The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1170 Master Fang, you have to resist!

Nuan Nuan didn't even look at the backs of the three fleeing in embarrassment, she said to the soldiers: "Continue to check carefully, don't miss a single piece. Unqualified cotton clothes can't be sent to the soldiers at the border, and it would be a waste of manpower and material resources .Soldiers can’t wear unqualified cotton padded clothes, lest they get sick! The safety of our Nalan Kingdom has to be guarded by the soldiers on the border!”

"Yes!" A hundred soldiers responded loudly.

Some of them have also suffered from these shoddy cotton clothes, so naturally they will check carefully.

So the soldiers continued to check the cotton-padded clothes in various prefectures. This time, no one dared to say anything about the bad cotton-padded clothes they took out, so they took them back silently.

This day was busy until it was dark, before Wen Nuan registered a total of 600,000 cotton-padded clothes sent by all the mansions one by one, packed them in front of the other party, and asked the other party to sign on the packaged seal.

Of course, Warmth only left those qualified cotton-padded clothes, those shoddy cotton-padded clothes made of old cotton, blackened and moldy cotton, all of which were returned.

She took on the responsibility of delivering cotton coats to the border soldiers, and the gift lists of all the mansions stated how many pieces of high-quality thick new cotton coats and trousers!

If this is not checked in person, and the unscrupulous padded clothes are exposed in the future, maybe someone will say that she lost her bag halfway!

This is why Wen Nuan checks each item one by one.

Those unqualified cotton-padded clothes are all wrapped in good cotton-padded clothes. Isn't this a deliberate deception?

Nuannuan took the matter of collecting cotton so carefully, and because Huang Hengxi and others made such a fuss, the whole city knew about it!

All the prefectures in the capital were so lively that the tile roofs were almost torn off!

Minister of the Ministry of Industry was hurriedly called back to the mansion by Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. When he heard about this, his face turned green with anger!

He pointed at Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and cursed: "Stupid! Why did you use some rotten cotton to pass it off as a good one? You really killed me now! Good things have turned into bad things!"

Huang Hengxi was there wiping away tears: "Mother, I've lost all face and I can't meet anyone! How could you do such a thing!"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry became even more angry when he heard the words: "And you! You still say that you are ashamed? Are you out of your mind? The soldiers checked out that there is something wrong with the cotton-padded clothes. Why are you shouting? The whole city knows that you are satisfied now. ? You have lost all my face!"

It is estimated that the imperial censor's impeachment memorials are full of the emperor's dragon case!

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is rarely helpless!

She wiped her tears and said, "We donated 10,000 sets of cotton clothes! This year, due to the war, the four countries cannot get cotton. Nalan is not a land rich in cotton, so cotton is very expensive. The price has doubled compared to last year. If a set of cotton clothes is made entirely of new cotton, it will cost half a tael of silver! Ten thousand sets, that will cost five thousand taels!"

Xianggong also said that the cotton coat should be the thickest one!

The thickest kind of cotton-padded clothes, if all new cotton is used, will cost 600 yuan a set!

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry did not dare to say: In fact, only many cotton clothes were mixed with old cotton, but the soldiers did not check it out.

Otherwise, it's all back!

The minister of the Ministry of Industry was so angry that his beard turned up: "Why are you saving so much money? Is our house short of five thousand taels?"

He works in the Ministry of Industry, which is the most lucrative department besides the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households!

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry: "It's not like I haven't tried it before. I don't know that Princess Hui'an will let the soldiers check one by one this time. Can you blame me? I asked you too, and you said it was a trivial matter! "

Minister of the Ministry of Industry: "..."

It's a trivial matter, if you don't make a fuss, it's nothing at all!

But little things are made big!

He looked at Huang Hengxi.

Huang Hengxi immediately said angrily: "The Princess Hui'an did it on purpose. I stopped her from tearing our cotton padded clothes, and she did it on purpose!"

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry slapped the table with his palm, and said through gritted teeth: "County Huian and King Jin are targeting me on purpose! For the current plan, the only thing we can do is to say that those tattered cotton clothes are sent to outsiders to make them. People dumped the old cotton bags! Then don’t send a thousand sets of cotton clothes to the frontline soldiers!”

"What? One thousand sets!!" Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry stood up excitedly!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry glared at her: "Otherwise, what do you want? If you don't do this, you will lose your reputation! You are shameless, and I want shame!"

After finishing speaking, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry flicked his sleeves and went to the concubine!

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry lay on the table and wept bitterly.


Concubine Li Gui heard that the cotton coat donated by the Second Prince's Mansion was torn face to face by Nuan Nuan, revealing the yellow and black cotton inside, she was so angry that she swept everything on the table to the ground.

The ladies of the palace knelt down for a room!

"It's Princess Hui'an again! This Princess Hui'an can't die if I don't fight against him? I'm so mad!"

Although those cotton clothes were said to be the cotton clothes of the Second Prince's Mansion, the cotton clothes of Concubine Li Gui and the Second Prince were all made by the Li Mansion.

The second concubine donated so many cotton clothes, just to get the emperor's appreciation, and then ask for a favor, so that the second prince can lift the ban as soon as possible and come out to deal with the government affairs. Now that the four countries are provoking, isn't it a good time to make meritorious service?

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by warmth again and again!

"County Huian is really the nemesis of evil!"

Why didn't the second concubine kill her back then?

It's fine if you can't destroy it, and you have lost your own son!

Why can't Princess Hui'an be killed?

She doesn't believe it, she can't be killed!

"Send a letter to Li Yuanzheng asking him to make another 5,000 cotton-padded clothes immediately, and then push the matter to outside processing people!"

The people in Deng's mansion were similar, they scolded Wen Nuan from head to toe, and then those who pushed the matter to the outside were greedy for petty gains and deliberately swapped their new cotton with old cotton.


The Minister of the Household Department and the Minister of the Ministry of War are discussing matters in the Imperial Study Room, and they are going out of the palace together, so they will talk about it right away!

Hubu Shangshu couldn't help but praise: "The head of Hui'an County is careful and thoughtful."

Minister of the Ministry of War smiled: "That's not it! It's not easy to check one by one, hundreds of thousands of cotton-padded clothes!"

It's not like this didn't happen before!

The soldiers on the frontier could only swallow the pain in silence after receiving such cotton padded clothes!

The Minister of the Ministry of War glanced at the Minister of the Household Department, and said with a smile: "Now, it is estimated that the number of donated cotton clothes will double again! You have solved a problem for you!"

Hubu Shangshu smiled: "That's not true! This year's cotton is really expensive! Save as much as you can!"

If Beiming and Nalan really fought, there would definitely be casualties.

And the cotton clothes will also be damaged, so it will naturally need to be replenished in the future!

Minister of the Ministry of War sighed: "I'm not afraid of being expensive, the most fearful thing is not having one!"

Hubu Shangshu frowned again: "I just hope that the cold winter will pass soon."

Minister of the Ministry of War: "How can it be so fast, the real winter has not yet come! Master Fang, you have to resist!"

Minister of War patted his old friend on the shoulder!

There will be plenty of places for the Ministry of War to spend money in the future!

Hubu Shangshu: "."

Turned around and left without saying hello!


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