The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1214 Of course, the blessings and the hardships are shared!

The sun has just risen and Wen Nuan has just woken up, when the emperor, empress dowager, and concubines in the palace gave warm rewards to them!

Several eunuchs read out the list of gifts to Zhizhi together, and the shrill voices came and went one after another!

"A Dendrobium, the Pearl of the East China Sea."

"A phoenix crown, the pearl of the South China Sea."

"Hetian Yuyu Ruyi pair."

"Dragon and Phoenix Blessing Jade Pendant."

Everything, a box, a cage, filled the open space in the front yard.

Nuan Nuan's family knelt for a long time, but they didn't finish receiving the reward.

Warm knees hurt!

After finally finishing the reading, Eunuch Lin laughed and said, "Princess Hui'an leads the decree!"

Nuannuan quickly knelt and stepped forward, raised his hands above his head, received the order, and kowtowed: "My daughter Hui'an accepts the order, thank the emperor for his grace, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

Others followed suit.

"Duke An, Mrs. Duke, Princess Hui'an please get up!"

Everyone stood up.

Eunuch Lin happily introduced to Wen Nuan: "Master Hui'an, these two are bridesmaids sent by the Empress Dowager to assist you in all the etiquette of getting married. This is Mother Xi, and this is Mother Le!"

Behind the two nuns, there are several palace maids standing respectively, all of whom are here to serve Nuan Nuan.

The two bridesmaids immediately saluted Nuan Nuan respectfully: "My maidservant has met Princess Hui'an, Princess Hui'an is blessed with happiness and happiness!"

Warm smile said: "The two sisters are polite!"

Eunuch Lin continued: "County Master Hui'an, this servant has to return to the palace. Tomorrow is the wedding day between Princess Hui'an and King Jin. This servant has to go back to the palace to make a good arrangement and leave!"

Wen Nuan didn't understand what Eunuch Lin was going to arrange when he returned to the palace, so he nodded and said with a smile: "Eunuch Lin has worked hard, I have already prepared some food, Eunuch Lin will take it on the way to eat, and also help me give it to the queen mother, the emperor, Some ladies from various palaces will give you some."

"Master, thank you Princess Hui'an for your concern!"

"Eunuch Lin is too polite,"

Then Wen Nuan gave silver and food rewards as usual, and sent away Eunuch Lin and other eunuchs and guards in the palace.

After sending off the people in the palace, the courtyard fell silent.

Lin Tingya looked at the whole yard and said with a smile: "Nuan Nuan, the rewards given by the Queen Mother and the Emperor seem to me to be similar to those given by the Eighth Princess."

Nuan nodded: "Yes. The Queen Mother and the Emperor have always treated me very well."

She is about to marry into the royal family. In fact, the emperor and the empress dowager don't have to do this at all. Adding make-up is the family's business, but these emperors and empress dowagers say it is a reward, not a make-up.

The amount of make-up given by the emperor and the queen mother is almost the same as when the eighth princess got married, but everyone is less.

Therefore, the other concubines didn't dare to take it lightly when they saw this, and compared with the eighth princess, they all had one less thing to add makeup to Nuan Nuan.

Because the eighth princess didn't know if she could come back to attend the warm wedding, she had already prepared to add makeup to the warm wedding, and asked the queen mother to help add it.

Everything in this courtyard is their love for warmth.

Mammy Xi smiled and said to Wen Nuan: "Princess Hui'an, is there a small kitchen in your small courtyard? The servant girl and Mammy Le are going to prepare fragrant bathing soup for Princess Hui'an first."

The emperor ordered that the marriage between King Jin and Princess Hui'an should be handled according to the marriage etiquette of emperors and empresses.

When the queen gets married, the etiquette is much more complicated than that of the princess. Just bathing with fragrant soup is twice more than that of the princess!

Wen Nuan smiled and said: "Yes, I will ask Zi Wan to take the two nuns there. Zi Wan, you can help the two nuns!"

"Yes!" Zi Wan hurriedly responded respectfully, and then invited several nuns and maids to the warm courtyard.

Seeing that it was getting late, Mrs. Wu said to the servants, "Hurry up and carry these things into the storeroom and decorate them! Cardamom, don't make any mistakes."

These all need to be packaged and packaged to make a dowry.

"Sister Nuan, go back to the yard and dress up, and the wives from various prefectures will come to add makeup in a while."

Wen Nuan had just changed her clothes and came to the flower hall, and there were horse-drawn carriages stopping in front of Anguo Gong's mansion one after another.

On this day, the gate of An Guogong's mansion was full of carriages.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going.

In the afternoon, the emperor gave a banquet, and the wives from all the prefectures rushed to leave before the sun went down after eating.

They have to go back to dress up, and then enter the palace to watch the ceremony in the middle of the night.

After the sun went down and all the people who came to add make-up left, Mrs. Wu hurriedly asked people to carry everyone's warm make-up to the warehouse, packed it up, and within a few hours, these things would have to be carried to King Jin's Mansion .

Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Tan, Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Ye and others were so busy that day that they could not touch the ground. They wished they could dedicate an extra body to help greet the guests and deal with the etiquette ordered by Xi Niang.

After all the people who came to add makeup left, Wen Nuan went to take a bath when Xi Niang was there.

The first time is to take a bath with the fragrant soup boiled out of the herbal medicine to dispel the wind and ward off evil spirits, wash away the evil spirits, then wash it with clean water, and then bathe with the fragrant soup of flowers.

After bathing, Xi Niang came in with a bowl of glutinous rice balls to keep warm, and said with a respectful smile, "Princess Hui'an, please use Wuxi glutinous rice balls. Eat up!"

Nuannuan hasn't had dinner yet, because Xi Niang said that everything she ate tonight was exquisite.

Nuan Nuan took it over and thanked with a smile: "Thank you, Mommy."

She looked at the glutinous rice balls in the meatballs. There were five colors in total. They were round and chubby, and they were very pleasing to look at.

Nuannuan took a small spoon and put a glutinous rice ball into his mouth, and Xi Niang immediately sang happily beside him: "On a good day, there is a girl in Anguo Gong's mansion who is waiting to be married. After eating Wuxi glutinous rice balls before going out, eat red dates and longan glutinous rice balls, and give birth early." Treasure son, rich and noble reunion, the whole country celebrates the wedding year with joy!"

Every time Wen Nuan picks up a glutinous rice ball, Xi Niang will say some auspicious words, nothing more than a hundred years of marriage, early birth of a precious son, reunion, harmony and beauty, happiness, longevity, wealth and honor, and so on.

After eating glutinous rice balls, Xi Momo came over with another bowl of white rice.

Nuannuan glanced at the maids in line behind Madam Xi.

Everyone held the same food in their hands, and she saw that in addition to white rice, there were also meals made of other grains, five big bowls of dry rice!

How could she swallow it!

Nuan Nuan was dumbfounded: "No, I have to finish eating?! I can't finish eating! You go and ask Master Shiqi to come over and eat with me!"

Don't you think too highly of her belly?

If this is the case, she must ask someone to invite Nalan Jinnian to eat with him.

Husband and wife are one body, of course they have the same blessings and share the same hardships!

Concubine Ning and Concubine An came to watch, so as not to make mistakes, and seeing Nuan Nuan like this, they all burst out laughing.

Grandma Xi was amused by Nuannuan's words: "Don't worry, Princess Hui'an, you only need to eat one bite of this white rice, the sharpest bite. The next five grain rice is also good to eat the sharpest bite."

Warm breathed a sigh of relief!

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