"Anyway, these two bottles of pills are not just one pill. I have completed the mission of the sixth prince!" Feng Di smiled!

I heard that this aphrodisiac pill is very effective, if she throws her into the room of a guard in the back room, and then lights the incense.


Even if the sixth prince is willing to have her in the future, he will have a pimple in his heart!

She knew that the sixth prince was a little bit clean, otherwise why would he risk serious injury to come to Nalan country, and try every means to abduct people before the wedding of Hui'an County Master and King Jin?


Depend on!

So much drool wasted in vain!

pissed her off!

Nuan simply closed his eyes and waited for the purple energy to recover.

Seeing the unlovable look on her warm face, Feng Di finally smiled sincerely!

She stepped out quickly to make arrangements.


Feng Di made an excuse in advance to lure the two guards away, and then found a maid with martial arts beside her, and asked her to carry the warmth to the back room, a guard's room.

The guard was a more loyal guard by Di Junxian's side, but Feng Di knew that he was more lecherous.

The family already has a wife and a concubine, and Feng Di once saw him go shopping in the Hualou.

Feng Di smiled at Nuan Nuan: "Hui'an County Master, you are full, I hope you and I have a good night!"

After speaking, Feng Di and the maid turned around and walked out!

He smiled warmly: "You still pray that you won't be seen by your sixth prince, can keep him on your bed, and don't come out to find me! Otherwise, everything you do will be in vain!"

"You don't have to worry about it!" Feng Di ignored the warmth, she ordered the maid to bring an incense burner, and then left in a hurry!

Feng Di's maid quickly found an incense burner, lit it in the house, and left in a hurry.


The winter night came faster, and the sky was completely dark.

The lights are already lit in the house.

Di Junxian walked in wearing a big red suit with gold and silver silk luan embroidered pattern on the phoenix, with a happy face and extraordinary beauty.

At this moment, the two maidservants lifted up the warmth that could not move, sat down, and then covered the red hijab embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Di Junxian happened to see Wen Nuan wearing a red wedding dress, with light makeup and a golden phoenix crown. Under the orange candlelight, she looked like a fairy.

Just a quick glance, her beauty was covered by the red hijab.

Di Junxian smiled, the night was long, and he slowly appreciated it.

He tilted his head to look at the layout of the room.

At a glance, I saw two empty bottles on the round table, and then there was a long table on the window sill, with incense cases and a pair of big red candles on it, and some happy fruits. It's festively arranged!

He smiled contentedly.

One of the two maids supported Wen Nuan with one hand, preventing her from falling, and the other hand held a handkerchief around her waist, which was considered a salute: "Master."

"It's all done? Where's Miss Feng?"

"Go back to the master, everything is ready. Miss Feng finished the make-up for Hui'an County Master and left."

When they came back, they saw Hui'an County Lord lying here alone, and the makeup had been painted!

Di Junxian nodded, Feng Di adore him because he didn't know, and he didn't force her to watch him get married.

In the future, he will take her as a side concubine, and consider it as compensation!

Di Junxian stepped forward and unlocked the warm acupoint.

The warm body on the bed softened, and the whole person fell back.

The two maids quickly supported her.

"Get out of the way, I'll come!" Di Junxian put one hand on his warm shoulder to stabilize her body.

The two maids quickly moved away.

Di Junxian hugged her warmly and felt that she was lying soft and boneless in his arms, and her body was hot, so she knew that it was because she had eaten cartilage powder and aphrodisiac pills.

He couldn't help feeling a little guilty: "I'm sorry, I'll give you the antidote after tonight is over. This wedding is relatively simple, let's worship heaven and earth first, and when we return to Beiming, I will give you a grand wedding, let The civil and military of the whole dynasty are celebrating for us! Let everyone in the world know that you are my prince concubine, the prince concubine I respect and love the most!"

"Don't worry, no matter what happens in the future, my concubine will only be given to you, and only you are worthy of being my concubine! My emperor, Junxian, swears that I will never let you down in this life! I will not let the people of Beiming Kingdom pay back. Someone bullies you! Nuan Nuan, I really like you, what Nalan Jinnian can give you, I will definitely give you more! You will know in the future that my sincerity for you is no younger than Nalan Jin’s! This time It is because of helplessness, I can only choose to marry you first, don't blame me!"

The phoenix flute in Di Junxian's arms didn't dare to move at all, her heart was beating so fast, she was so angry!

She was still a little worried, a little hesitant to stop all this now, lest he get angry.

But hearing his sincere words, Feng Di's hesitation disappeared!

The sixth prince is not joking, he is really affectionate towards the Princess Hui'an.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to coax an enemy country's county master like this. After all, she is now a fish, but he is allowed to slaughter her!

If she missed this opportunity, she might really not be able to be a concubine in the future!

Feng Di gritted her teeth to keep herself from making a sound.

Avoid being found out!

Next, Imperial Physician Zhang became the ritual officer, and Feng Di, supported by two maids, went to the heaven and earth with Emperor Junxian smoothly.

Later, Di Junxian carried Feng Di back to the bed. Feng Di's body was already a little uncomfortable at this time. When Di Junxian picked her up, she couldn't help rubbing against his arms. Di Junxian moved in his heart and strode. He carried her back to the house, waved the others away, and turned off the oil lamps in the house, leaving only two big red candles.

The aphrodisiac in the room became stronger and stronger, and the night had just begun.


the other end

Warm in a room, lying on the bed and smelling the man's breath, and smelling aphrodisiac in the room, she scolded Feng Di in her heart.

She closed her eyes, waiting for Zi Qi to recover.

The body is getting hotter and more uncomfortable, but she still remains motionless, silently enduring, waiting, waiting for the purple qi to recover to a certain level, she will break through the acupuncture point in one fell swoop.

I just hope the owner of this house comes back later!

As long as she breaks through the acupuncture point, and then the poison of this cartilage pill, she can relieve it with purple energy, and if she escapes, she has a way to solve it!

As for the aphrodisiac poison, it is not considered to be highly poisonous, and this one will not be fatal, she will be able to pass it with patience.

If she was lucky, the men in this room didn't come back that night, no, as long as she didn't come back for half an hour, her purple energy would be enough to break through the acupuncture point and get rid of these two poisons!

At that time, she must castrate Di Junxian!

And that phoenix flute, she didn't let it go!

It's a pity that the day didn't go as planned. Just when Wennuan felt too uncomfortable and her clothes were soaking wet, she heard footsteps coming from outside.


I wish the mothers of the world, happy holidays!

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