Nuannuan looked at Mrs. Ye: "Auntie, have you prepared everything for my cousin's wedding? If not, you can make a list for me, and I'll send someone to find it."

Wen Nuan knew that Ye Shi and Wu Qihua went out every day to prepare dowry for Wu Jingmei these days.

Mrs. Ye was worried about the plague, when she heard Wen Nuan calling her, she froze for a moment and said: "Everything is ready! I went to Qinghe County to see Zhuangzi the day before yesterday. Sister Nuan, why don't you show me? I also Feeling a little sick! That day I."

Mrs. Ye told about what happened in Qinghe County that day.

That day, Mrs. Ye saw an old man squatting on the side of the road coughing non-stop, feeling very uncomfortable, so she kindly helped her to the hospital to see a doctor.

She felt that the old man's hand was very hot, obviously feverish.

Thinking about it now, the old man must have had the plague, right?

If this is the case, let Sister Nuan take a look, find out as soon as possible, and take precautions, so as not to hurt the whole family.

And Nuan Nuan didn't mention that there was a plague, but when Nuan Nuan mentioned it, Ye felt uncomfortable all over!

She couldn't help touching her forehead.

Wen Ling was taken aback when she heard the words, she had eaten at the same table as Mrs. Ye these two days!

She was also feeling uneasy, and couldn't help but said: "Sister Nuan, please help me to see it too! I feel uncomfortable when I wake up in the morning!"

Wen Qian looked at Wen Ling: "Are you not feeling well? Why didn't I hear you when I woke up this morning?"

Wen Ling: "I think this is a small problem. I thought it was because I didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't say it. Now, I didn't say it because I was worried about the plague, so as not to infect everyone."

In fact, Wen Ling couldn't sleep well these few nights. The Seventh Prince heard that he had gone to the military camp these few days, and she had no chance to see him.

Mrs. Ning thought of something and took the opportunity to say: "Master Hui'an, we stayed in Qinghe County for half a day the day before yesterday, and I feel a little dizzy now too! Please help me to see it too! Show Sister Rou and Huai Jie too, They contacted me for a day."

Mrs. Ning took a look at Wen Wen, thinking that maybe Wen Wen was pregnant at this time!

Yesterday she secretly asked the servant girl in Ruanrou's room, the relationship between the two couples is very good!

Water is needed almost every night, and the gentle menstruation is accurate.

The relationship is so good, and the two of them have no physical problems. They have been married for more than half a year, why can't they conceive? !

She was worried that someone from the Ning family would trip them up behind their backs, so she took this opportunity to let Nuan Hao pulse check to see if they had been poisoned.

This warmth is a bit pregnant, the two sisters are twins, and they got married on the same day, there is no reason why they are so far apart!

Although Mrs. Ning wanted to hug her grandson, she was not in a hurry, she was really gentle and young, but she was afraid of being trapped, and when she saw Wenxin was pregnant, she was worried that someone in the mansion would be bribed by her clansmen to make it difficult for Wenwen to conceive.

Mrs. Ning also lost a child back then.

Mrs. Ning is not easy to ask Nuan Wen and Ning Huaijie to check their bodies, so as not to burden Wen Wen and Ning Huaijie, and worry that Wen Nuan's family will misunderstand that she is anxious to have a child.

Besides, it's not easy to spread the family ugliness, and she really has no face to tell the Ning family's secrets in the Anguo government, so as to save them from worrying and loving tenderness.

After all, the whole family is united as one, and they love each other, so they live a comfortable life!

Given this opportunity, Mrs. Ning took the opportunity to speak.

Ning Huaijie frowned: "Mother, Wen Rou and I are not uncomfortable, what's there to see?"

Don't think he doesn't know what her mother asked the maid.

Wenrou is a little nervous now, always wondering why she is not pregnant yet, and this month, she cooks this stew and that drink for herself every day!

Morning, noon, evening, afternoon tea plus supper, five cups of stewed soup a day.

He almost vomited!

Can't eat anything else.

If mother is like this, she will only become more nervous if Ruan Ruan knows about it.

He was worried that he would have to drink tonic soup every hour in the future!

Besides, he doesn't want to have a child so soon now!

He and Wenrou have only been married for a few months, what's the rush?

But Wenrou wants it, and Wenrou wants it, so he will work hard, anyway, he wants it too.

But it seemed that the harder he worked and the more impatient he was, the less this child would come.

Just what he wanted!

Good boy!

Mrs. Ning: "It's good to have a look, I'm worried that if I contract the plague, I will infect you!"

Warm smile comforted him and said: "My mother-in-law is right, so let's take a look! Auntie and mother-in-law don't worry, I'll show you! Why don't sister Ran and I get a pulse for everyone in the family today!"

Wu Shi: "Sister Nuan is right, everyone should look at it, and everyone can rest assured. After all, everyone at home is busy these days, and everyone has gone out. The servants should also look at it, especially those in charge of purchasing. Cardamom, go and get all the servants of the mansion to gather together and call for the Ping An vein."

"Yes!" Cardamom replied and went out.

Next, Nuan Nuan and Wen Ran took the pulse of the family members and servants together.

Nothing happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

People in the family have lettuce to eat every day, so there is no need to worry about the warmth.

After all, lettuce has the effect of curing diseases and strengthening the body.

But people are like this. When they hear about the plague and they have been out again, they will inevitably feel suspicious, so they just take a look, and everyone feels at ease.

Wen Nuan said to Master Ning: "Master, there is one thing I need to trouble you to help with!"

After hearing the words, Master Ning hurriedly said: "Princess Hui'an is being polite, why don't you bother? One family doesn't talk about two families, so if Princess Hui'an has any orders, just say it! I will do my best!"

"The caravan of the Ning family has traveled all over the world. I want to use the caravan of the Ning family to help transport some things."

"There is no problem with this! Whatever Princess Hui'an wants to send, just say it! Our Ning family will definitely deliver it for you!"

"I want to ask my in-laws to help deliver a batch of medicinal materials to various counties across the country."

Master Ning hurriedly said: "There is no problem! It's just the end of the year, and we have a lot of goods to be delivered to various counties! Other countries have to deliver goods! This matter can be arranged by Huaijie! Princess Hui'an and Huaijie just talk to each other. okay."

Ning Huaijie nodded: "Yes, just last night I organized the caravans for the New Year's goods in various counties and came out, ready to deliver."

Of course Wen Nuan knew that talking to Ning Huaijie would do, but Master Ning was there, so out of respect, he naturally spoke to Master Ning.

"That's a hard work, brother-in-law! I'll tell you the list of medicinal materials that will be shipped to various places and the location of the warehouse. Please ask someone to check and arrange delivery."

"What are you talking about! Why are you working so hard? I will definitely help you."

Wen Ran was surprised at this moment and said: "Sister, why are you transporting medicinal materials to all parts of the country? Do you suspect that there will be a plague in our entire Nalan Kingdom?"

Wen Nuan nodded: "Just in case! This time, someone deliberately released plague rats, so there will be plague outbreaks."

Since that person can cast the plague in one place, he can cast it in multiple places. After all, only in this way can the greatest effect be achieved.

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