The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1207 Congratulations to the new son-in-law!

Prince An's son took a look at this cousin who had passed the third service: "Why don't you go up and try it first?"

The Seventh Prince nodded: "Yes, Jing Ting, you go and try it! Anyway, someone will have to try it later! I am worried that Princess Hui'an will not know what kind of idea this time! I only know that they stopped One of my dear ideas!"

The seventh prince said and pushed him, motioning him to come forward.

Nalan Jingting was terrified when he heard the words!

"Hehe. Let's discuss it in detail!"

It's not that he is in a hurry to marry a daughter-in-law, the Lord is not in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry either!

Prince An's son waited for Wen Ling to enter, and he continued to walk forward when he heard the sound of closing the door: "Let's go! Go up and have a look, and open the door after a while, which one of you will be the first to go in and try it out?"

Everyone heard the words and said: "You are the bridegroom officer, of course it is you!"

"That's right! How can we be the first to break in, of course you are! We just follow behind."

"Go in first, open the door, and see that there are no traps inside, then wait for me and let me go first!"

"Fuck, son, you are too shameless!"

"There is no such thing, son, is this really you marrying a daughter-in-law?"

"Too treacherous!"

A group of people came to the door of the small courtyard in a noisy manner, and began to call for the door.

in the yard

Wen Qian pulled Wen Ling aside, and said in a low voice: "Didn't I tell you that the wedding party is here, and I want you to avoid it for a while, don't come here for now?"

Wen Ling lowered her head, feeling impatient, she whispered: "Isn't the welcoming team here yet? Besides, it only takes a while to open the door and come in, so there is no delay! My sister should have opened the door earlier. Yes!"

Wen Ling walked away after she finished speaking. She climbed up the ladder and lay on the wall to look at the Seventh Prince.

Wen Qian was so angry that she was so anxious to climb up the wall just now and saw that it was Prince An's son who stopped him!

Wen Nuan saved Wen Qian from being too angry, holding herself back, and beckoned to Wen Qian: "Sister San, please help me pick some red rose flowers!"

Wen Qian ran over immediately after hearing the words: "Okay! How much do you want?"

She didn't ask Wen Nuan what she wanted rose flowers for, it would always be useful.

"Let's cut them all off!" The weather is a bit cold, and the roses are not blooming too much this year.

"it is good!"

Wen Nuan beckoned to Wen Ran: "Sister Ran, you are responsible for blocking the door! Ask for more opening red envelopes, and then share them to buy a set of clothes for the sisters."

"Third sister, don't worry!" In terms of asking people for red envelopes, she Wen Ran dared to be second, and no one would dare to be number one.

Wen Ran walked behind the door and started her performance.

Wen Nuan led people to cut some ribbons, and then she peeled off the petals of various colors that Wen Qian led people to cut off one by one.

Put the cut ribbons and petals into the basket, and added some happy fruits such as peanuts, red dates, lilies, lotus seeds, etc. to the basket, then Wen Nuan took another box of makeup glitter powder and opened the cover, and put it in the basket above.

Everyone was curious to know what she wanted to do.

Wen Nuan walked out with the basket in hand, placed the basket on the lintel of the courtyard gate, and connected it with a rope.

When the time comes to open the door, just pull the rope and the basket will be torn down, and those who break in will be showered with flower petals.

Wen Nuan knew the meaning of Prince An's son stopping people from coming forward, and she couldn't disappoint his good intentions. If she didn't do something, the people who came to greet her today might have various guesses, so she made such a flower basket. , it should be a good start!

If you want to tease someone, it's best to put a bag of flour, but unfortunately, this is to stop the marriage, not to snatch it, otherwise it would be so much fun!

Wen Ling saw Nuan arranging a flower basket on the lintel, and asked in surprise, "Sister Nuan, what are you doing?"

Nuan Nuan jumped down from the ladder, without raising his head, he said, "Think about it."

Wen Ling pursed her lips, unavoidably feeling uncomfortable in her heart, feeling that Sister Nuan was perfunctory.

Wen Nuan told a little maid to pull the rope for a while, and then explained a few words to Wen Ran.

The people outside knocked on the door cheerfully, Wen Ran was using the name of the Chinese medicine to test Prince An's son, and nodded to show that he knew.

Prince An's son answered fluently.

This was the answer he found last night when he went to the imperial hospital, brought a group of imperial doctors, and searched through medical books!

For this reason, I almost missed the time of my close relatives.

Of course, there were some who couldn't make it, so the purses were thrown into Wen Ling's hands one by one.

Seeing this, Wen Nuan went back to the house and closed the door.

After a while, Wen Ran patted her shoulder bag, it was bulging, and her heart was full, she waved her little hand and said loudly: "Open the door! Welcome the new uncle!"

The maidservant who guarded the door immediately opened the door.

Those who knocked on the door were so frightened that they jumped back instantly, far away!

They thought it would take a long time to shoot!

Wen Ran smiled all over his face, and said enthusiastically, "Cousin-in-law, come in quickly!"

Prince An's son pushed the seventh prince.

The seventh prince pushed Prince Ning's son.

Prince Ning's son pushed Nalan Jingting beside him.

Nalan Jingting pushed the people around him again...

This surprise came too fast, everyone was a little scared, everyone pushed me, I pushed you because no one dared to step forward!

Wen Ran enthusiastically waved again: "Come in!"

Everyone took another step back!

Especially the Seventh Prince, who retreated several times, away from Wen Ran!

Xiaoran's enthusiasm frightened him!

Wen Ran: "."

What does it mean that the Seventh Prince looks at him and retreats suddenly? Is he scary?

Okay, the contents of that basket will be used to greet him in a while!

Prince An's son took a look at Prince Ning's son: "Brother, when you get married, I will go forward bravely, take the lead, and go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes!"

Prince Ning thought for a while, then nodded: "Then, it's a deal!"

Then he walked in with a look of death on his face.

Passed safe and sound!

Everyone: Huh?

fine? !

Prince Ning turned around to let everyone in, and saw the basket on the lintel.

He lowered his eyes, pretending he didn't see anything, and waved to Prince An's son and others, signaling them to come in quickly.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Prince An's son and the receiving group, they all rushed in.

A large basket of petals fell instantly!

Sprinkled all over the body.

Everyone was surprised at first, and then they were relieved when they saw that it was just some petals and ribbons.

Only the Seventh Prince was more miserable. The box of glitter was directly covered on his head, and his whole head was shining golden.

Wen Ran put down the rope, and said with a smile: "Good luck! Good luck! I wish my cousin-in-law and cousin live forever, be united forever, and have a baby early! There is a second hurdle to come!"

Prince An's son was reaching out to pat the petals and gifts that fell on his body and head, and he was reluctant to take pictures after hearing this!

It turns out that this is a lottery!


This has a good meaning!

So he put a few petals and flowers on his head, as well as a red date and lotus seeds, and started the second level!

Prince An's son accepted all the checkpoints with a smile, passed the second checkpoint smoothly, and finally got the beauty back!

Wen Nuan and the other sisters are all going to Anguo Gong's mansion with the procession to welcome their relatives.

Wen Ling hurriedly followed.

Wen Qian held her back: "Sister Ling, let's not go, I have something to tell you!"

Wen Ling shook off Wen Qian's hand: "Why don't you go? Jingmei doesn't have many sisters in the first place, if we don't go, there will be fewer people!"

After speaking, he lifted the hem of his skirt and chased after her.

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