The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1166 Peach Blossom Tribulation

Nalan Jinnian walked up to Nuannuan, held out his hand to her, and smiled slightly: "Let's go! Let's go up together."

Wen Nuan glanced at his hand, it was fine.

She looked down at the other hand again. The wound on the back of the hand seemed to be scratched by a rock.

Seeing this, Nalan Jinnian's smile deepened, and he whispered: "I'm fine, go up first. Don't you want to know when we will get married?"

He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time!

Nuan nodded and put his hand on his palm.

Nalan Jinnian walked up to the altar holding warm hands.

Qin Tianjian said loudly: "The dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and the perfect combination is perfect. Please invite a new couple to bow down to the heaven and the earth and pray for blessings!"

The two knelt down on the two futons in front of the desk.

"Pray to God, everyone, kneel!"

People around, except the emperor and queen mother, also knelt down.

This ceremony surprised everyone again.

This is the ceremony of the empress's wedding again?

The host of the Guofo Temple began to recite the scriptures. There are three articles to recite in total. The first article is to announce good news to heaven, the second article is to pray for the two people, and the third article is to pray for the blessings of the world. Working together can bring endless benefits to the common people in the world!

Concubine Li Gui knelt on the ground, clenched her fists in anger, her body trembling slightly.

Although Qin Tianjian said so, he said that he wanted to hold a grand happy event to dilute the bad luck brought by the disaster star.

But from the very beginning, the ceremony where King Jin and Princess Hui'an chose a happy day was the wedding ceremony of Empress Nalan!

Although all the emperors of Nalan Kingdom were married when they came to the throne, no generation of emperors has ever held this ceremony.

But Concubine Li Gui still knew that this was a wedding ceremony for the emperor and empress.

Originally, I thought it would be fine to choose the date, but now the date is announced according to the ceremony and etiquette of the emperor's wedding?

Is the emperor going too far?

Did he really want to pass the throne to his younger brother instead of his own son?

No wonder the second prince kept grounding his feet. She reminded the emperor that he didn't take it seriously.

Is this worried that the second prince will come out to compete for the throne with his precious seventeenth brother after the ban is lifted?

Concubine Li Gui raised her head and glanced at the emperor who was standing beside the empress dowager, and she was looking at Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an lovingly.

Concubine Li Gui felt even more frustrated!

The emperor is out of his mind, is it better to treat a younger brother than his own son?

Two quarters of an hour later, the abbot of the Guofo Temple finally finished praying, and he picked up the peachwood box with both hands, turned around, and presented it respectfully to Nalan Jinnian: "Please open the peachwood box together, King Jin and Princess Hui'an, and see what God has done for you. Chosen auspicious day."

Nalan Jinnian took it over and glanced at Wen Nuan.

Nuan Nuan reached out and opened the gilded copper lock on the top, and then the two of them glanced at each other, and opened the mahogany box together in unison.

I saw a golden light and purple light bursting out at the moment the box was opened, and it was fleeting!

It was so fast that everyone thought it was just the light reflected by the golden lock on the box under the sun.

Nuan Nuan looked at the bright yellow satin brocade lying quietly in a century-old mahogany box, on which a black gold dragon and a colorful phoenix were embroidered with multicolored silk threads. The special effects are the same.

She couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, and her expression couldn't help becoming more devout.

The abbot of the Guofo Temple said at this time: "Give it to the old man! The old man announces this happy day to the heaven and the common people."

Nalan Jinnian raised the box above his head respectfully, and presented it to the presiding officer of the Guofo Temple.

The support of Guofo Temple took it and put it on the desk. The bright yellow silk brocade inside was opened, took a look, and then began to read: "I would like to follow the order of the universe, blessed by God, and the auspicious day bestowed by heaven on the tenth day of Anyuan On September 29th of the fifth year, the heaven and the earth are dense, Xianheng celebrates the meeting, a hundred years of reunion, gold and jade, long life and wealth, dragon and phoenix will make auspicious marriage forever!"

September 29th, less than 20 days away, although Nalan Jinnian felt it was a bit late, but he was still satisfied!

Qin Tianjian said loudly: "The date has been fixed, King Jin, Princess Hui'an can thank the heavens and the earth."

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian said goodbye.

So far, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is finally over.

When Qin Tianjian announced "Licheng", everyone who knelt for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager drives back to the palace!"

Everyone bowed their hands and saluted: "Send off the emperor, send off the empress dowager!"

The emperor escorted the empress dowager back to the Kangning Palace first, and he asked Nalan Jinnian's row of good people to escort the presiding officer of the Guofo Temple back to the Guofo Temple, and then went to the imperial study to discuss matters.

Everyone dispersed.

Concubine Ning pushed Prince Ning's son: "Go and send your grandmother back to the palace, find an opportunity later, and ask the emperor to order a marriage."

Concubine Ning left these words, and hurried to the direction where Qin Tianjian left. She still has to go to Qin Tianjian to ask for life!

After Qin Tianjian and the host of the Guofo Temple said goodbye, he left in a hurry. He wanted to go back and continue to complete the details of the wedding day, such as which time is auspicious, which direction is auspicious, getting on and off the car, which direction to face to welcome the god of happiness, Which way to welcome the god of honor, which side to sit on the tent to welcome the god of blessing, what kind of zodiac to avoid is auspicious, these details will be followed up by Qin Tianjian, and follow the above rules one by one when getting married. Come and do it without any mistakes.

He's been busy recently, and he hasn't figured out the details of Prince An's son's marriage yet!

If this son and King Jin are not married, the two of them will not be married together. Once they get married, they will all get married in the same month. He is so busy with his rhythm!


Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian send the abbot of the Guofo Temple away from the palace together.

Arriving at the gate of the palace, Nalan Jinnian helped the presiding officer of the Guofo Temple get into the carriage.

Warmly and respectfully bowed to the abbot of Guofo Temple: "Master, go slowly!"

The host of Guofo Temple took a look at the warm face, and then pinched his fingers to make the calculation: "Princess Hui'an has a peach blossom calamity, I'm afraid it will take a long time, the two of you should pay more attention."

He finally understood why it wasn't Nalan Jinnian who came last night!

Nalan Jinnian's face instantly turned black!

What the hell is Peach Blossom Tribulation?

Is it too late?

Whoever dares to stop him from getting married will be killed by him!

Wen Nuan hurriedly saluted and thanked: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me."

As for the Peach Blossom Tribulation?

Nuannuan didn't think she had any rotten peach blossoms!

Nalan Jinnian: "How to resolve it?"

The presiding master of the Guofo Temple waved his hand: "The heavenly secret must not be revealed! I am leaving!"

The host master waved his hand, and the carriage started to move.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the carriage slowly going away: "."

Since the secret cannot be leaked, what did he say about peach blossom disaster!

"Let's go!" Nuan Nuan tugged at his sleeve.

"Yeah." The two turned around and walked into the palace.

Nalan Jinnian still believed what the host of the Guofo Temple said.

If you want to say what kind of rotten peach blossoms are in Nuannuan, the first thing Nalan Jinnian thinks of is Di Junxian.

On the way back, he met several men in black who intercepted him. Their martial arts moves resembled the martial arts of Beiming Kingdom.

The whereabouts of Di Junxian suddenly disappeared, could it be that he came to Nalan Kingdom?

Healed up so quickly?

Nalan Jinnian thought of someone and paused: Jia Jingyu!

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