After Wen Nuan finished collecting the cotton-padded clothes, he arranged for soldiers to send out the cotton-padded clothes and some medicinal materials overnight.

I was so busy until it was dark that I came back.

Nalan Jinnian came back one step earlier than her, and fell asleep lying on the recliner in the warm room.

He's been too busy recently, so he went out to do some errands before dawn today, and he was also tired.

Hearing Nuan's footsteps, Nalan Jinnian opened his eyes, stood up, walked to the round table, and poured a glass of water for Nuan.

Nuan Nuan came in at this time, and he stepped forward to help her take off the cloak, and handed the cloak to Zi Wan who came in with Nuan Nuan to serve her.

Nuan Nuan said to Zi Wan, "Set the meal!"


Nalan Jinnian took the warm hand, feeling a little cold, "Are you tired? Drink some hot tea to warm up your body."

Nuan Nuan took it, sat down, drank it in one gulp, and said indifferently: "It's okay, but I'm afraid I may offend some people."

Nalan Jinnian's eyes shone, and he sat down: "If you offend, you will offend! Who would dare to trip you up?"

Nuan Nuan shook his head: "It's not like I was tripped up, it's just that someone shoddy the donated padded clothes, and I returned them in public."

She originally did good deeds and wanted to gain a good reputation, but in the end she was humiliated in public by Nuan Nuan and lost her reputation. Naturally, she would blame her for being troublesome in her heart!

However, the problem of food and clothing for the soldiers who guard the frontier, use their lives to protect their homes and the country, and protect the people cannot be ignored.

If you stand in the wind, frost, rain and snow without a thick cotton coat to keep out the cold, and the soldiers get sick from the cold, who will defend the country?

Nuan simply told about the fact that some mansions mixed some shoddy cotton clothes with the donated cotton clothes.

Of the 600,000 pieces and 300,000 sets of cotton-padded clothes donated by various prefectures in the capital this time, only 50,000 sets are very thick cotton-padded clothes that can be sent to northern Xinjiang. Of the remaining 250,000 sets of cotton-padded clothes, 230,000 sets are relatively thin cotton-padded clothes, which can also be sent to the southern border.

That is to say, there are 20,000 sets that are substandard and remade from old cotton, moldy and blackened cotton.

Nalan Jinnian was not surprised when he heard this: "Hypocrisy! All the thick new cotton padded clothes are written on the list, but in the end they did such a thing, who can blame this?!"

At this time, Zi Wan brought in the dinner: "Princess, King Jin, please have a meal!"

Warmly looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Have you eaten yet?"

Nalan Jinnian picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chicken wing and put it in a warm bowl: "Wait for you to eat together."

"Then eat quickly!"


The two were eating in silence, at this time Feng Nianchen hurried in from the outside, saw the two were eating, and immediately said to Zi Wan: "Zi Wan, quickly give me the pair of bowls and chopsticks! If you go out for a day, Ben will starve to death." Son!"

The things outside are really not for people to eat!

He had lunch outside, and lost his appetite after eating half of it.

It's better to stay in Anguo Gong's mansion and concentrate on studying medical skills, and eat and sleep well every day.

Feng Nianchen sat down in front of the two of them, and reached out to grab the golden chicken leg to eat.

Nalan Jinnian hit his paw with a chopstick.

Feng Nianchen quickly withdrew his hands: "Hey, hey..., I went out to investigate things for you, so I'm so hungry! No one will eat this meal!"

"Pick it with chopsticks!" Nalan Jinnian said in disgust.

Feng Nianchen rolled his eyes.

At this time, Zi Wan put a pair of bowls and chopsticks in front of him: "Mr. Feng, please! I'll add some more dishes for you!"

Feng Nianchen said with a smile: "Miss Ziwan is still sensible!"

Wen Nuan curiously said: "Brother Feng, what did you go to check?"

"Jia Jingyu." Feng Nianchen picked up the chicken leg and gnawed on it.

"What did you find? Where is she now?" Nalan Jinnian also asked at this time.

Feng Nianchen ignored him, and continued eating the chicken legs before saying: "I haven't found out where she is, but Jia Jingyu did let people from the Godly Doctor Valley buy a lot of medicinal materials, but those medicinal materials are not wound medicines. Let me take a closer look." After a while, I found that there were not many medicinal materials for treating colds and fevers. Of course, there are also wound medicines, but not many, which are similar to the amount purchased by Miracle Doctor Valley on weekdays! As long as it is not wound medicine, Miracle Doctor Valley is not considered to participate in the wars of various countries. "

"Medical materials for cold and fever?" Nuan Nuan asked in surprise.

"En." Feng Nianchen took out the list of medicinal materials she mainly bought.

Nuan put down his chopsticks and took a look.

It is indeed a medicinal material mainly used to treat common cold and fever, and the purchase is not complete.

"But why did she buy so many common medicinal materials for no reason?"

Feng Nianchen: "It's not surprising that Miracle Doctor Valley sometimes buys a large amount of medicinal materials for the disciples of Miracle Doctor Valley to learn alchemy!"

Nalan Jinnian took a look at the list of medicinal materials, under the influence of warmth and wind Nianchen, Nalan Jinnian also knew some prescriptions for treating common colds and fevers: "But the medicinal materials are not purchased completely, and there are a few missing. Everything is the same! Are there many stocks of these medicinal materials in the Divine Doctor Valley?"

Feng Nianchen glanced at it, and shook his head: "I don't know, but probably not! Those medicinal materials are often used, and they have to be purchased every time! Probably because the drug dealers in Nalan Kingdom don't have too many medicines. Buy more of these herbs!"

Nalan Jinnian has already grasped which medicinal materials are in the hands of the major drug dealers in Nalan Kingdom and how many are in stock.

Nalan Jinnian's icy eyes were dim, and he said coldly, "No! These medicinal materials are in Nalan's state-owned stock. I want the list of those medicinal materials that you, Miracle Doctor Valley, have purchased in large quantities in other countries!"

Feng Nianchen paused for a while: "You suspect that she deliberately purchases medicinal materials in different countries."


It's not that simple.

"I'll check it out, but I'm afraid it won't be so fast!" After all, it's not a matter in Nalan's country, and it will take time to contact people in other countries.



Nalan Jinnian always felt that this matter was very important!

He vaguely felt that something was going to happen.

He looked at Wen Nuan: "In addition to treating common cold and fever, what else can these medicinal materials be used for? Is it useful for the miasma in southern Xinjiang?"

"Many, different medicinal materials can be combined to treat different diseases, plus other medicinal materials, it is also useful to relieve the poison of miasma! Like these kinds of medicinal materials, plus ... can cure plague, this is what I said before. treat.."

Nuan Shuo stopped here.

Feng Nianchen paused.

Nalan Jinnian clenched the chopsticks in his hand.

"No way?" Feng Nianchen said in shock!

But he felt in his heart that this was probably the truth!

There is nothing the frenzied Beiming people can't do.

"I have to guard against it!" Nalan Jinnian pursed his lips tightly after speaking.

If the plague broke out suddenly, it would naturally affect his marriage.

Feng Nianchen nodded solemnly: "I will find out what medicinal materials Miracle Doctor Valley purchased in other countries! As soon as possible!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

But he wouldn't simply expect Feng Nianchen to find out something as soon as possible.

If it's really a plague, no matter how fast he finds out, it will be too late!

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