in half an hour."

Qin Tianjian nodded.

Wen Nuan glanced at it, then at the direction of the entrance, feeling a little surprised in his heart, why he still didn't see Nalan Jinnian's figure.

Within a quarter of an hour, Qin Tianjian and the abbot of the Guofo Temple cooperated, and made everyone kneel down again under the pretext of praying for blessings and disaster relief!

Worshiping to heaven is all about sincerity, and it is always beneficial to kneel down a few times.

A quarter of an hour later, Nalan Jinnian appeared wearing a light gold robe embroidered with silver-gray dragon patterns.

Nuan Nuan knelt on the ground, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a light yellow figure walking around. She looked slightly sideways, and saw injuries on his handsome face and hands from a distance, and her brows furrowed unconsciously.


Wen Nuan couldn't help but carefully looked at his walking posture, and was slightly relieved when he saw that his movements were normal and he should not have been seriously injured.

The ceremony official said at the right time: "Get up!"

Everyone stood up, and then they all saw King Jin appearing at this time.

Everyone has long wondered why King Jin didn't show up at this ceremony.

He just appeared now. Although his clothes were neat, the wound on his face could not be concealed.

Everyone immediately understood why this ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was so long!

It turned out to be waiting for him!

However, what did King Jin do?

With his martial arts cultivation, everyone really rarely sees him injured.

The emperor also stared at Nalan Jinnian closely, as if he wanted to see if his skin was injured.


No, the Four Kingdoms are restless now. The Seventeenth Emperor is a God of War in the eyes of the Four Kingdoms. It is very possible that they sent someone to assassinate the Seventeenth Emperor!

In the future, let him bring more people by his side.

Qin Tianjian said at this time: "Nalan Kingdom will be framed by disaster stars in the past two years, it is best to hold a grand happy event to celebrate.

It coincides with the time when the heaven-sent marriage between King Jin and Princess Hui'an is about to blossom and bear fruit. Today, I would like to ask the master to pray to heaven for the two of them! Let's see when the two get married, which will benefit the prosperity of Nalan Kingdom! "

Everyone: "."

The host of Guofo Temple nodded: "Over there, please come up with Princess Hui'an and King Jin!"

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