After Feng Nianchen finished speaking, he turned around and pointed at a certain acupuncture point of Fengdi, and stabbed it neatly!

Fengdi's whole body jumped up, her mouth opened wide: ah

A silent scream came from her mouth!

The guards on the boat, looking at Fengdi's painful expression, seemed to hear her shrill cry resounding through the sky!

Everyone couldn't help rubbing their ears.

Feng Nianchen didn't care about her, he held the awl as if he was holding a golden needle, piercing the acupoints one by one, Fengdi was so painful that even if the acupoints were tapped, she couldn't move, her body was shaking, her face All the muscles on his body twitched.

"You slapped my little master twice, right? My little master's face is swollen! I don't hit women! Although I don't think you are human! But you are still a female beast! Judging by your gender For the sake, let me give you a needle!" Feng Nianchen babbled while getting the needle.

The guard next to him who was kicked half to death by Nalan Jinnian was so frightened that he shivered when he heard this, his whole body shrank, wishing he could get into the bottom of the boat.

"By the way, you actually threw my master into a man's room? How can you be such a vicious person? No, you are not worthy to be called a human, you are worse than a beast! Am I going to throw you into a brothel? Here, exchange some money, buy some medicinal materials and make a pill to calm the little master! She was frightened by you just now!"

Feng Di was in so much pain that she wished she could die, and hearing Feng Nianchen's words, she almost died of anger!

She thinks she has a good heart!

Bad are they good? !

And Di Junxian felt hot and cold for a while after Xia Xuan fed him a pill.

When it was extremely cold, his whole body was covered with a layer of frost, and when it was hot enough, his body would emit a layer of steam. The pain and discomfort in it was simply indescribable!

Fengdi and Dijunxian are in dire straits, and everyone on the deck is in danger.

in the room

After Chen Huan and Chen Xi were busy with everything, they knelt in the room and waited for Nalan Jinnian to be punished.

The two respectfully said: "Please punish the master!"

"Go to Xia Xuan to get 50 boards!" Nalan Jinnian replied flatly, and then took out a bottle of ointment to apply to Wen Nuan.

"Yes! The servant will leave!" The two agreed, and then retreated respectfully.

"Wait!" Nuan Nuan grabbed Nalan Jinnian, "I want to take a bath first and then apply the medicine."

Nalan Jinnian put away the ointment: "Okay! I'll have someone prepare water for you."

Nuannuan looked at Nalan Jinnian: "What did Chen Huan and Chen Xi do wrong? Why were they fined 50 boards?"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the two of them: "What did you do wrong?"

Chen Huan and Chen Xi said in unison: "Master, we didn't protect the princess well!"

Fifty boards are considered light!

The two of them thought they were going to hit 80 boards.

Nuan Nuan shook her head: "No! You are just following my orders! What's wrong? This matter has nothing to do with you! You have been beaten 50 times, who will serve me? I want to take a bath, you hurry up Go get me hot water!"

"Yes, princess." The two of them agreed and retreated to prepare hot water for Wen Nuan.

Nuan Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "You don't blame me for preventing you from punishing the servant?"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "No."

The people he trained, he knew.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi will definitely take the initiative to take the fifty boards, and they will not delay the work of serving Nuannuan.

Wen Nuan smiled: "Okay, go back to your own room and sleep! I'm going to take a bath. After taking a bath, I also fell asleep. I'll ask Chen Huan and Chen Xi to apply this ointment for me later."

It was late at night.

Nalan Jinnian nodded and went out.

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, Wen Nuan only saw Chen Xi waiting by her side, and she couldn't help asking, "Where's Chen Huan?"

Chen Xi smiled and said: "Master asked my sister to go to work. The boat is docking, we can disembark now."

Nuan nodded without thinking too much.

Nalan Jinnian knocked on the door outside at this moment: "Nuan Nuan, are you ready?"

Nuan Nuan opened the door and walked out: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her face, after one night, her face had returned to its usual tenderness.

He took her little hand in satisfaction: "Let's go! The boat has docked, so we can get off the boat."

"it is good!"

The two walked out together and got off the boat.

Dijunxian, Fengdi and others have been taken off the boat and locked in an iron cage, ready to be escorted back to Beijing.

After being tortured by Feng Nianchen and Nalan Jinnian all night last night, these people in Beiming Kingdom were all dying.

When Wen Nuan passed by them, Fengdi didn't even have the strength to look at Nuan Nuan now.

It was even worse for Di Junxian, he had a toxin attack at the moment, his whole body was like being chewed by thousands of ants, he was so uncomfortable that he had no time to care about him.

Feng Nianchen saw the two of them getting off the boat, and happily stepped forward and said, "Xiao Nuannuan, I've already avenged you!"

The needle was injected last night, until his hands were limp!

Finally, he improved the acupuncture method he studied.

Nuannuan nodded and gave him a thumbs up: "I saw it! Thank you!"

Feng Nianchen smiled: "Haha, you're welcome! Let's go! Go back quickly, Wen Ran's hands must be itchy! Let Wen Ran do the same! Practice!"

A group of Beiming prisoners in the iron cage: "."


Still stuck?


You go straight down and strike us down!

This day can't be passed!

Seeing their frightened faces, Nuannuan smiled, "Okay!"

Feng Nianchen said regretfully: "It's a pity that there are too few people! If more people like this are caught to test the medicine, it will be good to try the needle!"

Wen Nuan smiled when he heard the words: "Don't worry, there will be! There must be a lot of nails lurking in our Nalan Kingdom from various countries. When we catch them, I will train you and Wen Ran!"

"Good idea!" Feng Nianchen said happily.

At this time, Wen Ling got off the boat with difficulty, and she came to Nuan Nuan anxiously: "Sister Nuan, are you okay?"

Looking at her warmly, he said lightly, "It's okay."

Nalan Jinnian held up warm hands: "Let's go!"

Feng Nianchen also said: "Yes, let's go! There is still a lot to do when we go back!"

The three of them got on their horses and rode away.

Wen Ling looked at their retreating figures, pursed her lips, and almost cried.

Didn't Sister Nuan see that she was hurt?

She wanted to ask her to take a pill.

Her neck hurts, and her body hurts even more after being kicked by King Jin!

"Miss Wen, you don't want to get in the carriage, do you want to ride a horse?" Chen Xi raised the curtain of the carriage and said indifferently.

Wen Ling turned back to Shen Lai, and nodded quickly: "Go! I'll go!"

Wen Ling hurried over and climbed into the carriage, only to see Chen Huan lying on the carriage, occupying half of the seat.

She can only sit with Chen Xi.

Wen Ling frowned, a little unwilling to be on an equal footing with the servants.

But she knew that Chen Huan and Chen Xi were sent by Nalan Jinnian to protect Wen Nuan, so she didn't dare to say anything.

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