When Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian escorted a dozen prisoners into the city, they attracted the attention of countless people queuing up to receive the decoction.

Everyone lined up and discussed:

"Who are those prisoners? I don't know what law they committed?"

"With so many people, their homes should have been ransacked. It must be some big corrupt official! They deserve it!"

"However, I haven't heard of any corrupt officials corrupting the state and breaking the law recently! After the current emperor ascended the throne, many corrupt officials have been eliminated. It's easier to live with the law."

"We don't know, but it doesn't mean there are no corrupt officials! The area around the capital is fine. Those high mountains are far away from the emperor, and the places where the emperor can't see must still exist!"


"It should not be ransacking the house. You see, there are no old people or children. Didn't the Four Kingdoms want to besiege our Nalan Kingdom recently? I guess these people are the nails that the Four Kingdoms planted in our Nalan Kingdom!"

"Isn't that a spy? That's damned!"

Wen Nuan vaguely heard the common people discussing, she thought that these days the capital and the outer city are deserted, and the shops are closed for rest because there is no business.

Only the outside of the city is quite lively, that's because every household has sent a person out to get the plague medicine.

All this is thanks to Emperor Junxian and Jia Jingyu.

Nuannuan turned to look at Nalan Jinnian: "Did Jia Jingyu catch it?"

"Catch it, and put it in the sky prison."

Wen Nuan nodded: "It's just right, tomorrow, together with the people who were caught spreading the plague everywhere, let them apologize to the people at the gate of the city."


"We have to let the yamen put up a notice telling the people that the spies of the Beiming Kingdom who intentionally spread the plague have been caught, and tomorrow they will apologize to the people outside the city gate. Let everyone come and watch, and let the nails of other countries take a look. There will be no good end for our Nalan Kingdom." Wen Nuan continued.

Nalan Jinnian nodded and said: "Okay! This is exactly killing three birds with one stone!"

He also had this intention in the first place. After apologizing to the people, he would send them to the front line of northern Xinjiang as a hostage.

Feng Nianchen saw that Nalan Jinnian was as well-behaved as Dahui was to Xiaobai, and couldn't help but "tsk".

Male animal!

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

The warm eyes are puzzled.

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were frighteningly cold.

Feng Nianchen met Nalan Jinnian's gaze, straightened his waist quickly, and said solemnly: "Nuan Nuan is right! Nuan Nuan's idea is really great! This plague has made the people panic , Many people dare not even drink more water.

It is true that Di Junxian and Jia Jingyu should make amends to the people, so that the people can vent their anger.

Secondly, it can give Beiming Kingdom a disarm and kill their morale.

Thirdly, now that the rumors of Nalan Kingdom being besieged by the four countries are spreading everywhere, the hearts of the people and soldiers will inevitably be terrified all day long. Let the six princes of Beiming Kingdom make amends to the people in public. If the news spreads, it will greatly increase the morale of the people and soldiers!

Come on, let people from all over the world see that our Nalan country is not afraid of Beiming country at all! Let all countries have a heart of jealousy! It kills four birds with one stone! Awesome! "

The more Feng Nianchen talked, the more excited he became. He admired himself so much that he could analyze it so clearly!

He turned his head to Xia Xuan and said, "Xia Xuan, go and tell these people now that these prisoners are the ones who caused them to line up here to get the soup. They are the ones who sent people to throw the plague rats into the well. Tomorrow they will I will atone for everyone outside this city gate! Let everyone tell each other. Go, go...!"

Feng Nianchen urged.

Xia Xuan glanced at Nalan Jinnian, and seeing that Nalan Jinnian did not refuse, he went to make arrangements.

Naturally, Xia Xuan would take care of the affairs here, and the few people ignored them and quickly entered the city.


Wen Nuan and Wen Ling went straight back to Anguo Gong's mansion, while Nalan Jinnian entered the palace with Feng Nianchen.

Several emergency signals were sent out yesterday, the city was closed, the dock was closed, the city was full of trouble, and Nalan Jinnian had to return to the palace.

After capturing Di Junxian, he had to discuss with the emperor what to do next.

Nuan Nuan should actually enter the palace, but Nalan Jinnian always felt sorry for her being too tired for these trivial matters, so he went to deal with them alone so that she could go back to the house and have a good rest.

The emperor also knew that his younger brother was a person who loved his wife, so he didn't care about these empty etiquettes. Anyway, it's good to explain things clearly, and one person can do a good job, and there is no need to waste manpower and material resources because of redundant etiquette.

Although the emperor actually wanted to see Princess Hui'an who would bring him food more, he didn't want to see his brother-in-law who only asked him for food!

Anguo Gongfu

The family heard the servants report that Wen Nuan and Wen Ling had returned.

They all ran out in a hurry.

Wu Shi and Wen Jiarui are the fastest runners!

Wen Jiagui and Tan Shi also entered Beijing early this morning, and they followed closely.

Wen Nuan just walked to the backyard, and Wen Ling was walked behind with the arm of a maid in the mansion.

Wu Shi ran up to Nuan Nuan at once, grabbed her arms and looked up and down: "Sister Nuan, are you alright?"

Wen Jiagui and Tan Shi also ran over, and asked nervously, "Sister Nuan, are you okay?"

I heard that Sister Nuan disappeared to save Wen Ling. The couple were very worried this morning.

After all, the image of being warm, weak and sickly, falling down in the wind is too impressive!

Even though Nuan Nuan was already alive and kicking, they all felt that her physical condition was not good, and if she didn't take care of her well, she would easily relapse.

The two were worried that something would happen to her trying to save her daughter, and they would be too sorry for the fourth brother's family.

Seeing that everyone was so nervous, Wen Nuan smiled and comforted me softly: "What can happen to me! It's okay! The one who has something to do is the one who dares to arrest me!"

"It's fine!" Wu shi heaved a sigh of relief.

Gentle, Wen Ran and his brothers and sisters surrounded Nuannuan, booing and inquiring.

Only then did Wen Ling come over and stood behind the surrounded Nuannuan.

Wen Qian walked to her side: "You can disappear even if you go to the toilet! I'm so worried!"

Mrs. Wu was squeezed out by several children, only to find Wen Ling who lowered her head behind Wen Nuan: "Sister Ling, are you alright?"

Wen Jiagui and Tan hurriedly walked to Wen Ling's side to support her, their eyes full of worry: "Miss Ling is injured?"

Wen Ling pulled out a stiff smile: "It's okay."

I was obviously injured!

Are you asking nonsense?

Wen Ling felt a little uncomfortable.

Forget about the fourth aunt, why did my parents care about warmth the first time?

She is their own daughter!

Shouldn't they have run to him immediately just now, like the fourth aunt did to sister Nuan?

The same goes for my sister, she blamed herself the first time!

Did she think she couldn't see it?

Wu-shi noticed that Wen Ling's face was a little pale, and said, "Sister Ran, show Sister Ling! Is there any injury?"

Although Wen Jiarui didn't speak, he took a careful look at Wen Nuan and Wen Ling, and felt relieved when he saw that they were fine.

He knew more than Wu, and was more worried about Wen Nuan being tortured to extract a confession.

But it's not convenient to ask now, I have to let the child rest.

"Okay, Sister Nuan and Sister Ling have just come back, let them go back to the room to freshen up and rest! But Sister, you know medical skills and show them to the two sisters." Wen Jiarui saw that Nuan was in good spirits, and knew that she had short legs He was not too worried about warmth, but worried about the haggard Wen Ling.

The second brother entrusted his daughter to himself, but he didn't take good care of him, so Wen Jiarui felt a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Wu nodded hurriedly: "Yes, but sister, you can show it to Ling sister first, and sister Nuan, you can go back to the room to freshen up and take a rest. I will ask someone to bring you some food."

Although everyone wanted to ask a lot of questions, they all held back and let the two go to rest.

Wen Nuan and Wen Ran went back to their yard.

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