Nuan knew that she was a little moved, but she also knew that she was not stupid and would not really help herself. She smiled and said in a flat tone: "I didn't ask you to help me solve acupuncture points, I know you don't have the ability."


Does she look down on herself?

Feng Di felt insulted!

Not losing the battle, Feng Di also smiled lightly: "Hui'an County Lord, don't think so much! Don't you want me to help you escape? You give up! Am I not? will help you!"

Princess Hui'an knows too much!

What she understands is too important for a country!

Letting her go, she couldn't bear the anger of the sixth prince.

Even the emperor would be to blame.

It is no exaggeration to say: let her go, and he will become a sinner of Beiming Kingdom through the ages!

Warm shook his head: "No!"

She just wanted to delay time and recover a little purple energy.

Of course she knew that Feng Di did not dare to let herself go!

"I know you don't dare and don't have the ability."

Her life has never been pinned on the help of others!

It is more reliable to rely on your own brain and ability.

Feng Di: "."

This Hui'an County Lord's words are simply maddening!

Feng Di laughed angrily: "Stimulating generals is useless to me!"

Nuan didn't answer her, she lowered her eyelids and looked at the pills in her hand: "One of the two bottles of pills is an aphrodisiac pill, and the other is a cartilage pill!"

Feng Di glanced at the pill in her hand: "That's right, Princess Hui'an is really smart!"

"Thank you, you're not too stupid."

It's not stupid to know that you can't let yourself go.

Feng Di: "."

Is this a compliment?

Wen Nuan raised his eyelids and looked at her: "If I were you, I would hide the Hui'an County Lord now, and then lie on this bed dressed as Hui'an County Lord, and then I can marry the man I love. tied up."

Feng Di was stunned by the warm and bold words upon hearing this!

She smiled and shook her head: "Are you a fool to be the sixth prince? Dress up like you? How can you deceive him by dressing up?"

Warming his eyes rolled, he squinted at his changed clothes: "In my purse, there is a jade bottle with a human skin mask in it, put it on, and then put on makeup to cover it up, it will look just like I'm the same!"

Feng Di: "."

She subconsciously looked at the clothes beside her.

Princess Hui'an actually wears his own mask with him?

Warm knew that she was a little moved.

She continued unhurriedly: "After this is done, depending on your family background, you can successfully marry Di Junxian and become the emperor's concubine, but now that I have been tapped for acupuncture points, I can't escape, and then you will hand me over to the emperor. Xian is fine! We all have a beloved man in our hearts, and you should be able to understand why I said these words to you."

Feng Di was silent!

She thought of the appearance of Princess Hui'an and Nalan Jinnian together, Nalan Jinnian's affection for her, as long as you have eyes, you can see it at a glance!

She dreams that she and Di Junxian can be like them: love each other sincerely and envy others.

In my dreams, I thought that Emperor Junxian liked me, just like Nalan Jinnian liked Princess Hui'an: if I like it so much, she will always be the only one in my eyes.

She understands that Princess Hui'an just doesn't want to marry the Sixth Prince, to become the Sixth Prince's person, and to let her down on the man she loves, that's why she asked her to dress up like her!

After all, if you are in a different place, if you let yourself marry another man, you would rather die than give in!

Wen Nuan continued: "You can go to the yard to pick a few immortal branches and nine-leaf flowers. You just put it in the incense burner and light it with the spices of the incense burner. This will just become an aphrodisiac, and the medicinal properties are relatively strong. When he is confused, he won't recognize who you are."

Feng Di's eyes widened upon hearing this!

Princess Hui'an is also too powerful!

By smelling the incense in the house, you can determine the spices in it and make poison?

Feng Di couldn't help but be vigilant!

In case that smell is poisonous...

He sighed warmly: "The incense in this room has an aphrodisiac effect. It doesn't matter if you don't add it. I think someone will add it when the two maids come back. Think about my proposal!"

After talking about the warmth, I closed my eyes and stopped persuading!

Let her struggle for a while.

Feng Di was struggling in his heart.

Although she knew that Nuan just wanted to delay time and wait for Nalan Jin to save her, but she probably didn't know how detailed Di Junxian's plan was this time, it can be said that there was no trace left!

Even if Nalan Jinnian had the ability to reach the sky, it would be impossible to come and save her in a short time.

If I can seize the opportunity to become the woman of the sixth prince this time, with my own identity and my father's status in the court, the emperor will definitely give her a marriage!

Then she can become the sixth prince concubine!

And after tonight's event, as long as she handed over the Princess Hui'an, even if the sixth prince was angry, he wouldn't really blame himself.

Feng Di is moved!

"Time is running out! If you want to, hurry up and change your clothes! You won't have a chance in a while! If you don't dare, after tonight, I will become Emperor Junxian's person, and I will never be again. Hui'an County Lord of Nalan Kingdom, and I will do my best to become the sixth prince concubine of Beiming Kingdom, help him ascend to the throne, and then become the Queen of Beiming Kingdom, kill all the children of Emperor Junxian, and bring Beiming Kingdom to the throne. Turn the world upside down, overturn the country, and take revenge! And you, you will never have a chance to come forward, and you will even die miserably!"

Feng Di's eyes widened, then sneered: "Do you think the sixth prince is a pig? If that's the case, he won't be able to see your tricks! I'll tell him your plots too!"

"Then try it and see if the ending is the same as what I said! I, a peasant girl, can become the county master of Nalan Kingdom, won the favor of the emperor of Nalan Kingdom, and won the deep love of King Jin of Nalan Kingdom. , and let the six princes of Beiming have true feelings for me, and the monarchs of all countries are trying their best to get me, do you think it is only my face?

Feng Di was silent again.

It is true that Princess Hui'an will take revenge, but she doesn't know whether it can be done or not.

She only knew that she wanted to marry him and become his sixth prince concubine!

She only knew that the sixth prince was different from Princess Hui'an, and he was really moved!

She only knew that she had missed this opportunity, or she really had no chance to become her sixth prince concubine in the future!

After all, the prince did not want to marry him, and the emperor was not happy to see him marry him, which was not good for the consolidation of imperial power.

Otherwise, he and he would not have been married until today, and then a Princess Hui'an appeared, and he would be different to himself!

However, Feng Di looked at the pill in her hand, quickly squeezed her warm mouth, and stuffed it in.

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