The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1201 The seventeenth brother is fine

After the seventh prince left An Guogong's mansion, he went directly to An Guogong's mansion.

Prince An's son has been waiting for his news!

Seeing him coming, I couldn't wait to stand up: "How is it? Did you find out?"

The Seventh Prince smiled and patted his chest: "With me on the way, it will happen naturally! Give me 50,000 taels first! lest you renege!"

Prince An's son was so impressed by the tenderness and warmth when he got married!

At that time, seeing Lin Tingxuan and Ning Huaijie being made things difficult by various problems, I just thought it was funny, but when it was his turn to get married, Prince An's son felt that he had to make preparations in advance.

Otherwise, with my own IQ, I would definitely not be able to compete with Wen Nuan's IQ.

Eat a cushion and gain wisdom, Prince An's son would not dare to inquire about Wen Ran and Nuannuan again, it's too expensive! He can't afford silver.

So he thought of a way to get the Seventh Prince to come!

Prince An's son immediately gave him the one hundred thousand taels of silver note he had prepared: "The heart of a villain is the heart of a gentleman! One hundred thousand taels! I give it all to you! Be sure to find out the news for me! Otherwise, you will have to pay me Two hundred thousand taels!"

"Don't worry! I have a ghost! The news must be well-informed!" The Seventh Prince didn't expect this miser to be so forthright. He happily bought one hundred thousand taels of silver notes and returned home whistling.

It's really making money every day!

Prince An's son happily lay back on the recliner and shook it!

He has a ghost?

Not expensive is that little eccentric Wen Ran, right?

Forget it, whoever he is!

One hundred thousand taels is really too cheap!

Even if that idiot of the Seventh Prince couldn't ask, in the end, he earned one hundred thousand taels for nothing!

How is he so smart?

This night, many people fell asleep full of hope.


the next day

The streets and alleys of the capital resounded with the sound of gongs.

Several headhunters held gongs and ran along several streets, shouting: "The lockdown is lifted, everyone can go out! The culprit who threw the plague into the well should be caught! He is just outside the city gate." Kneel down and make amends, everyone, hurry up and have a look! The culprit of throwing the plague into the well should be caught."

Hearing the sound of the city being closed, the gates of every household, which had been closed for many days, opened one after another, and many people ran out. After hearing the words of the captor, they all ran out of the city gate one after another.

Outside the city gate, in an open space, there were more than 20 people kneeling. The leader was Di Junxian, followed by Jia Jingdiao, Fengdi and Di Junxian's guards, and some Di Junxian sent to throw plague rats into the well, and they were killed. The person caught on the spot.

The open space was surrounded by people who had received the news and came to watch.

The news spread to everyone yesterday.

Early this morning, the people in the village outside the city drove over with their rotten vegetables and dung from the livestock pen.

At this time, the city gate was already overcrowded.

A general guarding the city shouted loudly to the surrounding people: "Fathers and folks, the lockdown has been lifted! The epidemic is gone! Everyone can move around freely!"

The people cheered for a while: "Yes! The seal has been lifted!"

"Finally we can open for business!"


The general waited for the people to cheer for a while and continued: "This time, many people were infected with the plague and almost died! Fortunately, the emperor cares about the people, and the court bought medicinal materials at high prices everywhere, and gave everyone free decoctions for treatment and prevention. King Jin is wise, Seeing through the enemy's conspiracy, we caught those enemy spies who intentionally put plague rats in the water source early! An Guogong's family is benevolent and generous, and they are free clinics and free health-preserving soups! In just a few days, the plague has disappeared!"

When the general said this, an old man standing in front couldn't help but knelt down and shouted: "My life was saved by drinking the health-preserving soup, and my family was saved by drinking the soup and medicine distributed by the court for free." No plague! The emperor is the best emperor in the world! The court is the best court in the world! King Jin is the most powerful prince! An Guogong’s family are all good people! Long live the emperor! Long live the court"

One person took the lead, and then a few more people were infected with the plague. The cured people knelt down and shouted: "The emperor is the best emperor in the world! The imperial court is the best imperial court in the world! ... Long live the emperor! Long live the imperial court!" "

Seeing this, other common people also knelt down and shouted: "The emperor is the best emperor in the world! The court is the best court in the world!...Long live the emperor! Long live the court!"

Warmth, Nalan Jinnian, the emperor, the seventh prince, the two princes and other ministers stood on the city wall, looking at everything below.

The emperor was in a passionate mood, watching the people below kowtow towards the direction of the palace, shouting long live, he felt the heavy burden on his shoulders again!

A generation of Mingjun does not necessarily have to expand the territory, but must make the country rich and strong, so that his people can live and work in peace and have ample food and clothing!

Supported by the people, what the people want!

he made it!

His dream has come true!

The emperor's eyes were a little moist.

Nalan Jinnian seemed to be aware of it, he was really worried that the emperor's brother would piss, shame on him!

He lightly poured cold water on the emperor: "Brother emperor, this time we have completely declared war on Beiming country!"


All the tears, all the excitement, all the touch of dreams come true are gone!

He gave Nalan Jinnian a blank look.

Such a beautiful day, what kind of scenery is the Seventeenth Emperor's brother doing? !

Damn it!

Under the city, Di Junxian knelt with his head held high.

Although he was poisoned by cartilage powder, his hands and feet were shackled, his tendons were cut off, and his body was covered in blood, he also had a stern face, stubbornly straightened his waist, and looked inviolable!

No, he is the son of the emperor!

He is the sixth prince of Beiming Kingdom, the sixth prince of the most powerful country in the mainland, he must not be humiliated by these lowly Nalan Kingdom pariahs!

Humiliated his body, but could not humiliate his soul.

Until one day, he returned to Beiming Country and took back his Tejin, Hamstring! He must lead his troops to subdue Nalan Kingdom, he must let the untouchables of Nalan Kingdom be slaves, and be enslaved by the people of Beiming Kingdom!

Di Junxian has always been such an aloof and inviolable appearance!

But at this moment, seeing the crowd watching, they all spontaneously shouted long live the imperial court!

He was also shocked!

He had also heard before that the people of Nalan Kingdom were very united, and seeing it today was truly shocking.

What the people want!

The sage books always say that those who win the hearts of the people win the world!

A few years ago, he suggested to his father to destroy Nalan Kingdom. How could Nalan Kingdom be so strong at that time? !

Now Nalan Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

This is exactly the case, but it needs to be dealt with quickly!

When Feng Di saw Di Junxian like this, she also held her head high, dignified and inviolable.

The other guards were the same, with their heads held high, as if they were superior and would rather die than surrender.

They are the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom, the most powerful country in the mainland, and they must not be underestimated by the untouchables of Nalan Kingdom!

The master said, after conquering Nalan Kingdom, the untouchables of Nalan Kingdom will become slaves of Beiming Kingdom!

Women become lowly maidservants or military prostitutes!


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