The seventh prince almost exploded: "This prince just doesn't hit women!"

Otherwise, he would be beaten on the ground by a woman?

Nuan Nuan smiled, then she was really bullied by Wan Yun!

"It deserves it!"

Seventh Prince: "."

Nuan stood up: "Let's go!"

The Seventh Prince quickly stood up: "Where are you going?"

"Martial arts training ground!" Nuan Nuan said to everyone, and then walked out.

The Seventh Prince hurriedly greeted everyone and followed.

Looking at the two leaving figures, Wen Ling couldn't help but feel lonely for a while.

The Seventh Prince only glanced at himself, and then there was nothing else.

How can she make the Seventh Prince like her?

At the very least, you need to get in touch with each other so that you can develop a relationship, right?

Wen Ling thought of this and was about to stand up.

Wen Qian quickly grabbed her: "Sister Ling, where are you going?"

Wen Ling glanced outside: "I'm a little sleepy, I want to go back to the room and take a nap."

Wen Qian heard the words and said, "I'll be with you!"

Just at this time, Mrs. Wu said: "You young children, go play! You don't need to stay here with us old people."

Wen Ran stood up immediately: "Mother, hello, talk to my father and mother, I'm going back to the health care center! Father, mother, I will make some peace pills for you, and I will take them with me when I go out. Sickness, no sickness, strengthen your body!"

Master Ning laughed and said, "Haha. The uncle really wants to thank sister Ran!"

Wen Ran smiled and said, "You're welcome!"

After speaking, he ran out.

Wen Qian and Wen Ling also took the opportunity to stand up, said to Wang Shi and Wu Shi, and left.

After Wen Ling left the flower hall, she said to Wen Qian: "Sister, you go back to the house first! I'll go to the kitchen to see what to eat."

Then he ran away in a hurry!

Wen Qian: "."

Isn't this just dinner?

Why did you go to the kitchen to see what to eat?

But Wen Qian ignored her and went back to the house by herself.

martial arts field

Nuan Nuan and the Seventh Prince are fighting.

No, it's the Seventh Prince, but it's easy to be beaten by warm long legs!

The Seventh Prince's movements were fast, his moves were fierce, and his fists were flying like wildfire.

But as long as he gets close to the attack range of Nuan Nuan's legs, no matter how he dodges, he will be kicked away by Nuan Nuan's kick!

This time was no exception, the Seventh Prince fell heavily on the ground, at the entrance of the training ground.

Wen Ling came in with two bowls of lotus seed soup, and saw the seventh prince being kicked away by Nuannuan.

He was so frightened that he quickly put the tray in his hand on the ground, and ran to help the seventh prince: "Seventh prince, are you okay?"

This is already the tenth time that the Seventh Prince has been kicked away by Nuannuan. His whole body hurts so much that he feels that all his internal organs have been displaced!

Warm and lightly said: "Get up and continue!"

The Seventh Prince waved his hand, let him spread his body for a while longer!

It hurts!

After hearing this, Wen Ling couldn't help but said: "Sister Nuan, a martial arts competition is a martial arts competition, and it should be ordered as soon as possible! The Seventh Prince has a noble status, how could you strike so hard! What if you hurt the Seventh Prince? ? Look, the Seventh Prince can't even get up!"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and looked at the Seventh Prince worriedly, and carefully stroked his body with her hands: "Seventh Prince, are you okay? Where are you hurt? I'll help you into the house first, Apply medicine to your wound!"

Nuan raised her eyebrows: "Are you still practicing? If not, I'm leaving!"

The Seventh Prince waved Wen Ling's hand away, jumped up, and said to Nuan: "Continue!"

He is about to lead a team to the battlefield to defend his country, how can he be so weak!

Not to mention defending the country with such a weakness, it may even cause other soldiers to lose their lives!

Today he finally understands why Uncle Seventeen asked the three of them to go to the barracks to lead troops for training for a period of time. After training, they can defeat Wan Yun and lead the female soldiers to the battlefield!

Wen Ling quickly supported the seventh prince, and said to Wen Nuan: "Sister Nuan, the seventh prince is injured like this, how can you practice?"

The Seventh Prince was so annoyed, he waved her hand away: "Go away! Are you annoyed!"

Wen Ling: "."

She only cares about the seventh prince, why does the seventh prince feel annoying?

The Seventh Prince quickly ran towards Nuannuan. After running a few steps, he jumped into the air and kicked Nuannuan quickly with both feet.

Wen Nuan spun around, dodged in a flash, and at the same time kicked him directly on the waist from his side, sending him flying!

"Seventh prince!" Wen Ling screamed and rushed over quickly.

The Seventh Prince slammed on Wen Ling's body, and his hand just slammed on her face, knocking her unconscious!

The Seventh Prince stood up, and looked at the people on the ground with disgust: "Why is your cousin so annoying today?"

If it wasn't for his warm face, he would have kicked her away with one kick!

Wen Nuan walked over, knelt down and took a look at Wen Ling, knowing that she was fine, took out a silver needle and hit her chest, and said: "Perhaps she admires you, the Seventh Prince?! Seventh Prince, what do you think?" How about my cousin being your princess?"

Wen Ling's eyelids moved, and she woke up leisurely, just hearing Nuan Nuan's words, she didn't dare to open her eyes for an instant.

Her heart was pounding.

The Seventh Prince's eyes widened when he heard the words. He gave Wen Ling a disgusted look, and then said, "Aunt Seventeen, are you kidding me? You know that I always like beautiful girls. How can I like this ugly monster? Don't you?" Harm me! I will never marry a woman with this appearance and stain my eyes!"

Wan Yun's fierce man-in-law is prettier than her!

Ugly? Wen Ling was so ashamed and angry that she almost burst into tears!

She clenched her fists tightly and closed her eyes tightly, worried that she would cry.

Also, what happened to Miss Nuan?

When did she tell her that she admired the Seventh Prince?

When did she say that she wanted to be the seventh princess!

Why did she slander herself so much in front of the Seventh Prince?

Doesn't this make the Seventh Prince think that he is an unruly woman?

Wen Nuan took a look at Wen Ling, and then said to the Seventh Prince: "I was just joking, why are you so scared!"

After speaking, Nuan Nuan called Chen Huan, who was guarding outside the martial arts training ground, and asked her to send Wen Ling back to the house.

Then she continued to practice martial arts with the Seventh Prince.

Nuannuan and the waiter who was fighting with the Seventh Prince glanced at Wen Ling who was being carried by Chen Huan.

She has asked her to point out the meaning of the Seventh Prince, I hope she can figure it out and stop being so big-hearted.

The Seventh Prince is really not something she can control.

From Nuan Nuan's point of view, it's better for Wen Ling to marry into some wealthy and noble families, it's barely enough to be the head of the house.

A wealthy family, she doesn't have that pattern, so she can't handle it!

Harm others, but also tired themselves.

You must know that marrying a wife is unvirtuous and will harm three generations.

But Nuan also knew that it might not have much effect on her this time.

That's how it is, it's hard to change!

But for Wen Qian's sake, she had to remind her.

It is estimated that she will have a big somersault with the Seventh Prince!

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