The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1206 Open the door and let her in!

Wen Ling's heart tightened, the wedding party came so soon?

She lifted the hem of her skirt and ran across Wu Jingmei's yard.

After running for a few steps, she was stopped by a servant girl: "Miss Ling, my girl told you not to go to Miss Wu's yard for the time being! The team to welcome the bride is here, so as not to collide with you! You can come back later when you see off the bride." Let's go!"

Wen Ling shook off her hand, almost bursting into tears again.

Why did my sister exclude me like this?

That's right, my sister felt that she would return to Ningyuan County sooner or later, and she was about to marry a general in the capital!

How can you still think highly of yourself? !

Naturally, he is tightly currying favor with those future princesses and concubines.

But she won't do what they want!

She must marry the Seventh Prince!

Come and see them to curry favor with me in the future!

After Wen Ling shook off the maid's hand, she hurriedly made a detour to avoid the welcoming team and ran to Wu Jingmei's yard.

But with this detour, the distance was further, but because she used to run, she was faster than the procession of welcoming the bride.

Seeing that the welcoming team was only a few meters away, Wen Ling slammed on the door of the courtyard: "Open the door! It's me! Open the door and I'll come in!"

The maids in the yard were all dumbfounded, they all looked at Wen Nuan: "Princess, can this door still be opened?"

The girl standing on the ladder and leaning against the wall said at this moment: "But the procession to welcome the bride has also arrived!"

Wen Qian was furious!

Didn't you ask the servant girl to tell her not to come over for the time being?

"No need to drive, you tell her to avoid it quickly!"

As soon as the door opens, the men who will meet the bride will definitely take the opportunity to rush in like a swarm. What will we do then?

On the wedding day in Nalan Kingdom, the woman's family has the custom of stopping the marriage.

The more sisters in the woman's family stop the marriage, the more the woman values ​​her daughter and the more reluctant to marry her off!

The men on the man's side saw it and knew that the new daughter-in-law was supported by someone in her natal family, so they didn't dare to bully her casually.

So this is to stop the marriage before the auspicious time arrives, the longer the better!

Many people marry their daughters and let the man go out at an auspicious time!

The maid on the wall said to Wen Ling: "Miss Ling, you should avoid it quickly! The wedding party is here!"

As if Wen Ling didn't hear it, she slammed on the door vigorously: "Open the door! Open the door quickly! The team to welcome the bride hasn't arrived yet! Open the door quickly! Open the door quickly."

Wen Qian was short of breath, and said loudly: "Sister Ling, run away quickly! It's too late to open the door."

"Open the door! Open the door quickly!." Wen Ling slammed on the courtyard door vigorously.

Wen Nuan was originally in the house, but when he heard the movement outside, he came out, and directly said to the maid who was guarding the door: "Open the door! Let her in!"

There are so many royal children, sons and brothers who come to get married together, how can it be proper for her to yell outside the gate of the courtyard?

Besides, what would you say if you let the person who greeted you go back?

She doesn't want fame, but their An Guo Gongfu wants face!

"Yes!" The two maids hurriedly removed the latch on the door and opened the door.

Wen Ling hurried in.


the other end

Prince An's son brought a large group of sons and sons over. A few meters away, he saw Wen Ling knocking on the door vigorously. He was surprised and slowed down.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning glanced at each other: What's wrong with this?

A man from the royal family asked: "Is this a new idea of ​​Duke Anguo's family to block marriage?"

"I don't think so! The girl clearly wanted to go in, but she saw that we were approaching, and the people inside didn't dare to open the door!"

"Who is that girl? Is she knocking on the door for us? Haha"

"It seems to be the cousin of Princess Hui'an, haha ​​brothers, let's rush in while the girl is going in!"

"Okay! This saves a lot of trouble! Haha!" Everyone applauded!

So one by one rushed forward!

Prince An's son immediately stopped them: "Wait a minute! This is Princess Hui'an's idea to stop the marriage, don't fall for it!"

Although Prince An's son didn't understand why Wen Ling knocked on the door at this time, normal women would avoid them when they saw them appear!

Since there is no avoidance, it means that you must go in.

The people inside would definitely let her in, otherwise it would be a joke.

And I can indeed take this opportunity to rush in.

But if this is the case, even if this barrier breaks through the first barrier, it will save a lot of time and trouble.

But after stopping her for a while, what would others think of Jingmei?

Moreover, Wen Ling deliberately knocked on the door when the welcoming team arrived. People outside might discuss whether the Wu family was worried that Prince An's mansion would not marry a girl from the Wu family, so they didn't dare to stop the marriage, so they deliberately did it when they were receiving the marriage. , Let a cousin girl knock on the door, so that the welcoming team can take the opportunity to break in!

Marriage is a big event in a lifetime. Every marriage will be talked about from the beginning of the six ceremonies, especially some high-marriage and low-marriage marriages. Everyone will discuss from the man's etiquette whether the bride won't be valued by the man. of.

Especially in their royal family, Wu Jingmei's background is really too low. If she makes a slight mistake, it will make everyone think that he doesn't value her, and the Anguo government doesn't value her. She will have less respect.

Prince An's son will definitely not let such a thing happen.

He would rather be made things difficult for a while, and he does not want Wu Jingmei to be squeezed out or looked down upon by members of the clan in the future.

These things are intangible, others are not bullying you, they look down on you, they look down on you, a word, a look is enough! You can never say that someone is disrespectful to you just because someone looks at her.

The other young masters stood still when they heard the words: "Isn't that right?"

Prince An's son seriously said: "Why not? I spent a hundred thousand taels to get the news! This is indeed the first hurdle to stop the marriage! If we take the opportunity to break in directly, it will be miserable! "

Spend 100,000 taels to buy the woman's idea of ​​how to stop the marriage!

Everyone was surprised: "My lord, did you really spend a hundred thousand taels for the idea of ​​getting married?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can ask the Seventh Prince. I'll give him money, and he found out for me!"

Everyone looked at the Seventh Prince.

The seventh prince wants to cry but has no tears, his heart is still bleeding!

The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Yes!"

Everyone praised Prince An's son for his generosity. In order to embrace the beauty, he really spent a lot of money!

The Seventh Prince was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell, where was one hundred thousand taels, he obviously spent two hundred and fifty thousand taels to get it from Wen Ran!

He doesn't understand, this is not marrying a wife by himself, why he spends so much money to get news for him!

At this time, everyone saw the door opened, and Wen Ling hurried in.

Someone immediately said: "The door is open! Don't we really take the opportunity to rush in?"

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