When Wen Ling saw that both Wen Jiagui and Tan Shi said this, she was really scared!

How could she go back to Ningyuan County at this time?

What kind of marriage can she find when she returns to Ningyuan County?

How about marrying the son of the fourth grade censor at Yushitai~

After all, they are descendants of Beijing officials!

How many local officials can't become Beijing officials for a lifetime?

She lowered her head: "Father and mother, I know I was wrong. I will definitely not go out casually in the future and cause trouble for the fourth uncle's family."

Wen Jiagui nodded: "Your fourth uncle's family is different from before. The surface scenery is actually a hidden crisis, and there are more people staring at them behind their backs. If you don't understand some things, it will be easy for others to take advantage of them. Dad It's for your own good that Mother brought you back."

Wen Ling was used once when it came to the treasury's money last time, and this time she was arrested again, causing Wen Nuan to be arrested as well.

After Wen Jiagui heard about it, he made up his mind to bring Wen Ling back to Ningyuan County!

Wen Ling just nodded and said nothing.

Taking her back to Ningyuan County, why is it just for her?

Take her back to Ningyuan County, what kind of family can she marry?

Wouldn't you be inferior to others forever?

Wen Qian said at this time: "Father and mother, I will go home with you at that time too!"

Tan Shi hesitated to speak when he heard the words.

She glanced at Wen Ling, but she didn't say anything, lest the little daughter feel that she was partial.

Wen Jiagui didn't think too much about it, he said directly: "Your fourth aunt is helping you get married! At this time, it's not easy for you to go back."

I heard from the fourth brother and younger siblings that the people in that family are straightforward people, and that child often comes to Anguo Gong's mansion to play. He has a good temperament, and now he is a fourth-rank general with a bright future.

With such a good marriage, Wen Jiagui would naturally not delay his daughter's future.

Wen Ling flattened her mouth.

Wen Qian: "The family status of the Liu family is actually too high for me, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get used to it when I marry."

Wen Jiagui nodded: "It's a bit high, but isn't your fourth uncle's family here? If you don't understand anything, just ask your fourth uncle and fourth aunt, sister Nuan, and your in-laws , just don’t pretend to know what you don’t know!”

Wen Ling felt even more uncomfortable.

Tan was worried that her husband talked too much, and Wen Ling didn't understand, so she hurriedly said: "Okay, there is no news about this matter yet! Let's talk about it later! Sister Ling is also tired, let's let her rest well!"

Wen Jiagui thought about it too: "Yes, Miss Ling, take a good rest! It's all because Dad talks too much!"

Tan patted Wen Ling's hand to comfort her, "Mother, go to the kitchen and cook you something you like! You should wash up first and have a rest."

Wen Ling nodded: "Okay."

After Tan finished speaking, she winked at Wen Jiagui, and the two left.

Seeing that Wen Ling was depressed, Wen Qian comforted her, "I frightened my parents this time. As soon as they arrived, they heard that you had disappeared, and they turned pale with fright! Are you also very scared?"

Wen Ling stood up: "No, I'll go and freshen up first."

In more than an hour, it would be time for dinner, and his intuition told him that the Seventh Prince would definitely come to eat tonight.

She wants to dress up beautifully!

She can't go back to Ningyuan County!

Wen Ling stood up, and walked towards the clean room as if fleeing.

Wen Qian looked at her back as she left in a hurry, feeling faintly worried.


In the evening, the Seventh Prince really came, and he came with Nalan Jinnian and Feng Nianchen.

While eating, Tan noticed that her youngest daughter peeked at the Seventh Prince at the men's table from time to time.

She was shocked, and felt even more that she and her husband were right in deciding to bring her back to Ningyuan County.

Who is the Seventh Prince?

The identity of the prince, how can they allow them to think about it like a commoner?

After dinner, the Seventh Prince asked Nuan Nuan to teach him about martial arts, and they went to the training ground.

Nalan Jinnian had nothing to do, so he naturally followed.

Nuannuan didn't make a move this time, it was Nalan Jinnian who made the move.

After the Seventh Prince was beaten up by Nalan Jinnian and begged for mercy, Nalan Jinnian finally let him go!

The three of them sat on a bench next to the training ground to rest.

The Seventh Prince said to Wen Nuan: "Aunt Seventeen, in two days it will be Yichen's wedding day, how do you plan to stop the marriage that day?"

Nuannuan glanced at him: "What? What did he ask you to inquire about?"

The Seventh Prince smiled: "He entrusted me with this task! He said that if I can find out for him, he will give me one hundred thousand taels!"

Wen Nuan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "Why should I tell you?"

The Seventh Prince laughed and said, "I will share the one hundred thousand taels with Aunt Seventeen! Each of us has fifty thousand taels of silver! I am quite loyal!"

Nuan shook her head: "No!"

The Seventh Prince did not expect Nuannuan to refuse: "Aunt Seventeen, you can earn one hundred thousand taels just by giving a little hint, only that idiot Yichen would do such a thing! Where can I find such easy money? Why not?" What are you doing? If you don’t make money, you don’t make money!”

Nuan Nuan glanced at the Seventh Prince like an idiot: "Because it's a big loss!"

Seventh Prince: "."

Why did you lose so much, you obviously made a lot of money!

At this moment, Wen Ling walked over slowly holding a fruit plate, took a look at Nuan Nuan, and stood up: "It's night, Brother Seventeen, Seventh Prince, go back and rest early!"

After Nuan finished speaking, he lifted his foot and walked out.

Nalan Jinnian also stood up and left with Nuannuan.

Wen Ling called out Nu Nuan, saluted Nalan Jinnian timidly, and said, "Sister Nuan, King Jin, I brought you some fruits, you can eat some!"

"No, I don't have the habit of eating fruit at night." Wen Nuan replied lightly, without stopping.

Nalan Jinnian didn't reply a word.

The two flew right past her.

The Seventh Prince also quickly stood up and chased after him, wanting to ask why he lost so much!

Wen Ling walked up to her at this time, and said shyly, "Seventh Prince, I specially prepared these health-preserving fruits for you, do you want to try them?"

The Seventh Prince was stopped by Wen Ling, glanced at the fruits, and shook his head: "Thank you Miss Wen, no need, you can eat it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he went to chase after warmth.

It's so simple to earn one hundred thousand taels! Why not earn?

He is so short of money, he really wants to earn money!

Wen Ling moved her body, and stopped him again: "I can help the Seventh Prince with what the Seventh Prince wants to know."

The Seventh Prince was successfully stopped by Wen Ling's words!


"Well. Sister Nuan will call us sisters to discuss stopping the marriage the day before we get married, and I will know when the time comes."

The seventh prince laughed when he heard the words: "That's good! You must tell me when the time comes! Thank you Miss Wen!"

Wen Ling couldn't help but blushed: "The seventh prince is polite!"

After the seventh prince finished speaking, he ran away happily.

He's going to tell Prince An's son about it, and he needs to collect half of the deposit first!

Wen Ling looked at the figure of the Seventh Prince and smiled.

This is a great place to start.

The Seventh Prince began to smile to himself.

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