The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1187 The warmth is going crazy!

He smiled: "Forget that your acupoints have been tapped and you can't speak. Don't worry, wait a little longer, and I will unlock your acupoints when you get to the place."

Wen Nuan closed her eyes and ignored him. She mobilized the purple qi in her body, trying to use the purple qi to open the acupuncture points of her body.

I don't know if it will work, she has never tried it.

Di Junxian thought that Wen Nuan hadn't drank a drop of water for so long, so he asked again: "Are you thirsty? Do you want some water?"

Nuan still ignored him.

Di Junxian looked at Fengdi: "Pour a glass of water."

Fengdi: "."

So she became a servant girl who waits on the warmth?

Fengdi poured a glass of water with a dark face.

Di Junxian: "If you want to drink water, open your eyes and I will feed you."

Fengdi's eyes widened upon hearing this!

Physician Zhang trembled as he helped him set his bones!

He originally thought that the Sixth Prince had captured Princess Huian of Nalan Kingdom as a hostage, but now it seems that is not the case!

According to the evidence, the Sixth Prince has taken a fancy to Princess Hui'an of Nalan Kingdom!

It's a sympathetic knot, and it's also a soft-spoken caring, which shows that the sixth prince has a lot of affection for the princess of Nalan Kingdom.

Warm eyes closed.

Di Junxian didn't force her either.

"Don't worry, your second cousin is fine. But your man's stool smashed open the entrance of the secret passage, probably hitting her."

Nuan Nuan closed her eyes, continued to mobilize Zi Qi to concentrate on one acupuncture point, and at the same time she rolled her eyes in her heart!

Of course she knew it would hit her!

She told Chen Xi to smash it with a stool.

Wen Ling was really angry with Wen Nuan, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

The imperial physician is still treating Di Junxian's hand, it hurts!

He talked to her and diverted his attention:

"Princess Hui'an, are you trying to find a way to open the acupuncture points? But my acupuncture technique is very peculiar, no one has ever been able to open it! Don't waste your efforts!"

"Princess Hui'an, please see if the concentric knot is beautiful. It is made of your and my hair." Di Junxian picked up the concentric knot on the table and played with it.

Wen Nuan opened his eyes when he heard the words, and took a look, his eyes were full of disgust: It's just perverted!

As if Di Junxian didn't see the disgust in Nuan Nuan's eyes, he continued: "We'll arrive at our destination in two quarters of an hour. When we arrive at our destination, we can pay homage to our marriage."


What the hell is marriage?

The master of the Guofo Temple said that she had a peach blossom calamity, so it turned out that she really had a peach blossom calamity!

Di Junxian saw that Nuan Nuan's eyes were full of anger, and smiled: "From today on, you will be the concubine of my Di Junxian! The sixth concubine of Beiming Kingdom! Don't worry, when we return to Beiming Kingdom, we will There will be another grand wedding. I will inform Shikoku of our marriage."

Wen Nuan couldn't stand it anymore, she closed her eyes and began to attack the acupoints.

This man is simply crazy!

A person from outside came in: "Master, an eagle appeared in the sky."

Warm heart moved.

Is it Xiao Hei?

No, Xiao Hei went to the Tanglin border, and he hasn't come back yet.

It will be back tomorrow morning at the earliest.

Xiao Wu also followed, the recent news on the border is really too much.

So it should be just a passing eagle!

Di Junxian raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry about it! As long as Princess Hui'an and I don't go out, can an eagle tell that there is Princess Hui'an on that ship?"

What's more, this ship was originally the cargo ship of a local merchant in Nalan Kingdom.

They had long since replaced the skiff they left.

Di Junxian looked at Wen Nuan: "Is Nalan Jinnian's eagle looking for you? When do you think Nalan Jinnian will find you?"

"We are going to get married tonight. If he moves quickly, you will already be mine when he finds you. Do you think he wants you?"

"If he moves slowly, it will take at least a month or two to find him. By then we have already returned to Beiming Kingdom! Maybe you are pregnant with my child!"

The warmth is insane!

Where is the lunatic, God, won't you accept it?

I really want to fall asleep again!

Just when Wen Nuan was trying to endure someone's crazy words, Nalan Jinnian was standing on the bow of the boat, looking into the distance.

His hands gripped the ship's railing tightly.

In the cabin, Feng Nianchen is leading people to interrogate Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was already covered in blood, and there was no complete part of his body.

Wen Ling huddled in a corner, her face was covered with dried blood, and she cried silently.

The reason why she was crying silently was because she was kicked into this corner by Nalan Jinnian when she cried aloud before.

Feng Nianchen looked at Zhang Yu who was stubborn and smiled: "Don't tell me?! All the ports have been blocked and you can't go out to the sea! And on this river, as soon as your master's boat docks, there will be Being discovered. It doesn't matter if you say it or not!"

Zhang Yu hangs his head, dying, and doesn't speak a word in a daze.

The boat does not have to dock at the ferry!

Feng Nianchen picked up a jar and poured the honey inside on Zhang Yu's body.

Zhang Yu smelled the sweetness of honey, subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked it.


But he absolutely didn't believe that they were so kind to feed themselves honey!

What are they up to?

Feng Nianchen looked at Zhang Yu and sneered, "Heh, throw it into the bucket of man-eating ants!"

Chen Huan immediately picked him up.

Chen Xi pushed open a large wooden barrel, and the walls of the wooden barrel were covered with red ants, densely packed, making one's scalp tingle!

A look of fear flashed in Zhang Yu's eyes.

It is said that man-eating ants can eat people bit by bit, until there are no bones left!

Feng Nianchen raised his hands and said, "I've given you another chance, do you want to say it?!"

Zhang Yu closed his eyes.

He can't betray his master!

"Throw it in!"

Chen Huan directly threw him into the barrel!

The man-eating ants smelled the sweet scent, and immediately covered Zhang Yu's body.


A scream came out.

"Dock!" Nalan Jinnian at the bow suddenly ordered.

After hearing this, Feng Nianchen ran out quickly.

"Seventeen, have you found Nuan Nuan's whereabouts?"

Nalan Jinnian did not speak, but stared closely at a small boat on the shore.

Chen Huan also ran out at this time, and she recognized the boat at a glance: "Master, this is the boat!"

The big ship soon docked at the shore, but hadn't come to a complete stop yet.

Nalan Jinnian jumped down.

He looked around on the boat, and found a familiar earring lying in the corner.

This is what he gave to the little girl.

Nalan Jinnian bent down and picked it up.

Feng Nianchen also jumped down at this time: "Will they go ashore here?"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "The ship has changed."

The boat obviously came here with the river.

"Then what should we do? There is a forked branch in front, and it will be even more difficult to find!" Feng Nianchen said anxiously.

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