The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1182 Daughter of the Second Uncle

The next day, there was a plague in the capital.

In the next two days, more and more people were infected with the plague.

The bustling streets in the past were instantly deserted.

Except for the overcrowded medical hall, most of the other shops are filled with flies and none of them flew in.

The doors of every household are closed, and they will not go out unless they can.

The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital were very busy, because people from the major mansions did not dare to go to the medical center to see a doctor, so they had to ask the imperial physicians to go to the mansion to diagnose and treat everyone in the mansion.

There are many aristocratic families in Beijing, and there are not a few people with hundreds of people in one mansion. An imperial doctor can only see a person from one family a day.

Wen Nuan and Wen Ran went to free clinics outside the city during the day, and Mr. Wu brought people there to deliver the decoction for free. After everyone took a pulse at Nuan and Wen Ran, they could go to Mr. Wu to receive one night of free decoction to prevent the plague.

In the evening, Nuan accompanies the Seventh Prince, Prince An and Prince Ning to practice martial arts.

Nalan Jinnian has been out of Beijing in the past few days, and went to the Valley of Divine Medicine to join Feng Nianchen.

The martial arts of the three of the Seventh Princes were originally very good, but under the warm and high-pressure abuse, they made rapid progress.

Today Wennuan is still a free clinic outside the city. Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Ye took Chen Huan and a few maids to deliver the soup.

This is the fifth day of the warm free clinic.

Wen Ling also came out today.

Distributing soup and medicine to the people for free is a good deed and can get a good reputation.

Now Wu Jingmei and Lin Tingya got together to embroider the dowry. Wen Ling looked upset, so she came out to deliver the soup and medicine, so that she could gain a good reputation in front of the people!

After this incident, the emperor will definitely reward the government, and maybe he will have the opportunity to enter the palace to receive the reward!

Then make a good impression in front of the emperor, and then make a good plan, if there is an opportunity, maybe she can still marry the seventh prince.

In this capital, the son and brother that she can get in touch with, is only the seventh prince with the highest status!

Wen Ling really didn't know who would marry the seventh prince if she didn't marry him?

She has never seen other people, is that the son of the fourth-grade censor of the censorship station?

The status is too low!

The sun in the afternoon was a bit bright, Wen Ling had been standing for a long time, and she was already exhausted.

She could only use frequent excuses to be thirsty and drink water to take a rest.

But if you drink too much of this water, you will feel anxious.

Wen Ling glanced around and whispered to Mrs Wu, "Fourth Aunt, I'm a little anxious, where can I solve this?"

Hearing this, Mrs Wu pointed to a thatched hut next to the official road: "Go there, there is a makeshift latrine there. You go with the maid and let her watch the door for you!"

"Oh." Wen Ling greeted her maid and went into the woods.

Wen Nuan glanced at Wen Ling, and then Chen Huan walked to Wen Nuan's side and whispered, "Hui'an County Master, the person who changed his face is here again."

Wen Wenyan turned to look at the man: "Let Chen Xi follow quietly!"


Nuan explained to Wen Ran, and then she left.

A house on the outskirts of Beijing

Di Junxian held a bowl of decoction and smelled it, and then he gave the decoction to an old man beside him: "Doctor Zhang, have you checked whether the decoction contains health-preserving herbs?"

The old man was the imperial physician of Beiming Kingdom. After Emperor Junxian was injured, he and Jia Jingxuan treated him together.

Now that Jia Jingxuan has left, it is naturally the imperial physician who is watching over him.

And this bowl of soup and medicine is that Di Junxian knew that Nuan was doing a free clinic outside the city, and the Duke of Anguo sent the soup and medicine for free, and specially sent someone to get a bowl back.

Imperial Physician Zhang took it over and smelled it. He felt that the smell of the medicine was indeed strong. He tasted it again, and then nodded: "There are indeed ingredients of health-preserving medicinal materials. The medicinal effects of health-preserving medicinal materials are relatively strong. , the epidemic situation in the capital of Nalan Kingdom can be brought under control within a few days!"

Di Junxian looked at Zhang Yu: "How many people line up to see a doctor today?"

"A lot! I saw a lot of people in the team coughing. But I took a look. The first group of people who contracted the plague were cured, and they stayed at home and dared not go out. This health-preserving medicinal herb is so powerful that even the plague can't get out of the house. God will heal it."

Emperor Junxian didn't worry too much when he heard the words: "It is not easy to grow health-preserving medicinal materials. How could the Duke of Anguo always be able to provide soups and medicines of health-preserving medicinal materials for the people to drink. It is estimated that it will not last for a few days!"

Today is the fifth day of the free delivery of soup and medicine by the Anguo Gongfu.

But Di Junxian is still worried: "You can send someone to put a few plague rats in the city."

Once cured, you can get sick again!

He couldn't believe that the plague could not be used to stop the marriage between the two.


"By the way, check how the epidemic is in other places."

Five days have passed, and there should be outbreaks in many places.


Zhang Yu led the way.

Di Junxian waved to the imperial physician Zhang: "The imperial physician also retire!"


Not long after the two left, Feng Di came to see him.

She walked in and sat next to Di Junxian with a smile: "Sixth prince, my men have caught someone! Guess who?"


"A cousin of Hui'an County Lord."

Di Junxian couldn't help sitting up straight when he heard the words: "Which cousin?"

"It should be the youngest daughter of her second uncle."

As far as he knew, Hui'an County Master was frail and sickly when she was young, and she survived thanks to her second uncle who always gave medicine to save her.

Therefore, she is very kind to his second uncle's family, and Princess Hui'an has always valued love and righteousness, and is very kind to her family and friends. If a cousin falls into his hands, she will definitely come to save her. of!

"Are you sure it's the daughter of the second uncle?"

"Sure, I've already asked. And I saw her handing out the soup with Mrs. Anguo."

"Haha. Good! Where are people locked up?"

If you catch her uncle's daughter, it's useless, but this two uncle's daughter is different~

The daughter of her second uncle has been in the capital, eating and living with their family.

Feng Di smiled: "Basement. Now we have the cousin of the Hui'an County Master in our hands, and the Hui'an County Master will definitely come to rescue her, and then His Highness can take the opportunity to capture her! Then we can go back to China! It's really not safe to stay here."

Di Junxian nodded: "That's right. It's time to go back to China."

The reason why he set up such a big game is that in the end he just wanted to attract warmth here to catch it!

At this time, a carrier pigeon fell on the window sill.

Di Junxian grabbed it, untied the bamboo tube on its claws, took out a paper roll from it, opened it, and his face changed: "Come on!"

At this moment, Zhang Yu and Imperial Physician Zhang hurried back: "Master, we are surrounded!"

Feng Di was startled: "So fast?"

She just caught people back!

Di Junxian: "Who is the leader?"

"The Princess Hui'an and the seventh prince of Nalan."

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