The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1174 Unexpectedly, it's true!

"Did you hurt your head before? This place." Nuan touched a certain part of her head with her hand.

The Zhongnan man stared wide-eyed at Wen Nuan's movements. This little doctor didn't even touch his head just now, how could he know that his head was injured? And even know where it hurts!

The middle-aged man nodded frequently: "Yes, yes, young master, you are really amazing! When I was building a house for someone half a month ago, I accidentally fell from the roof and hit my head with a piece of wood. Hit here!"

The people who lined up felt even more surprised now!

This little brother is too powerful, right?

Just by taking a pulse, you can know that half a month ago, his head was injured?

"Didn't you see a doctor at that time?"

"At that time, I saw a doctor, prescribed two doses of medicine, and drank it for two days, and then I felt that I was fine, so I didn't care about it. Little doctor, could it be that my headache this time has something to do with it?"

Nuan Nuan didn't answer his question, but said, "There is still a blood clot in your injury, which is oppressing the optic nerve, that's why you feel that you can't see clearly recently."

"I see. I'm still surprised. I went to the city to see the doctor before, and the doctor in the city didn't see any problem with my eyes. Little doctor, you are really amazing!"

"Also, do you suffer from stomach pain? If you have been hungry for a long time, or if you are too full, here." Nuan pointed to his stomach, "It will hurt!"

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, I can't be hungry or full!"

Nuan Nuan continued: "Also, every spring and summer, yours." Having said that, Nuan Nuan lowered his head and pointed to his feet, and continued: "It's unbearably itchy!"

The middle-aged man glanced down at his feet wearing shoes, and nodded his head like crazy: "Yes, yes, many doctors don't like it! Little doctor, how do you tell I'm wearing shoes?"

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Of course it came from the pulse number!"

Everyone who lined up to see a doctor was dumbfounded!

After checking the pulse for a short while, I saw so many problems!

It's too powerful!

The old doctor was giving the pulse, but he was also shocked at this moment.

Are the apprentices taught by the imperial doctors of the imperial hospital so powerful?

At this time, the old woman in front of the middle-aged man grabbed Wen Nuan's hand: "Little doctor, please help me! Help me! I feel so bad all over!"

Others in line also said: "Little doctor, help me look! My lungs are crooked from coughing!"

"Little doctor, help me first! My foot hurts so much that I can't even stand!"

Seeing so many people asking for Nuannuan to help them see a doctor, the middle-aged man became anxious: "Go and go, everyone is waiting in line! The little doctor helped me see the doctor first! I haven't finished reading this yet!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he grabbed Wen Nuan Ling's hand: "Little doctor, help me! I'm really suffering, help me!"

"Little doctor, I'm also suffering, please help me first!"

"Little doctor, save my child,"

Wen Nuan smiled at everyone, and said comfortingly: "Everyone, don't worry, this uncle's condition is quite serious. I'll help him read it first, and then show it to everyone. Everyone just wait in line."

The uncle heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then looked at the crowd in embarrassment: "Everyone agrees! My illness is more serious, so the little doctor will look at me first!"

That being said, it is an honor to say that his illness is more serious!

Everyone rolled their eyes!

Wen Nuan clasped his fists to the middle-aged man and said, "Uncle, if you trust me, I will give you an injection to relieve your current headache first, how about it?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "You can trust it! The little doctor knows my physical condition simply by relying on the pulse signal. He is simply a miracle doctor!"

Warm and modest, said: "Don't dare to be called a genius doctor, if the uncle trusts me, please invite me!"

Wen Nuan finished speaking and said to the old doctor: "Sir, is there a hospital bed here? I want to give this uncle an injection?"

"Doctor Fang actually knows how to use golden needles?"

Nuan Nuan smiled and admitted it.

"Yes, yes! It's right behind, Lin Tao, take Doctor Fang and the patient there, see if there is anything you need, and try to meet Doctor Fang's request." The old doctor hurriedly ordered.

The county magistrate said that Dr. Fang is a disciple of the imperial physician of the imperial hospital, and his medical skills are very good!

He was skeptical at first, but he didn't expect it to be true!

Lin Tao said excitedly: "Doctor Fang please!"

He also wanted to see what the legendary golden needle technique was like?

The old doctor also wants to see, but there are too many patients in front of him, he can't go away!


Wen Nuan and the middle-aged man went to the inner room and gave him needles.

The old man was still grabbing the medicine just now, but he didn't leave. He wanted to see if Nuannuan was really that powerful.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wen Nuan and a middle-aged man came out.

The old man just stepped forward and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's much better! The whole person is much more comfortable! The little doctor's medical skills are amazing!"

The middle-aged man felt that his head didn't hurt so much, and he felt much more comfortable.

Nuan Nuan smiled and said: "I'll prescribe some medicines for you. You have to take the medicines on time. The first medicine needs to be taken for three days, and the second medicine must be taken for at least seven days before the blood clot on your head will dissipate." Go. For stomach problems, follow the medicinal recipes I gave you and take care of them slowly. For foot problems, follow the medicinal materials in the prescriptions I gave you. Go up the mountain to find some mountain herbs to decoct in water and soak your feet. Don’t make mistakes in a few prescriptions. "

"Thank you, little doctor! I can't make a mistake! Little doctor, you are really a miracle doctor!"

Wen Nuan touched the tip of his nose again: "Also, did the bag on your nose fester yesterday? Did you squeeze it with your hands?"

"Yes, it's just a pustules, just squeeze it out, what's wrong with this pustules?" The middle-aged uncle is now convinced of Nuan's medical skills.

"Your headache this time is mainly related to the pustules on your nose. From the center of the brows to the corners of the mouth, you should remember that this is the dangerous triangle. In the future, there will be acne here. Don't squeeze it if it suppurates." Warmth in your own A triangle was drawn on the face.

"Don't squeeze around, then what should I do if my dangerous triangle area develops acne and festers?"

Wen Nuan taught him how to deal with pustules, how to go up the mountain to find some anti-inflammatory and sterilizing raw herbs and boil water to clean them.

Then she gave the middle-aged man a prescription: "You continue to line up, and wait a while to see if the prescription is right for the old doctor!"

The middle-aged man is already feeling much better. Once he believed in warm medical skills: "No, no! I'll grab the medicine and fry it!"

Old doctor: "."

He also wanted to see if he could see such a problem just from one pulse signal! Especially the blood clot on the head!

And why the danger triangle? Why can't the pustules on the nose be squeezed?

The old doctor waved to the middle-aged man: "Brother, wait a moment, I'll show you!"

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