The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1175 It's not from the imperial court anyway!

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "No need! Doctor, you can do your work! There are so many people waiting! I'll just use the little doctor's prescription!"

The middle-aged man gave the prescription to the drug boy and asked him to get him the medicine quickly.

Old doctor: "."

But patients are like this, whoever cures him will trust him.

He felt that the man's medical skills were superb.


Next, it will be much easier for Nuan Nuan to see a doctor for others!

All the people in line stretched out their hands, waiting for Nuan Nuan to help signal their pulse!

As long as Wen Nuan has one pulse, he can tell all the hidden diseases in a person.

Let those people admire!

Call Hua Tuo to be reborn.

The line turned around unknowingly, and those who lined up turned to face Nuan, waiting for Nuan to consult them.


After the old doctor finished writing the prescription, he looked up and found that the whole team had turned completely!

Everyone turned their backs on him!

"Ahem. Next!"

The patient at the front turned his head and said with an apologetic expression: "Doctor, please show it to others first! I want to show it to the little doctor!"

Old doctor: "."

The one I regret the most is the old man just now, I really want Nuan Nuan to take my pulse again!


Until all the patients left with smiles as if they had picked up a big deal, the sun was almost setting.

Nalan Jinnian was already waiting for her in a room in the backyard of the hospital, and the county magistrate was also there.

Wen Nuan walked into the room with the old doctor.

The county magistrate immediately saluted Nuan Nuan: "Your Majesty has met Princess Hui'an!"

Princess Huian?

The old doctor's eyes widened!

The legendary Princess Huian who can grow rice with a yield of a thousand catties per mu, who lives in a temple can win the cities of the Four Kingdoms, and can fight on the battlefield when riding a horse?

Is Princess Huian even so good at medicine?

Therefore, Princess Huian can not only grow rice with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu, live in the temple, win the cities of the four kingdoms, mount a horse to fight in the battlefield, and heal the disease but also rejuvenate!

The old doctor saluted Nuannuan respectfully: "Caomin has met Princess Hui'an!"

Nuan Nuan hurriedly said: "You two don't need to be too polite!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the sky and said, "Sit down and talk!"

The county magistrate immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, His Royal Highness King Jin!"

The old doctor: "His Royal Highness King Jin?!!!"

He wanted to salute again.

Nalan Jinnian saw his intention and stopped him: "Doctor sit down and talk, it's getting late, we have to hurry back to Beijing!"

It means don't take these vain rituals into consideration anymore and waste time.

The old doctor didn't dare to answer, and hurriedly said: "Yes, His Royal Highness King Jin."

Nuannuan sat beside Nalan Jinnian.

The county magistrate and the old doctor sat at the bottom of the two respectively.

The old doctor was a little uneasy, why did King Jin and Princess Hui'an appear in his clinic at the same time?

Could it be that something happened to the patients he treated in his clinic, and they doubted their medical skills?

This should not be the case!

Nalan Jinnian looked at Nuannuan: "What's the result?"

Nodding warmly and solemnly: "Among the patients I saw today, five of them were infected with the plague."

Nalan Jinnian clenched his fists: What a Beiming country!

What a Dijunxian!

What a Jia Jingyu!

"What?! Plague!!!" The old doctor jumped up from his seat in fright.

No wonder Princess Huian registered the addresses of those patients just now, and said that he might come to see them at that time.

The county magistrate also broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words: plague! ! !

The plague will kill people, and many people will die!

The old doctor: "Princess Hui'an, really? It's not like many people are sick! It can't be a plague, right?"

Wen Nuan glanced at him: "Sir, don't panic, this time we came here just to discuss with the county magistrate and others how to solve this plague in the future. According to the current situation, it is still early to find out, as long as Handle it properly and it will be resolved soon!"

The old doctor said anxiously, "However, the plague can be transmitted from person to person, and one person can infect the whole village! I don't know who got this plague now, and those who got it go around, and they might infect the whole town. If someone infected with the plague went to other counties and towns, the situation would be even worse!"

"Master Huian County, if you really saw that those people had the plague just now, those patients should not be allowed to go home! They will infect their families and villagers in the village with the plague! And they will go home You will come into contact with many people on the road, and anyone who comes into contact with it may be infected with the plague."

Speaking of this, he looked at the county magistrate: "My lord, I suggest that the city be closed and the people not be allowed to enter and leave the house at will! The village should also be closed, and the villagers should not be allowed to enter and exit at will! Only in this way can the spread of the plague be curbed quickly. And notify the neighbors The county magistrate and medical clinic in the city, let them pay attention to whether there are patients with plague. Once found, let the patients gather together, it is best to close the city, let everyone stay at home, and do not go out unless necessary. Find the plague source!"

"The plague will not appear for no reason. It may be transmitted from rats to humans, or from poultry to humans. Only by finding the source can the plague be contained as soon as possible. His Royal Highness King Jin, to avoid the loss of life, please ask Your Majesty As long as there is a plague, the city will be closed! As long as the city is closed for a month or two, the plague will disappear! In this way, the interests of Nalan Kingdom and the people will not be seriously damaged! Otherwise, if the plague is raging, it is so difficult to purchase medicinal materials. Many medicinal materials and drug dealers are out of stock, and without medicinal materials, the consequences will be disastrous."

Closing the city is a major event, and it needs to be reported to the court and approved by the emperor!

In general, except for wars, in peaceful times, there has never been a city closure.

It has been more than a hundred years since the founding of Nalan Kingdom, and there has been no closure of the city.

If he didn't know that King Jin and Princess Hui'an were here today, he wouldn't have suggested closing the city.

Wen Nuan nodded: "Mr.'s opinion is very good. This is indeed the best way to make the plague disappear as soon as possible when the plague occurs! However, I have a prescription in my hand to treat and prevent this plague. The current situation is not good. Need to go to the situation where the city is closed."

The old doctor shook his head: "County Huian doesn't know, all the medicine merchants have no medicinal materials! Many medicinal materials are in short supply!"

He knew that the imperial court had a good cure for the plague, by the way, it seemed that Princess Hui'an came up with this prescription, and he had forgotten it!

But now the medicinal materials are too scarce!

He heard from doctors in many medical centers that they couldn't buy common medicinal materials. Fortunately, their pharmacies still had some in stock.

But if there is a plague, the few herbs in the pharmacy will definitely not be enough!

Wen Wen: "Don't worry, there will be medicinal materials, and the imperial court will distribute the decoctions for treating and preventing plagues in various cities for free! Ordinary people only need to drink one dose a day and they will not be infected. Patients drink three doses a day, and they will recover within three days." It can be cured!"

Nuan Nuan used the amount of purple qi to heal those patients. Through the amount of purple qi consumed, he knew that the plague was not very severe, nor was it contagious.

It's just that in this era where colds and fevers may kill people at any time, everyone changes color when they hear the plague.

And if she nourishes those medicinal materials with purple qi, the medicinal effect will be stronger!

Just now she diagnosed several patients of the plague, she treated them with purple gas, they are no longer contagious, that's why she let them go home.

The county magistrate's eyes widened when he heard the words: "How much money does this cost? Can the court afford it?"

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "Anyway, it's not from the imperial court! Why should we delay the livelihood of the people of Nalan Kingdom?"

By the way, get some tonics, so it's good for the common people to keep fit.

Therefore, it would be best to see that the more people "infected with the epidemic", the better!

Let the common people pretend to be very serious!

This is what Nalan Jinnian and Wen Nuan discussed with the county magistrate and doctor.

The source Nalan Jinnian went out to investigate for a day today, and he probably has already found it!

He wants to lure wolves out of their dens!

County magistrate: "."

Old doctor: "."

If it's not from the imperial court, who is it?

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