Nalan Jinnian squeezed the earring in his hand, looked into the distance, and said calmly, "What do you think?"

Feng Nianchen: "..."

How does he know?

If he knew, he would immediately run to save people!

Feng Nianchen still thought about it: "He will hurry up and go to sea! After going to sea, he can return to Beiming country."

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "No, he won't."

Di Junxian will try his best to get the people and things he likes. After getting them, he will completely take them or destroy them, so as not to let others have a chance to take them back.

The boat soon reached the forking channel.

Nalan Jinnian gave up the sea route, and the boat turned into a tributary.

Nalan Jinnian has been standing at the bow of the boat, looking at both sides, trying to find some clues.

All the ports and docks have been under martial law. It is impossible for Di Junxian to go ashore from the docks, and he can only dock by the river.

There are countless possibilities!


In the evening, the boat stopped and landed in a place without a dock.

Wen Nuan, who could not move, was hugged horizontally by Di Junxian and got off the boat.

Feng Di, Imperial Physician Zhang, and several guards got off the boat.

Then the boat left quickly.

Di Junxian quickly went ashore with warmth in his arms, and then walked into the woods.

Inside parked a carriage and some horses.

Di Junxian got into the carriage with Nuan Nuan in his arms, Feng Di and Doctor Zhang also got into the carriage afterward, the others rode on horses, and the group left the place quickly.

A quarter of an hour later, they came to a two-entry house deep in the woods.

Nuan Nuan was carried out of the carriage by Di Junxian, and Di Jun Xian smiled at Nuan Nuan: "Here we are!"

Nuannuan glanced at the plaque on the gate, Li Mansion.

She rolled her eyes, looked around as much as she could, and found that she had never been to this place.

Di Junxian entered the mansion with Nuan Nuan in his arms, walked all the way into the main room, and put her on the bed in the inner room.

Sitting beside the bed, Di Junxian held his warm hand and said affectionately, "I've wronged you, I will unlock your acupoints after we get married and worship."

Warmth gave him a blank stare

Di Junxian didn't care either, he said to the two maids in the room: "Make up and change clothes for Princess Hui'an!"

"Yes!" The two maids saluted respectfully.

Di Junxian smiled at Nuan Nuan on the bed: "Nuan Nuan, wait for me for a while, I'll go take a shower and change clothes, and we'll get married in a while."

Warm until she rolled her eyes at him!

Di Junxian doesn't mind, even if Princess Hui'an rolls her eyes, she is still very good-looking!

He strode out with a smile on his face.

As for women, even if they don't want to at first, when she really becomes their own woman, as long as they take good care of her, their hearts will gradually soften, and then they will give up on themselves.

It's not that he hasn't conquered other women, and he still has some understanding of women.

However, Princess Hui'an should be different. She has a stronger temper, but no matter how strong a woman is, she will become soft when she is deeply affectionate.

Even if she can't conquer her for a while, after having a child, things will gradually change.

Of course, it doesn't matter if he can't conquer it all his life, as long as she is by his side, it's fine for him to belong to him alone!

Di Junxian hurriedly walked to another room.

Fengdi walked towards him with two bottles in his hand, stopped three steps away, and saluted him: "Sixth Prince."

Di Junxian nodded and looked at the bottle in her hand.

Fengdi smiled: "This is what Doctor Zhang asked me to take for Princess Hui'an."

Di Junxian nodded when he thought of his explanation to Imperial Physician Zhang: "After she finishes bathing, let her eat it!"


Di Junxian passed her and left, suddenly thought of something, he stopped, turned his head and said to Fengdi: "You are more familiar with the etiquette of Beiming Kingdom, you come and dress up Princess Hui'an! Just dress up like a princess and concubine !"

Feng Di squeezed the bottle tightly when she heard the words, and bowed her knees and replied respectfully: "Yes!"

Di Junxian strode away satisfied.

Fengdi pinched the bottle in her hand, her heart felt sore and painful, and she felt all kinds of feelings in her heart.

Even though it was just a private marriage ceremony, returning to Beiming Kingdom would not be recognized by the emperor and ministers.

But a princess of an enemy country, the sixth prince actually treats her as a concubine in his heart!

This made Fengdi unbearable!

Even if she returns to Beiming Country and the sixth prince marries her as his concubine, she will still feel insulted by a concubine.

in the room

Two servant girls are changing clothes for Nuannuan.

They didn't know Wen Nuan's identity, they only knew that their master was going to marry this girl tonight.

The two were amazed by Nuan Nuan's beauty and figure, and while helping Nuan get dressed, they praised:

"Girl, you look so good-looking! I used to think that Miss Feng and Miss Jia were beautiful enough! The girl is even prettier than them! No wonder the master can't wait to marry you!"

"Girl, you have such a good figure! God! I really envy the dead!"

"Girl, your skin is so good! How do you take care of it?"

Wen Nuan couldn't move, so he could only close his eyes and let them toss!

She is still mobilizing the purple qi to continue hitting the acupuncture points, her purple qi is almost used up, she feels that she should be able to speak, but there is still the last acupuncture point that has not been unlocked, so she is still unable to move.

She has already opened more than a dozen acupoints in a row with Ziqi!

You must unlock this acupuncture point before the purple energy is used up!

Warmly pray silently in my heart.

At the same time, he mobilized all the remaining purple energy to attack the acupuncture point with all his strength.

Fengdi walked in with a dark face.

The two servant girls were so frightened that they quickly shut up and saluted: "My servant has seen Miss Feng."

Fengdi walked to the bed, looked at Wen Nuan on the bed, and smiled: "I never thought that Princess Hui'an, who is so strong in martial arts and extremely intelligent, would have a day to be trampled upon!"

Wen Nuan felt that the acupuncture points that were touched loosened for a while, and then the purple qi was gone!

there is none left!

The acupoints are almost untied!

She was almost able to move!

Wen Nuan was in a very bad mood at the moment, she opened her eyes angrily, and stared at Feng Di!

Those eyes were sharp as if there was a murderous aura shot out.

Frightened by Nuan's eyes, Fengdi took a step back subconsciously. After taking a step back, she remembered that Wen Nuan had been acupunctured by Di Junxian and couldn't move!

Di Junxian's acupuncture technique is very powerful!

Fengdi stepped forward again, looked up and down warmly with contempt, and said, "County Hui'an is indeed beautiful, so it's okay to be so beautiful, but also so smart, she deserves to be a dignified concubine. She can become a lowly concubine of our Beiming country! This is what Hu Meizi should end up with!"

Warmth gave her a disdainful look.

Fengdi was annoyed by Wen Nuan's eyes, feeling like she was saying: You are not even as good as a concubine!

Fengdi continued to stimulate her with a smile: "It's okay to be a concubine too! I'm afraid that after the sixth prince has played enough and dislikes you, he won't even be a concubine! You can only become a military prostitute! Haha"

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