The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1172 Artistic sense, sense of medical skills?

In the following days, Nalan Jinnian was busy outside, and even Feng Nianchen, who stayed by the medicine stove all day, disappeared.

Wen Nuan was free, so she was ordered by Mrs. Wu to stay in the house and make some clothes properly.

Although she married King Jin, the wedding dresses were all made by the House of Internal Affairs in the palace, and there was no need to warm all the clothes.

But Mrs. Wu thinks that Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian wear the underwear, so Wen Nuan has to make it himself!

Will these underwear be handed over to others in the future?

So Wen Nuan stayed in the same room with Wu Jingmei, making clothes for their marriage.

Wu Jingmei only made half of it, and Wen Nuan has already finished one!

This speed is simply amazing!

Wu Jingmei was amazed at Nuan Nuan's speed, she also knew that Nuan Wen was not very good at stitching, she took a look and found that the stitches were big and even, looking very neat, but the stitches were too big, and the sewing method was different from the normal ones , looks like a big centipede lying on it.

"Miss Nuan, your needlework has improved a lot! The stitches are even, not bad, not bad! But it's not sewn like this, it should be run horizontally like this, as close as possible, and it's best not to see the stitches." The clothes passed to her to see.

Nuannuan glanced at it and smiled: "It doesn't matter, as long as it can be sewed together! I am familiar with this stitch method, so I just sewed it like this! Besides, I think it looks pretty like this! Don't you think it is very artistic? Walk the thread horizontally I'm not familiar with it, it's so densely sewn, it's like ants crawling, it's not good-looking, so let's do it like this!"

Wu Jingmei: "."

Crawling like an ant is better than crawling on a centipede, right?

"The traces of needlework look too obvious! It affects the appearance! And your stitches are so big, the clothes should be one size smaller! Who taught you how to stitch? How did you become proficient in such stitches? "

Wen Nuan: "It's okay, I thought about it, I deliberately cut it a little bigger, so that the seam fits just right! No one taught me this stitch, I practiced it by sewing wounds."

Look how smart she is!

In this way, even needlework can be done quickly and well!

Wu Jingmei: "."

Artistic sense?

In her opinion, it's not an artistic sense, but a sense of medical skills!


Wen Nuan stayed in the house and made clothes for five days. With her fast and good work efficiency, she quickly made enough underwear for her and Nalan Jinnian to wear for a quarter.

It rained a lot last night, and when I woke up today, it was a little bit colder.

Wen Nuan is washing up, and Zi Wan is preparing meals: "Girl, today's weather is much colder. I see that all the courtyards have burnt charcoal stoves. Do we want to burn charcoal stoves in our house?"

In this kind of weather, warmth is unnecessary, but Zi Wan and Wu Jingmei are more afraid of the cold.

Wu Jingmei estimated that she would come over to do needlework, so she nodded: "Burn it!"

"Okay!" Zi Wan happily responded.

Wen Nuan thought about why it is just right to eat roasted sweet potatoes in this weather, sweet and sweet, and said: "By the way, take a few sweet potatoes and bake them in the stove. They don't need to be too big, just two or three fingers thick."

"Okay, girls can eat it, it's easy to cook, and you don't have to worry about being full." After setting up breakfast, Zi Wan hurried to get the charcoal stove and sweet potatoes.

While Wen Nuan was eating, Nalan Jinnian walked in with a serious expression.

Nuannuan is a little afraid to see him put on such an expression, every time there must be nothing good!

But he still asked, "Have you found anything?"

Nalan Jinnian sat down and nodded: "I sent people to guard the medical clinics in several counties near the capital to count the number of people with cold and fever. In the past two days, we found that there were people with fever in two counties. More and more every day! After eating breakfast, you and I go to see if those people have the plague?"

Nuannuan nodded: "Okay, then eat quickly! Let's go and have a look after eating."

If it's really a plague, those people will be in trouble moving around.

Now it is approaching the end of the year, and it is the time when merchants from all over the world start to be active.

After the words fell, the action of warming and eating porridge was about to rise.

Nalan Jinnian: "Don't worry, eat slowly, I have ordered to keep an eye on those who have fever."


After the two of them had breakfast, Nuan Nuan asked Zi Wan and Mrs. Wu to tell her that she was going out of the city and would not go home for lunch at noon, and then rode out of the city in a hurry with Nalan Jinnian.

Just as they were leaving the city, there was a house somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

Di Junxian drank a bowl of medicine until there was not a single drop left.

He looked at Jia Jingyu who was calling for his pulse and asked, "How is the plague?"

Jia Jingyu withdrew her hand and said with a smile: "It's going well! There are obviously more people infected in the past two days, and it's really God's help! Today's weather is so cold, I believe there will be more people infected! In two or three days, I believe the epidemic will be out of control."

"The people of Nalan Kingdom didn't notice anything unusual, did they?"

The corners of Jia Jingyan's mouth curled up slightly: "Don't worry, sixth prince, I just arranged this matter in a few small towns and villages. These small towns are where the most traders settle. It’s far away! Even if the people of Nalan Kingdom find out, it’s too late! If you don’t take away a layer of their skin, you won’t be able to solve this problem!”

Di Junxian showed a sneer: "Okay! After two days, you can go to the capital to find a place and put some plague rats in the well water. It is best to find a water source to put them in."

When the entire capital is infected with the plague, he wants to see how the marriage between Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an will be held?

Internal and external troubles, four kingdoms besieged, he wants to see what Nalan Kingdom can do to be opposed by their Beiming Kingdom!

He wants to see how long Nalan Kingdom can last?

Nalan Jinnian wants to fight with him?

Want to fight Beiming?

Simply overwhelmed!

"Yes!" Jia Jingyu replied.

What did Di Junxian think of again, he said to Jia Jingyu: "You step back!"

"Yes!" Jia Jingyu backed out holding the medicine bowl.

"Zhang Yu!"

Zhang Yu came in, clasped his fists and saluted, "Master."

"What happened to Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an recently? Have you left the city?"

"King Jin of Nalan Kingdom has been going to the barracks lately when he leaves early and returns late. Princess Hui'an has not gone out for several days. Presumably he is preparing for his marriage in the mansion!"

Di Junxian nodded when he heard the words: "Send someone to keep an eye on the movements of the two of you!"



An hour later, Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian came to a medical center in a small town near the outskirts of Beijing.

In order not to startle the snake, Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian came over in disguise this time.

This medical clinic is the largest medical clinic in this town. At the moment, there are more than 20 people waiting to see a doctor, most of them are old people and children.

People in the line coughed a few times from time to time, two elderly people kept coughing, and an infant child kept crying.

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