Princess An let go of her hand.

The Seventh Prince rubbed his ears.

It hurts!

In this world, only Princess An and Princess Ning can twist their ears!

They were all harmed by the sons of Prince An and Prince Ning!

We have grown up playing together since we were young, and we are used to being taught a lesson together!

"You need to settle this matter! Otherwise, your seventeenth emperor uncle wants your skin! You know how much your seventeenth emperor uncle is reluctant to suffer the slightest grievance of Princess Hui'an!" Princess An glared at him, and then went back And the Queen Mother returned to life.

"My nephew knows."


After the Seventh Prince came out of Prince An's Mansion.

Zhang Xiaolin whispered: "Master, where are we going?"

"An Guo Gong's Mansion!" The Seventh Prince's handsome face showed a touch of coldness.

Of course, he knew what Wen Ling was thinking!

How dare you count yourself this time?

It's a pity that her methods are really too immature compared to those of the harem concubines in the capital. The Seventh Prince can see through it at a glance without even thinking about it.

That's why he asked Xiaolin to push the door.

The Seventh Prince looked at Xiao Lin: "This time I have wronged you."

Zhang Xiaolin immediately said: "Master was joking, it is a small honor to be able to share Master's worries."

The Seventh Prince looked at him: "Do you want to marry Miss Wen?"

Zhang Xiaolin hesitated for a moment.

"Although you and I are master and servant, I will undoubtedly treat you as a brother on weekdays. There is nothing that cannot be said! Don't worry about it!"

Zhang Xiaolin said in a low voice: "I'm afraid I won't be blessed."

The Seventh Prince nodded: "That's right!"

It is indeed no blessing!

Wen Ling looked like a woman with a heart higher than the sky.

If the most trusted and capable subordinate around him were to marry her, the backyard would be restless, and Xiaolin might not even have the heart to do things with peace of mind!

Don't worry about it, Wen Ling would never want to marry a guard.

The two got on their horses and headed for An Guogong's mansion.

When such a thing happened, the Seventh Prince was worried that if he didn't go to explain it, Aunt Seventeen might be resented by his uncle and aunt!

After all, there are many people in this world who turn right and wrong into black and white, don't understand the truth, and blame others.

Anguo Gongfu

The family is sitting in the flower hall.

Wen Ling was there alone wiping tears.

Sitting beside Wen Ling, Tan's eyes were also red. Why is this daughter so worried?

Wen Jiagui was anxious and angry! He looked at her with hatred: "You don't have to cry about this matter! You only have two ways to go, the first is to marry the seventh prince's bodyguard, and the second is to go back to Ningyuan County with us. Mother will find you an honest family to marry!"

"I don't want to marry a guard! Woohoo."

Wen Jiagui made the final decision: "Okay! Then go back to Ningyuan County! Parents will naturally find you a good marriage! There is no problem in living a lifetime with adequate food and clothing!"

Wen Ling suddenly rushed to Wu's side: "Fourth Aunt, I don't want to go back to Ningyuan County, Wuwu sister is married to General Liu, Rourou and the others are also in the capital, it's too lonely for me to go back to Ningyuan County alone! Wuwu"

"You don't need to beg your fourth aunt! Your mother and I have already talked about this matter. After sister Nuan got married, you will go back to Ningyuan County with us. Now you have no choice but this kind of thing! And this story spread Go out, your reputation will be ruined, and you will also ruin the reputations of your sister and sister Nuan!"


Wu Shi looked at the child who had grown up with her since she was a child, and patted her on the back: "Don't cry! Talk about something. If you don't want to marry the seventh prince's bodyguard, then don't. Listen to what your parents say."

The Wu family did not dare to keep Wen Ling in the capital.

In fact, Wen Ling had accidents many times, and she was also afraid that she would not take good care of them, and finally the two families would turn against each other.

"Woooo." Wen Ling cried even more when she heard this!

At this moment, Cardamom walked in: "Master, madam, the Seventh Prince is here."

Wen Jiarui hurriedly said: "Please!"

The Seventh Prince walked in with Zhang Xiaolin.

Everyone saluted him one after another.

Wen Ling looked at the Seventh Prince sadly.

After the Seventh Prince avoided a salute, he said to Wen Jiagui apologetically, "Second Uncle Wen, I'm really sorry, my servant offended Miss Wen Ling!"

Wen Jiagui hurriedly said: "Seventh prince, you are being polite! This is my daughter's negligence, my daughter's fault!"

The Seventh Prince looked at Zhang Xiaolin: "Don't apologize to Second Uncle Wen and Second Aunt Wen!"

Zhang Xiaolin immediately knelt down: "Master Wen Er, Mrs. Wen Er, Miss Wen Er accidentally bumped into Miss Wen. I'm really sorry! I'm willing to take any responsibility!"

The seventh prince continued: "Actually, this prince is also responsible for this matter. I drank too much, so I went to the small courtyard to have a rest. I didn't expect to hear a woman's voice for help coming from the room. I thought something happened! Then Let Xiaolin go in and take a look. I really didn’t expect it.”

The Seventh Prince didn't go any further when he said this, and then continued: "That's why I offended Miss Wen Ling, I'm really sorry!"

The people in the room don't understand anything when they hear this!

The Wen family was so angry that his heart ached!

Why would my daughter call for help when she changed her clothes?

He's probably trying to seduce the Seventh Prince!

Only Tan's mother didn't think of her daughter that much anymore, and she asked Wen Ling stupidly: "Sister Ling, are you calling for help in the house?"

Sister Ling dodged her eyes and nodded: "I saw a cockroach in the room, and I couldn't help screaming out of fright! Mother also knows that I have been most afraid of cockroaches since I was a child!"

Although Wen Nuan knew that Wen Ling's incident was caused by herself, she didn't expect her to call for help in such a stupid way!

It is really impossible to die!

Mrs. Tan also figured it out this time. The youngest daughter was indeed afraid of cockroaches, but she wasn't so afraid that she would call for help when she saw them!

Besides, in this weather, cockroaches are gone! And she had never seen cockroaches in the idle yard of Duke An's Mansion, let alone Prince An's Mansion!

daughter this is

How did she give birth to such a shameless daughter?

The Wen family was furious! He pointed at Wen Ling, wanting to scold him for being shameless!

After all, he didn't curse out, after all, there is still an outsider, the Third Prince, here.

Wen Nuan took a careful look at Wen Jiagui's and Tan's expressions, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The second uncle and the second aunt are still sensible people.

This was also one of the reasons why she had always tolerated Wen Ling and did not throw her back to Ningyuan County, waiting for the second uncle's family to go to Beijing.

Wen Jiagui took a few deep breaths and suppressed his anger: "You"

After Wen Jiagui finished saying this word, he fell backwards!

"Master!" Mrs. Tan jumped up in fright!

"Father!" Wen Qian quickly stood up and ran over.

"Second Brother!" Wen Jiarui strode forward!

Everyone jumped up in fright and ran over quickly.

Zhang Xiaolin stood still, he rushed forward and caught Wen Jiagui first.

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