Nuan Nuan was drawing a picture when Zi Wan walked in and said, "Girl, the Seventh Prince is outside and wants to see you."

Without raising his head, Nuan Nuan said, "Let him in."


Soon, the Seventh Prince came in and said loudly: "Aunt Seventeen, just tell me how you plan to stop the marriage!"

Nuan took a look at him, especially at the injured eye, and then said, "Didn't you find someone to ask?"

Seventh Prince: "."

Aunt Seventeen knows all this?

He smiled: "I don't think she's reliable! I miss the prince's beauty! Aunt Seventeen, tell me! How about I share seven thousand taels of silver with you?"

Wen Nuan gave him a blank look: "No, you can ask Wen Ran! Didn't you see I'm busy?"

The Seventh Prince leaned forward and saw Nuan Nuan drawing a map.

These days, he is also memorizing the map of Beiming Kingdom. If he wants to win the battle, he must have a good understanding of the enemy's terrain and camp, so he is also memorizing the map.

It's just that I can't remember a place for a long time!

Seeing that Nuan Nuan was able to directly draw the map of Beiming Kingdom, he was very impressed: "Aunt Seventeen, why do you and Uncle Seventeen have such good brains? Your memory is so good, can you share some with me? I'm almost getting dizzy from these things!"

Nuannuan glanced at him: "Yes, you can be reincarnated as my son in the next life!"

I heard that the boy's IQ is inherited from his mother.

Seventh Prince: "."

As her son, isn't the father the Seventeenth Emperor?

The Seventh Prince shivered, forget it, he doesn't want it!

Be stupid!

The Seventh Prince suddenly remembered that Wan Yun called him a fool, he touched his swollen eyes: "Aunt Seventeen, can you tell me how to break Wan Yun's formation?"

Hearing this, Nuan raised her head, looked into his eyes, and said with a smile, "Did Wan Yun hit you?"

The seventh prince covered his eyes and snorted through his nose: "Hmm! Who would dare to do anything to this prince except that daring tomboy? If it weren't for the fact that my prince has a large number of offenders like this, I will order someone Hit her fifty times!"

Nuan Nuan smiled: "It's easy for you to break through Wan Yun's formation."


"You are stronger than her, as long as all your soldiers are stronger than hers!"

Seventh Prince: "."

Is not this nonsensical?

Wen Nuan glanced at him: "Do you have anything else to do?"

Seventh Prince: "."

Did you get an eviction order at this time?

"No. Aunt Seventeen, I'm going to find Wen Ran!"

"Well, remember to share some money with Wen Ran."

"of course!"

Little Wenran is so cute!

He must give her a thousand taels!

The Seventh Prince ran away happily.

After the Seventh Prince left, Nuan Nuan continued to draw the map seriously, and it was almost finished.

After a while, a map of a certain county in Beiming Country was drawn, and it was marked in great detail.

Nuan Nuan buried her head in the inspection carefully to see if there were any mistakes or omissions, when Wen Ling walked in.

She smiled and said, "Miss Nuan, have you thought up the idea of ​​stopping the marriage tomorrow?"

Wen Nuan took out a new piece of parchment and covered everything on the table. She looked up at Wen Ling who walked in with a smile and shook her head: "Not yet."

Seeing her movements, Wen Ling's smile froze, is Sister Nuan guarding herself again?

However, her expression quickly returned to normal, and she said with a smile: "It's getting late now, sister Nuan, you still don't have a good idea, let us see, when the son and the others come to welcome the bride, there will be no trouble!"

Nuannuan glanced at the sundial next to him, and stood up: "It's just a way to stop the relationship. If there is any trouble, if you have any good ideas, you can talk about it together tonight. Let's go, dinner time is coming soon." We're here, let's go eat first."

Nuan walked around the table and went outside.

Wen Ling glanced at the things on Wen Nuan's desk, feeling a little dissatisfied. Did Miss Nuan know that she had agreed to the Seventh Prince, so she deliberately didn't tell her her idea of ​​stopping the marriage?

She clearly said it just now to think about it, but now that she saw herself coming in, she immediately covered the things on the table with something, and immediately said that she was going to eat?

Wen Ling didn't understand how she offended Wen Nuan, she always felt that she treated her differently from her sister!

Although it can't be seen on the surface, Wen Ling can feel the warm alienation that keeps people thousands of miles away.

But she didn't dare to ask about warmth.

She glanced at the blank parchment on the table again before turning around and walking out.

At dinner time, several sisters sat together to eat.

Nuannuan discussed with everyone how to stop the marriage tomorrow.

Wen Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a dinner, it's basically settled.

After eating, she hurriedly sent her maid to look for the Seventh Prince in the front yard.

It's just that the Seventh Prince has already been trapped by Wen Ran, so he naturally said no to Wen Ling's maid, he already knew about it.

Wen Ling heard her maid say that Wen Ran was talking to the Seventh Prince.

Wen Ling was so angry that she lay down on the table and cried.

We are all sisters, why can't they see themselves well?

After finally having a chance to get in touch with the Seventh Prince, why did Wen Ran come out and destroy it again?

They don't know, if they can't get the Seventh Prince's favor as soon as possible, let the Seventh Prince come to propose marriage, after Nuan Nuan gets married, will she have to go back to Ningyuan County with her parents?


Wen Nuan went to Wu Jingmei's room after dinner. The sisters stayed together and talked for a while, then a woman urged Wu Jingmei to take a bath and change clothes. Wu Jing put on a beautiful makeup.

Everyone praised it after seeing it.

She smiled softly and said, "It's so beautiful! Tonight, Shizi must be fascinated by Miss Jingmei!"

Wen Xin: "It's so beautiful, my heart is moved when I see it, let alone the prince!"

Lin Tingya: "Don't you just fascinate the prince, you simply fascinate all living beings!"

Wu Jing gave them a white look: "You know how to make fun of me!"

"That man, we are telling the truth!"

A few people chatted and laughed, and then a servant hurried to report that the wedding team had arrived.

Wen Nuan smiled and said: "Sisters, start blocking kisses!"

Gentle: "Close the door! Close the door!"

"Everyone, take your place!"

Wen Qian couldn't help but glanced at the door, frowning, why hasn't Wen Ling come yet?

Worried that the team to pick up the bride had arrived, and Wen Ling happened to come over. At that time, she didn't know whether to open the door to let her in. Wen Qian hurriedly told her maid: "Go and see Miss He Ling's yard, if Miss Ling comes At that time, the wedding party just came in, so you told her not to come here for now! When the time comes, we will go see the bride off together."

"Yes!" The servant girl hurried out.

And Wen Ling's eyes were swollen because she cried so hard just now, she applied hot compresses and ice compresses again, and she looked better. She put on some makeup, changed into beautiful clothes, and hurried out .

It happened that Prince An's son was surrounded by a group of young talents, and they were striding in their direction with high spirits.

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