Wen Ling was stunned!

What does Nuannuan mean, did she actually suggest that she marry that guard?

How could she be so bad to herself?

Wu Jingmei has found a prince, so has Lin Tingya, and her sister is also a general after all!

What about yourself?

What is the identity of the guard?

How can I be worthy of myself?

Also, Princess An clearly wanted to help her just now, why did Wen Nuan stop her?

She can't see herself so well!

Want to die by yourself?

woo woo

Why is her life so hard~

Why didn't the Seventh Prince come in! ! !

Wen Ling lowered her head, tears began to fall like pearls with a broken string.

She cried and said: "I only want to be happy when I get married, not because of the conditions. No matter how good the guards around the Seventh Prince are, the future is bright, but I have no relationship with him! Please Princess An help me decide! Teach the girls how to do it!"

Who is Princess An? As the royal daughter-in-law, she has never seen anyone and can't see clearly.

Even if she couldn't see clearly just now, after Nuan Nuan said this, she understood a little bit in her heart.

Princess An comforted: "Miss Wen Ling, don't cry. In fact, Princess Hui'an's words are reasonable. The guards next to the seventh prince, this princess, also know each other. If she can become the prince's personal guard, her ability is absolutely unquestionable! In the future The future is definitely not bad.”

"Woooo." Wen Ling wept softly.

"And Xiao Lin has a good character, he is a very kind and filial child! Right now, marrying him is the best for your reputation. In this way, you won't have any quarrel with your future husband and affect the relationship between husband and wife. After all In this world, paper cannot contain fire after all."


"Besides, husband and wife's gratitude comes from getting along with each other. When I married the prince, I only met for the first time on the day of marriage. It was only after getting along for a long time that I developed feelings. If Miss Wen Ling valued the sympathy between the two, In this way, this princess also thinks it is better to marry Xiaolin. Besides, if he didn't notice for a while and ruined your reputation, he feels ashamed in his heart, and he will definitely treat you even better in the future."

Although Wen Ling's reputation was ruined by the seventh prince's bodyguard, marrying the bodyguard is not the best way out.

Although the future of Zhang Xiaolin next to the Seventh Prince is indeed the same, the future is the future.

It takes time for a guard to survive until his prime.

It is even more difficult for military commanders to succeed than civilian officials.

Now under her arrangement, Wen Ling can have a better choice.

It is absolutely no problem for Princess An to marry her far away and find a second son from a family in the local capital city!

Of course, there may also be a situation where the fire cannot be wrapped in paper, and the husband and wife will have no feelings in the future.

But in this world, how many couples are there in good relationship?

But Nuan Nuan stopped her words just now, and Princess An believed that Nuan Nuan had a reason for what she said.

Or this Miss Wen's temperament is too big to take on big things, so she is not suitable for marrying into a wealthy family.

Anyway, Princess An believes that warmth will not harm her cousin.

Princess An and Nuan Nuan have known each other for a short time and haven't gotten along much, but they have heard a lot about her.

Most of them were told by Prince An, Prince Ning and the Seventh Prince when they returned to the mansion, and some heard from the Queen Mother, so they could get a general idea of ​​what kind of person Nuan is.

Not to mention how smart she is, she is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, that is for sure!

Moreover, she has always handled things in a very perfect, reasonable and harmonious way.

So she believed that Nuan Nuan's words must be reasonable, so she followed Nuan Nuan's words.

Wen Ling was really full of grievances at this moment, tears streaming down her face: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Why is her life so hard?

One step away!

One step away from marrying the Seventh Prince!

But it was destroyed by a guard!

Now one step away, Princess An will agree to help her find a good marriage!

But it was ruined by sister Nuan~!

Why would Sister Nuan hurt herself like this?

As long as Wen Ling thinks of the appearance of the seventh prince's guard, she will lose her appetite!

It looks tall and tall, dark, with a big mouth, big eyes, and a round face, so ugly!

woo woo

Why is her life so hard?

Seeing this, Princess An felt that she was really a bit behind Princess Hui'an's other sisters.

As a matchmaker, I also hope to see a good relationship between the two surnames, not an enmity between the two families.

She is a matchmaker, and others dare not say it on the surface, but it is not beautiful if you blame yourself in your heart!

She still needs to be cautious.

Princess An looked at Wen Nuan: "It's hard for Miss Wen Ling to make a decision when such a big thing happened, besides, it's not up to you two children to decide about this marriage! I'm not Wen Ling's parents, and I can't make any decisions. How about I ask someone to send you back to your home first, Miss Wen Ling think about it carefully, and discuss with your parents about how you are? Xiao Linzi is a child with good character. I can be regarded as growing up. Although the family background is not good , but Miss Wen Ling is a good girl, she doesn't value these things!"

Wen Ling: "."

woo woo

Why is her life so hard!

Nuan Nuan stood up and gave a blessing: "I'm bothering the princess, let's go back now. Please tell the queen mother and the queen mother. I originally wanted to send the queen mother back to the palace. I will enter the palace another day to apologize to the queen mother!"

Princess An smiled: "It's a trivial matter, I'll let the Queen Mother see you off! Go back and think about it!"

The three walked out of the room together.

The Seventh Prince immediately stepped forward and said: "It's really my prince who can't teach well. If Miss Wen Ling is willing to marry Xiao Linzi, this prince will definitely add a generous dowry to the girl, and I will be the prince's apology!"

Princess An gave him a blank look: "Okay! Marriage matters, parents' orders, and matchmaker's words. How can these two little girls handle this matter! Let's talk about it when we go back!"

"Aunt Huang taught you a lesson!"

Nuan Nuan blessed Princess An and the Seventh Prince: "Princess, Seventh Prince, my daughter-in-law will retire."

Princess An nodded, and ordered her maid to see her off.

Wen Nuan asked the maid to help Wen Ling and leave Prince An's mansion.

After Wen Nuan and the others walked out of the courtyard, the Seventh Prince also wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

"Stop!" Princess An stepped forward and pinched the Seventh Prince's ear: "Why did you bring people to this small courtyard?"

"Auntie Huang, please spare me! I'm helping Yichen stop drinking. It's convenient to drink too much! How did I know that Miss Wen Ling is also in this yard! There is no one here on weekdays!"

"Xiaolin, why are you so ignorant of the seriousness, did you just barge in without even knocking on the door?"

Zhang Xiaolin kowtowed: "Back to the princess, I just broke in when I heard the call for help inside!"

Princess An looked at the seventh prince: "Did you hear that?"

The Seventh Prince nodded: "Yes, I vaguely heard it."

What is there that Princess An doesn't understand when she hears this!

It's no wonder Princess Hui'an blocked her words. It is estimated that Princess Hui'an also understands her cousin.

Princess An urged: "How important a woman's reputation is, this matter must not be spread! Do you know?"

"Of course, of course! Aunt Huang, my ears!"

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