Mrs. Ye smiled helplessly when she heard the words: "Okay, I won't say any more! The little girl is right, we should be happy, Jingmei, just put it away!"

After a while, Sister Nuan will get married, and it will be enough to add makeup and make it thicker.

Nuannuan also smiled and said: "Okay! It looks thick, only the face value of the few on the surface is a little higher, so you can keep it, cousin!"

Wu Jingmei also thought that it would be enough to add makeup and make it thicker, so she accepted it.

The next step was to add makeup to Wen Ran. Wen Ran gave several boxes of precious pills and medicinal materials.

Then there is a box of banknotes.

Wu Jingmei opened it and took a look. It was a bank note again. She looked at Wen Ran jokingly: "Sister Ran, don't you give all the money you have saved over the years to your cousin? Are you willing? I Really accepted it!"

Everyone knows that Wen Ran is a miser!

Wen Ran grinned and said: "If you are willing, why not? I earned these from my cousin-in-law! Cousin, keep it! In the future, if my cousin-in-law won't give you any money, tell me! The purse is all cheated through the hole!"

Everyone in the room laughed when they heard this!

Next, the Wen Luo brothers added makeup, which was the same as the gentle and warm ones.

Wen Chun's make-up was done after writing a letter, asking Mrs. Wu to take some things out of his storeroom and help him put it on first.

Because Wu Jingmei's wedding date was set in a hurry, Wen Chun is still on the way and can't make it back.

Because Wen Chun is already married, and Liang Ziyun's share is thicker than when he was gentle and warm, but Liang Ziyun also added makeup to the gentle and warm at the time, so the calculations are similar.

Then it was Wen Qian's turn. Wen Ling's makeup was a little lighter than the gentle and warm one at the beginning, but it was still excellent.

After putting on makeup, Wu Shi and other elders left, leaving a few of their young sisters talking with Wu Jingmei in the room.

Wen Ling thought about her promise to the Seventh Prince, and said with a smile: "Sister Nuan, when do you plan to stop the marriage tomorrow? When Sister Rou and the others got married last time, the idea of ​​stopping the marriage was really good!"

Everyone looked at Nuan Nuan after hearing the words, and you said one by one: "Yes! Sister Nuan, is this time the same as last time?"

"How can it be the same? The place where the shoes are hidden can't be the same!"

"Sister Nuan, do you have any new ideas? This time it must be more difficult! I heard that Prince An's son is very talented!"

Wen Nuan smiled and said: "I haven't figured it out yet, but it's about the same as last time! But some places can be more difficult!"

She smiled softly and said, "It's better if it's more difficult! Your elder brother-in-law said that if it's too easy to pick up the bride tomorrow, he won't give you a red envelope every New Year in the future!"

As soon as Wen Ling heard it was more difficult, she couldn't help but continued to ask: "Sister Nuan, have you thought of any more difficult ideas?"

Nuan nodded: "Yeah."

"what is it?"

Nuan Nuan smiled: "You will know tomorrow!"

Wen Ling couldn't help but continued after hearing the words: "Tell us now, we will cooperate better tomorrow!"

"Then we don't need everyone's cooperation! Alright, let's talk, I'll prepare an idea for stopping the marriage tomorrow, and I'll tell everyone then!" Nuan Nuan said and stood up.

Upon hearing this, Wu Jingmei said, "Remember to come and do my makeup later!"

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Okay, I will definitely make you beautiful, so that the prince will be so dazzled!"

Everyone in the room laughed!

Wu Jingmei feigned anger and said, "Get lost!"

"Yes! Get out!" Nuan Nuan walked out with a smile.

She just doesn't want to stay with Wen Ling!

Of course, Warm has some things to do too.

Although Wen Ling was impatient, but Nuan Nuan had said so, so she could only wait for her to think it over and ask her later.

She is also a little afraid of warmth in her heart, and always feels that warm eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

So she usually doesn't dare to get too close to Nuannuan.

In the evening, the seventh prince returned from the barracks to Duke Anguo's mansion with one black eye, and asked Wen Ling for questioning.

Seeing that his eyes were injured, Wen Ling couldn't help asking, "Seventh Prince, what's wrong with your eyes?"

The seventh prince had a dark face, waved his hands, and said impatiently: "It's okay, I accidentally got it during military training! How about it, how can we stop the marriage tomorrow?"

He won't tell anyone that he was injured by that man-in-law Wan Yun!

Wen Ling said with embarrassment: "Sister Nuan said that it is similar to when Wen Ruan and Wen Xin got married last time, but some places will be more difficult."

"Will those places be more difficult? Why is it so difficult?"

"Sister Nuan hasn't figured it out yet! She said she has figured it out and let us know."

"Then when will she make up her mind?" What is Aunt Seventeen's plans?

"It should be tonight! She has to do Jingmei's makeup later at night."

The Seventh Prince frowned, he couldn't stay in Anguo Gong's mansion at night!

Wen Ling saw that his brows were frowning, her heart tightened, and she immediately said, "It's time to ask at night, I'll tell the Seventh Prince! The Seventh Prince can wait for me outside my yard when he is in Zishi!"

The Seventh Prince glanced at her, is she an idiot? Or, on purpose?

Waiting for her in her yard at night?

The Anguo Mansion must be very lively tonight, everyone stays up all night.

After all, getting married starts in the middle of the night.

Especially with the royal family, the etiquette is more complicated, so the marriage time is much earlier than ordinary people.

If someone sees her having a private meeting with her in the middle of the night, will her reputation be ruined?

Or she was trying to lose fame!

The Seventh Prince is not stupid either, how many women he has been in contact with!

Whether a woman likes him or not, he can still feel it.

The Seventh Prince said flatly: "No need!"

He should go and ask Aunt Seventeen by himself!

After speaking, he turned and left.

Wen Ling bit her lower lip, not understanding why his attitude suddenly became cold.

Could it be that he saw that he was asking him to meet at night, and felt that he was not reserved?


He must have thought he was too casual!

Those ladies of the family should not do this.

Wen Ling couldn't help feeling a little regretful!

She should let the Seventh Prince bring it up by himself.

How to do?

Seems to have made the Seventh Prince angry?

Wen Ling walked into her yard sullenly. When she reached the gate of the yard, she stopped suddenly.

No, she must win the Seventh Prince's favor!

Otherwise, I have to go back to Ningyuan County with my parents.

Wen Ran quickly turned around and walked into the warm yard.

Wen Nuan is drawing a map. These days, she and Nalan Jinnian have been studying the books and maps of Beiming Kingdom. With a preliminary understanding, she corrects some of the things she thinks are wrong, and then asks someone to explore them later. Explore the terrain there to make sure.

Fighting is very particular about the right time and place!

Using terrain to arrange troops is usually a magic weapon to win with less and more!

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