Warmth, after Nalan Jinnian discussed things with the county magistrate and the old doctor, it was completely dark.

The two stayed in the inn.

Eat dinner and wait until late at night.

Nalan Jinnian came to a well with warmth.

"Almost all the people in the west of the city draw water from this well. Today I also found someone sneaking around this well. The plague patients you diagnosed also live in this area."


Nuan thought about it, if the source of the plague was released, it would be better to start with the poor.

Because poor people are sick, they usually choose to endure it for a few days to see if they can get better. It is getting more and more uncomfortable, so they choose to see a doctor.

This delay for a few days can make the plague spread faster.

Moreover, it is not as easy to be discovered if it is shot from the poor people than from the rich.

After all, rich people are sick, and they can afford famous doctors, so that it is possible to detect the appearance of the plague earlier.

And if you want the source of the plague to spread faster, the place to release it is naturally the water source.

Because everyone cannot do without water every day.

Wen Nuan squatted down, and probed into the depths of the well.

Nalan Jinnian reached out to hold her, worried that she would accidentally fall.

At this time, the county magistrate hurried over with a few government servants and the old doctor.

Seeing that the two were already waiting here, he hurriedly pleaded guilty: "The official is late, please His Royal Highness King Jin to make amends!"

He had arrived half an hour earlier, but he did not expect King Jin and Princess Hui'an to arrive first.

Had I known earlier, I would have been a quarter of an hour earlier!

Nuan Nuan stood up, glanced at the long bamboo pole in the hand of the Yacha, waved his hand and said, "We are here early, sir, don't be too polite! Please, sir, ask someone to salvage it and see if there is anything at the bottom of the well."

"Yes!" The county magistrate replied.

Then he said to the two yamen servants: "Hurry up and borrow the bamboo poles to see if there is any dirt at the bottom of the well!"


Several yamen servants responded and hurried to do it.

This well is a deep water well dug by the government, which is specially used for the people in the west of this town.

This well is very deep. Even in the severe drought that was rare in fifty years in the past few years, this well has never dried up, but the water level is almost bottoming out.

So the people in the yamen also know how deep the well is.

They connected three bamboo poles together, and then the two of them went into the well with the bamboo poles to salvage.

Can't see what's going on down the well.

The pressure of the well water also clouded one's judgment.

The two messed around at the bottom of the well based on their feelings, and after a while, they vaguely felt that they had bumped into something.

"It seems that there is really something!" One of the servants said excitedly.

"Yes, I feel it too!"

The county magistrate excitedly said: "Catch it quickly!"

The two stirred in the well water again, and then slowly pulled up the bamboo pole.

Everyone saw a small thing in the net pocket.

"Rat?!" The county magistrate exclaimed.

The yacha dumped the contents of the net bag on the ground.

In the night, a mouse that was swollen from soaking, turned white, and its fur started to fall off, lay there quietly.

The old doctor paused, looked down at the rat, and was angry in his heart: "It's true that someone threw plague rats into the well?"

The county magistrate was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "It's simply unreasonable! How can such an outrageous thing be done! Who did it?"

Nalan Jinnian said coldly: "Keep fishing! See if there are any more!"

If they can be salvaged, it proves that their guess is correct.

The yacha hurriedly stretched the bamboo pole into the well water, and salvaged it seriously again.


This is no joke!

The more the county magistrate thought about it, the more frightened he became, and cold sweat broke out on his back: "His Royal Highness King Jin, something is wrong!"

The well water in this well is used by half of the people in the west of the city!

The population in the west of the city accounts for more than half of the entire town's population!

The county magistrate spoke out about the situation.

"Would it mean that the people in the west of the city have been infected with the plague? It's just that it hasn't broken out yet?"

If the entire town is infected with the plague, then this little county magistrate of him will really be at the end!

Regardless of whether someone deliberately released the plague rats, it was due to his improper management, which gave the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Besides, King Jin said, maybe that person didn't just release the plague in this town.

One town is enough for him to be afraid, but with a few more, his parents can die and apologize!

Wen Nuan had been watching the mouse, and upon hearing this, she looked up at the county magistrate, and comforted her, "Don't worry, my lord, it won't happen, everyone has some resistance, and besides, everyone pumped well water and went back to cook. Boil water to drink, as long as the water has been boiled, it is not afraid to eat and use. If you are afraid, you are afraid to drink the well water directly. But now the weather is cold, it is not a hot summer, I think most people will not drink raw water directly! "

The county magistrate can't guarantee it!

"I hope! But some people are thirsty and tired when they come back from work. It's normal to drink a ladle of water directly from the water tank."

Nuan nodded: "That's why some people are infected with the plague!"

The county magistrate was a little dizzy, yes!

If someone is infected, it will be transmitted from person to person!

At this time, the yacha took out another mouse.

The county was even more dizzy.


It's almost the end of the year, and something like this happened!

This year's political performance is good, the grain of the whole county has doubled several times, because the people in the village do all kinds of small businesses, and the taxes have increased a lot.

He repaired the water conservancy and built a bridge!

I thought the official position could be raised up!

And here comes the plague!

I dare not think about it, as long as I don't get dismissed from office!

If he finds out who put the plague rats into the well, he will definitely crush that person!

"Continue!" Nalan Jinnian said coldly.

The Yacha then fished in the well water for a long time, and then he gave up after making sure that there were no more.

The county magistrate pointed to several yamen servants: "You burn these two plague rats, be careful, don't touch them, you two sealed this well!"

The county magistrate looked at the well with some heartache. What a good well, it was destroyed by two dead rats!

The well has never run out of water.

"Yes!" Yacha immediately responded.

Wen Nuan said at this moment: "There is no need to seal the well, I have a way to make the well water clean. Just deal with those two plague rats."

After Nuan finished speaking, she squatted down, took out a bottle from her arms, pulled out the cork, and poured the medicinal juice in the bottle into the well water.

She pressed her hands to the edge of the well, mobilized the purple air, and used the purple air to purify the well water.

The county magistrate: "."

Can such a bottle of concoction really make the well water clean?

He looked at the old doctor.

The old doctor shrugged, he didn't know either!

Next, Nalan Jinnian and the county magistrate went to other wells in the town to salvage.

Two dead mice were also recovered from two other wells.

In this way, the night passed, and the sky was almost bright.

And there is still a lot to do today.

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