Mammy Xi took a spoon and scooped a small spoon on the sharpest part of the white rice.

Princess An was not surprised, but Princess Ning had a look of surprise on her face.

She was about to say something, but seeing that Princess An was nothing different, she shut up.

The family of Zhongming Dingshi, the royal family is the head of Zhongming Dingshi, so the daughters-in-law who marry into the royal family will eat five grain rice before they get married, and they all dig a spoonful of food at the tip of the stick.

But the place where the spoon is dug can't be at the sharpest point, because it represents the most honorable queen.

Princess Ning was extremely shocked in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

Wen Nuan didn't study these, she ate them as a matter of course.

After eating the five-grain rice, eat some fruits with good meanings. A bite of an apple represents peace for generations. A bite of a kumquat represents good luck. When the festival is high, eat a persimmon, and everything goes well. Eat some pomegranates, you will have more children and more blessings, and your children and grandchildren will be full.

It took half an hour to eat warmly just to eat!

Except for the Wuxi glutinous rice balls, you can eat the others in one bite, but you can't stand the amount!

She is completely full!

Mother Xi glanced at the sundial, and said with a smile: "It's still early, I'll help the princess open her face and comb her hair first. Then see if the princess needs to go to the toilet. After going to the toilet, you can go to the toilet after bathing in the fragrant soup." It’s time to put on makeup and wedding dress! After putting on the wedding dress, you can’t go to the toilet.”

Nuan nodded to show that he understood.

Next, Xi Niang opened the face to Nuan Nuan, combed her hair, and put on makeup for herself.

When Wen Nuan made up her makeup, she did not forget to ask Zi Wan to help Xiao Bai and Xiao Ben get dressed up too.

After Nuan Nuan put on her makeup, put on her phoenix crown, and received everyone's amazing eyes and compliments, she faintly heard the voice of joy.

Nuan Nuan smiled: "The wedding party is coming soon. You can prepare to stop the wedding now."

Wen Ran ran out immediately after hearing the words: "Quick, close the door!"

Lin Tingya, Wen Qian, Wen Wen and Wu Jingmei all ran out one after another, hiding things.

But at the moment, both sides of the street were full of people watching the excitement.

Every household in the entire capital hung up red lanterns, decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the whole country celebrated together!

Nalan Jinnian was wearing a bright red wedding dress covered with patterns of golden dragons, colorful phoenixes and auspicious clouds, showing a slender and tall figure with sharp-edged outlines, handsome sword eyebrows, slender icy eyes, and thin slender eyes. Yang, with a rare smile on his face.

He was riding alone in front of the welcoming team, compared to the usual silver-clothed him, he was a bit less cold and lonely but still exuded a domineering aura that made people dare not look directly at him!

He was pulling the reins of the horse with one hand, and holding a bouquet of flowers with the other.

Pink peonies with a few pale yellow julienne roses and white carnations with buds and some green leaves.

The softness of that bunch of flowers weakened some of the domineering arrogance, and added a bit of jade-like gentleness and softness, making him look so handsome that he was almost a monster!

Dahui is wearing a black suit today, with a red bow tie tied around his neck, with four legs, walking gracefully. Holding a red rose that it picked from the garden of Prince Jin's Mansion in its mouth, it walked beside the white horse in high spirits!

Behind Dahui, followed by a team of wolves!

The wolves were all dressed in imposing armor, with a little red tie around their necks.

With a red rose in their mouths, they walked neatly and well-trained to follow behind Big Hui.

Dahui looked at the people on both sides of the street, and cast a surprised look at himself!

Its head is raised higher!

Today, it is going to marry Xiaobai and go home!

It's just that the flowers are a bit stingy, and the master didn't prepare a bigger bouquet for him!

In the sky, a goshawk circled in the blue sky.

This goshawk was also wearing a vest, with a red bow tied around its neck that was exactly the same as Big Gray, and it was holding a red rose in its paw.

Looking up from below, people who didn't know thought it was holding a snake!

Behind Xiao Hei, a group of birds followed.

There are magpies, larks, parrots, and wild geese, but there are no crows.

On the street, the ordinary people were stunned by this procession of welcoming the bride!

Everyone talked about it and said everything!

"Oh my god! King Jin is so handsome!"

"King Jin's wolf is also very handsome! These wolves are wearing clothes, so cute! Especially the wolf in the front, looking at its snarky appearance, if you don't know it, you might think it is also getting a wife today?"

"Cute is cute, but bringing a pack of wolves to pick up the bride, what if something unexpected happens?"

"Yes, after all, animals don't understand human nature!"

"You don't know, this is the legendary wolf army! They have been on the battlefield and killed the enemy! They are wolves of high rank, general wolf, why can't they understand human nature? Princess Hui'an is really blessed! When King Jin got married, he even invited an army of wolves to pick him up!"

"Look, why is King Jin holding a bunch of flowers in his hand?"

"Nonsense, it must be for the bride!"

"This is the first time I saw the groom holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand! It's so beautiful!"

"Is there any implication? I also hope that when I get married, the groom will come on a white horse, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers! Although I also want to have an army of wolves, but forget it! It's a little scary!"

"That's right! If a man came to me with such a beautiful flower, I would marry him right away! It's so beautiful!"

"Look, there are many little birds in the sky, and they are singing!"

"Oh my god, there are so many little birds. What's the matter with these birds? Aren't they already flying south at this time of year? Why do they still appear?"

"This must be the little bird raised by King Jin. King Jin released a group of little birds to welcome the bride! I heard the cry of magpies! There are also larks, orioles!"

"Oh my god, the team and formation for welcoming the bride are really special! King Jin is also very good at it! Princess Hui'an is so happy!"

"I really envy the dead!"

Listening to everyone's words, Nalan Jinnian looked at the bouquet in his hand with disgust. He had held a sharp sword and a bow that pierced Yang with hundreds of steps, but he had never held a bouquet!

But he thought that Wen Nuan had someone tell her yesterday that he had to ride a white horse and hold a bouquet of flowers to marry her tomorrow, and she would not marry if she lacked one thing!

He couldn't help laughing.

Although the little girl is extremely intelligent and her mind is more mature than ordinary women, she is still a little girl!

This smile made those nympho girls even more busy breathing!

A quarter of an hour later, the welcoming team arrived at Duke Anguo's mansion. Nalan Jinnian got off his horse neatly, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, striding forward, and walked into Duke Anguo's mansion where the main entrance was opened. He first came to the front of the main courtyard hall, met with the father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then took the brothers who were welcoming the relatives, and went to the backyard in a hurry.

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