The two looked up at the sky at the same time, and when they saw the purple smoke, their faces changed!

"this is not"

"Drive!" Nalan Jinnian had already turned his horse's head and galloped away in a certain direction!

Feng Nianchen looked at Juechen's leaving figure, closed his mouth wide open, and swallowed back the words that he would not finish speaking in the future, then he looked at the iron-leather carriage and the long queue behind him.

He thought for a while and made a quick decision. He said to the leader of the escorting soldiers: "Send them back and put them directly in the prison! Don't let them run away!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled the rein of the horse, turned the horse's head, clamped the horse's belly, and the white horse under him spread its hooves and chased after Nalan Jinnian's back.

A group of soldiers froze for a moment when they saw the figures of the two leaving in a panic.

Through the window of the iron cage, Jia Jingyu looked thoughtfully at the direction in which the two left.

Could it be that the sixth prince deliberately created some confusion, leading Senior Brother Kaifeng and King Jin to send someone to save him?

Thinking about this, Jia Jingyu couldn't help but look around in the windows of the two iron cages.

The leader of the soldiers who escorted her saw her looking around and couldn't help becoming vigilant. He immediately ordered: "Everyone, be on guard and move forward at full speed!"

The soldiers picked up their weapons one after another, clamped their horses' belly, and left at a faster speed.


Di Junxian was sitting in the cabin with his upper body naked. Doctor Zhang took out the medicine box and planned to bandage the wounds on his hands and shoulders.

"Sixth prince, use some sweat medicine."

"No need! Let's do it!" Di Junxian said without turning his head.

At this moment, he was tilting his head, looking at the sleeping warmth without blinking.

"But, Sixth Prince, the phalanx of your hand should be broken. As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart. You don't need sweat medicine, it will be very painful."

"En." Di Junxian responded softly, and with his uninjured hand, he was playing with a strand of hair scattered on the pillow.

The hair, as smooth as silk, slipped mischievously through his fingers, making him unable to put it down, and he grabbed it and teased it again and again.

So soft!

As a prince, there are naturally many concubines in his mansion, but none of them has hair comparable to hers.

Upon hearing this, Doctor Zhang didn't say anything more, and began to check his injured hand.

Di Junxian looked at Nuan Nuan's face while playing with her hair, and suddenly thought of something, he looked at the scissors on the table that the imperial doctor used to cut gauze, held Nuan Nuan's hair, and said to Fengdi beside him: "Cut come down."

Seeing Di Junxian staring at Nuan Nuan, Feng Di was already flooded with lemon juice, and was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"Cut this hair off."

Fengdi doesn't know why, why Di Junxian cut warm hair.

After thinking about it, she thought of some rumors in Nanjiang Kingdom. Could it be that the sixth prince planned to give Princess Hui'an's hair to the people of Nanjiang Kingdom?

She quickly picked up the scissors and cut off a small lock of warm hair.

Di Junxian grabbed his hair and looked at Fengdi: "Cut it off."

Fengdi: "."

What are you doing?

But she still cut off a handful of Di Junxian's hair as she said.

Di Junxian looked at the two locks of hair on the table and smiled with satisfaction: "Let's make a concentric knot!"

Fengdi: "."

Physician Zhang, who was treating the wound on his hand, was so frightened that he almost crushed his phalanx, which had already been crushed by Nuan Nuan, even more!

Di Junxian frowned, and glanced at Imperial Physician Zhang.

Imperial Physician Zhang hurriedly said: "Your Highness, forgive me, the old man has lost his composure! I will be more careful."

"Continue, let's make it up!" Di Junxian dropped two orders, then ignored the shocked two people, and continued to turn his head to look at the warm sleeping face.



This face is simply too perfect.

Originally, he thought that her eyebrows were trimmed and painted, which was why they were so beautiful. Now that he looked closely, he found that there was no trace of trimming at all, and they grew like this naturally. This is really a favor from God!

There are also those thick, dense and long eyelashes, which are slightly raised up like a small fan. When she opens her eyes, these eyelashes make her eyes look big and lively.

I always thought her eyes were beautiful, and when those eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, they had the charm of bewitching people.

I didn't expect her to be so beautiful with her eyes closed and sleeping soundly.

Fengdi bit her lower lip tightly, and took a look at Nuannuan.

The women of Nalan Kingdom said that Princess Hui'an was a vixen, who made Nalan Kingdom's King Jin, the emperor, so dazed!

Looking at it today, it's really good, and the sixth prince is completely fascinated by her!

Want to marry her?

Fengdi didn't dare to disobey her orders, she reluctantly picked up the lock of hair of God Junxian on the table, picked up a red thread, and tied it with the red thread, so that it was convenient to weave concentric knots.

After Fengdi wrapped Di Junxian's lock of hair, she picked up the warm lock of hair, and when she was about to wrap it with red thread, she paused and glanced at Di Junxian.

I saw him looking at Wen Nuan without blinking. His appearance was so focused that there were only two of them left in the world.

She quietly parted a small section of hair and hid it in her sleeves before wrapping the warm hair with a red rope.

Originally, she wanted to replace it with her own hair, but Wen Nuan's hair was black and shiny, soft as silk. Compared with hers, her hair was obviously rougher than Wen Nuan's dull, so as not to be seen by Di Junxian, Fengdi then give up.

She cursed Nuan Nuan to die soon in her heart, while weaving the concentric knot between the two.

Di Junxian was completely immersed in admiring the warm appearance.

I have never seen a woman's skin so delicate, moist and flawless.

He couldn't help reaching out his hand and gently touching his warm face.

Wen Nuan frowned, moved his eyelids, opened his eyes, and turned his face to God Junxian.

Sensing his hand touching her face, Nuannuan was about to slap her, but found that she couldn't move!

Warm eyes stared at Di Junxian fiercely.

Seeing Nuan Nuan waking up, Di Junxian sighed in his heart, he is so beautiful even when he is angry!

He wanted to win Princess Hui'an's people and her heart.

Naturally, I didn't want to give her a bad impression of taking advantage of others.

He wanted her only when she was awake, and when he really felt how much he loved her, he wanted her!

Di Junxian sat up straight, retracted his hand, and smiled slightly: "Master Hui'an is awake?"

Wen Nuan opened his mouth, only to find that even his Ya point had been tapped.

She looked around and realized that she was on a boat.

The windows on the boat were closed tightly, and she couldn't see the outside scenery, and couldn't judge where she was.

Can't even move!

It has become a fish at the mercy of others!

She simply closed her eyes, thinking that she couldn't see clearly, and she still had to find a way to untie the acupuncture points to solve the predicament in front of her.

There was joy in Di Junxian's eyes, and she was the only one who could be so calm when she found out that she had been arrested!

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