The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1178 Make it bigger as soon as you make it!

Both Dijunxian and Fengdi looked at Jia Jingdiao.

Jia Jingyu immediately denied it: "No! Senior Brother Feng has always disliked meddling in the matter of Miracle Doctor Gu. He would not have discovered this matter."

Apart from being interested in medical skills and food, Senior Brother Feng has never seen him be interested in anything else!

If he had the heart to manage the affairs of the Miracle Doctor Valley, the future owner of the Miracle Doctor Valley would not fall on her.

Fengdi: "Then why was someone discovering what you were doing? Besides, Miracle Doctor Li has already retreated. If someone told him, how would he know?"

Jia Jingxuan shook her head: "I don't know, maybe the master has already left the customs! No, I have to go back."

Feng Di took a look at Di Junxian: "But, if you go back now, what about the injuries on the sixth prince's body? And what about the things you planned?"

Di Junxian didn't speak, he always felt that this matter was not simple.

Di Junxian thought of something, and suddenly shouted: "Zhang Yu!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Go and find out if Feng Nianchen has left the capital recently. Let people keep an eye on the whereabouts of Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an! If there is any trouble, let me know immediately!"


Zhang Yu went away in response.

Jia Jingyu took a look at Di Junxian, and continued: "The sixth prince's health is almost in good condition, just take medicine on time every day. Judging from today's situation, no matter what, the plague has spread! As long as Nalan Kingdom does not medicinal materials, the situation will only get worse day by day! So don’t worry at all!”

Di Junxian tapped the table lightly with his fingers and said, "Then what if the people from Nalan Kingdom pretended to be pirates to steal those medicinal materials?"

The plague was discovered in Nalan Kingdom here, and the yamen provided soup and medicine to the people for free, but the medicinal materials on the other side were robbed by pirates!

How do you look at it, how closely related!

He suspected that Nalan Jinnian had seen through their plan and they had fallen into his trap.

After fighting many times, Di Junxian smelled Nalan Jinnian's strange tricks.

Nalan Jinnian's intelligence networks in various countries are very powerful, and this is what he admires and fears about him.

For so many years, he has been trying to find out Nalan Jinnian's nail in Beiming Kingdom, but he only found out one, and the others were hidden too deeply, and he didn't even know who they were.

Jia Jingyu smiled: "Don't worry, that batch of medicinal materials is incomplete after all! This prescription is missing one medicine, and the effect will be worse! As long as the other medicinal materials we buy don't fall into their hands! Six Prince, the master called me back, so I have to go back. In fact, I went back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, which is more convenient for my sixth prince to serve. Our Beiming Kingdom will definitely conquer Nalan Kingdom and unify the world soon!"

At that time, she was also considered a great hero, and the position of princess could never escape.

Princess Hui'an is just the princess of a small Nalan Kingdom, but she is the princess of a big country that unifies the world and a whole continent!

Imagination is beautiful, but Jia Jingyu didn't know that, next, she was too busy to take care of herself, and she still wanted to work for Di Junxian.

In the end, Jia Jingyu went to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors overnight, and Di Junxian felt uneasy after she left!

As far as the plague is concerned, if you don’t do it, it’s enough, and if you do it, you have to make it bigger!

Now that the people of Nalan Kingdom have discovered it, to avoid wasting their work, Di Junxian sent some more people to release plague rats in wells and water sources in the capital, near the capital, and even further away.

It is not enough to release plague rats in one or two counties! He wanted the entire Nalan Kingdom to be infected with the plague, and then their Beiming Kingdom would win without a fight.


After Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian returned to the capital, Nalan Jinnian went directly to the capital to report the plague and the next deployment to the emperor.

Wen Nuan went back to the yard to freshen up, slept for a while, and it was time for lunch.

Zi Wan walked in and just saw Wen Nuan waking up, and said, "Miss is awake, sister Dou Kou from Madam's room just now came to invite you to the main courtyard for dinner. Master Ning and Madam Ning also came. They came to Beijing after receiving the news Come to participate in the marriage between the cousin girl and the girl!"

For these things, she fell asleep when Nuan came back. Everyone in the family knew that Nuan worked hard. If she slept during the day, it proved that she must have been busy with court affairs last night, so she usually would not wake her up.

Nuannuan nodded: "Well, I see. Let's go!"

It happened that she had something to ask Master Ning and Mrs. Ning about.


After the meal, the family sat in the flower hall talking and drinking tea.

Nuan Nuan found a chance to speak and said, "Mother-in-law, father-in-law, did you notice anything unusual when you came all the way from Jianghuai Mansion? Did you notice anything unusual when the Ning family's caravan was traveling by water?"

Master Ning and Mrs. Ning glanced at each other upon hearing this.

Madam Ning looked bewildered.

She didn't notice anything unusual!

Master Ning thought for a while and said, "What is Princess Hui'an referring to? Is it referring to the fact that a batch of medicinal materials from the Miracle Doctor Valley was robbed by pirates?"

However, the Valley of Divine Doctors is independent from the Five Kingdoms, and the affairs of the Valley of Divine Doctors should have nothing to do with the imperial court.

"Yesterday, I went to Qinghe County and found that several people were infected with the plague. I wanted to ask my in-laws and my mother if they had seen any abnormalities in the medical centers in other counties on their way to Beijing."

"Plague?" Wu's face turned pale.

Everyone in the room turned pale when they heard the word plague!

"Why is there another plague all of a sudden?" Wen Jiarui frowned.

It's really a wave of ups and downs!

If the plague is serious, how can the court afford it? !

Mrs. Ning's face turned pale. They came all the way, but they stopped in many places. They also stayed in Qinghe County for a day, so they must not be infected with the plague!

Master Ning was fine, he frowned and thought for a while and said: "We will stay in each city for a day or two along the way, and check the business of the shop by the way, and we didn't find a lot of people when we passed the medical hall."

Wen Nuan nodded. Nalan Jinnian had already sent someone to investigate this matter. She said this just to remind everyone to pay attention. By the way, she also wanted to see if Master Ning noticed anything unusual.

Wen Nuan continued: "Recently there may be a plague spreading around the capital, everyone can go out as little as possible. Especially the second sister and sister-in-law, you are pregnant, you should pay more attention."

Wen Xin and Wen Jiamei nodded hurriedly: "I'm not going out!"

"I'm not going out either!"

Wen Xin even wanted to bring Lin Tingya to live in Anguo Gong's mansion together before the end of the plague.

At least if there is any discomfort in the body, you can find warmth or Wen Ran to see it immediately!

The others also nodded solemnly: "Understood, I don't go out recently!"

Nuannuan looked at Wu Qiye: "Second Uncle, you should pay attention to changing your clothes before entering the house after you go out!"

Wu Qiye hurriedly said, "I'm not going out!"

For the safety and health of Jiamei and the baby in his womb, he will not go out even if he is suffocated to death.

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