The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1216 Isn't this question too simple?

"Here we come! Here we come! King Jin is here!" In the warm courtyard, those girls standing on ladders and climbing the walls screamed excitedly when they saw Nalan Jinnian leading a group of people coming.

Wen Nuan had covered the red hijab, and sat there upright.

Hearing this, she subconsciously reached out to lift the hijab, wanting to see the situation outside.

Xi Niang was startled, and immediately took her hand, held her tightly, and stopped her movement: "Oh, my good princess, once the hijab is covered, it can't be lifted! We have to wait for the groom The official came to lift it! This is the red head cover that the abbot of the Guofo Temple has opened! The magic power is boundless, and it can guarantee that the couple will raise their eyebrows, love each other for a lifetime, and have children and grandchildren! If you lift it, it will be invalid!"

Nuannuan smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, Mammy, I'll do it if I don't!"

Although she didn't believe that she and Nalan Jinnian could raise their eyebrows together, and that the life of love depends on the red hijab that has been opened, but Wen Nuan is not a person who will cause trouble to others. Anyway, these etiquettes and customs, do as the Romans do. , that is.

Furthermore, this red hijab is made of transparent juan gauze, with patterns of dragons and phoenixes auspicious embroidered with gold threads and five-color silk threads. You can vaguely see the situation outside, but only through a touch of red and some embroidered patterns, you can see it clearly. A little uncomfortable.

But you can still see things anyway.

outside the yard

Wen Ran smiled and said, "Third Sister, Seventeenth Brother is so handsome holding a bouquet!"

Han Gengyu smiled in surprise, "That's right, why is King Jin holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand? But coming this way, he is really Mr. Pianpian, very handsome!"

"Nuan Nuan said that it was the bride's bouquet, and the groom had to give it to the bride. She sent someone to tell King Jin that she would not go out if he didn't bring a bouquet here today." Gentlely smiled .

Han Gengyu was even more surprised: "Is there such a saying?"

Wen Xin turned her head to look at Wen Nuan who was sitting in the room, and said unceremoniously: "This girl, she even wants to advertise for the flower farm when she gets married! I am afraid that in the future, when the groom of Nalan Kingdom gets married, he will hold a wedding dress in his hands. Bunch of flowers!"

Lin Tingya nodded: "Nuan Nuan is indeed a good businessman. Every time she has an idea inadvertently, the business of the flower farm will be improved. Now the flower farm is already overwhelmed! I have to open more It’s a flower field! Otherwise, the supply will be in short supply!”

Fang Fang excitedly said: "Look, King Jin has brought an army of wolves to welcome his wife!"

Han Gengyu: "Really! This is truly unprecedented! It shows that King Jin is very sincere!"

While speaking, Nalan Jinnian led people to the courtyard gate.

He glanced at the closed courtyard door, and then at the place where he climbed over the wall on weekdays.

Forcing himself to look away, he entered without directly climbing over the wall.

Da Hui looked at the closed courtyard door and was dumbfounded!

It's coming to welcome you!

How do you close this door?

Dahui's two front feet lay directly on the door panel, raised a chubby paw, and slammed on the door vigorously.

It raised its head and howled: "Xiaobai! Xiaobai! I'm here to pick you up!"

"Wow, woof, woof..." Xiao Bai ran out excitedly when he heard Da Hui's voice.

He was only wearing a white floor-length wedding dress. After running a few steps, he stepped on the skirt and jumped right into the mud!

It tried its best to get up on the ground, but the wedding dress was too long and heavy, it couldn't get up at all, and it was so anxious that it "barked" and rolled!

It made everyone in the yard laugh "haha"!

Zi Wan hurried to help Xiao Bai, lifted up her wedding dress, and stood up.

After Xiaobai stood up, he yelled several times in the direction of the courtyard door: "Wow, woof, woof!"

(Dahui, I can't run, the young lady dressed me in very beautiful clothes, but it's too big, and the tail is too long!)

Xiaobai finished talking to Da Hui, then turned to look at Wen Nuan in the room: "Wow woof woof"

(Miss, Dahui is here to pick me up to the new house! I want to open the door and let it in!)

Warm smiled and waved to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, come and squat next to me, Big Hui will come in after a while! You can't run out!"

Hearing this, Xiaobai glanced at the gate of the courtyard, and then walked towards Nuannuan step by step.

Of course, I will still step on the skirt and stumble.

Lin Tingya smiled and said, "Xiaobai can't wait to get married!"

Everyone laughed more happily.

The people who received the relatives outside the yard didn't understand what happened?

How come the people inside are already laughing before the wedding has even started.

Could it be the flower in King Xiaojin's hand?

Prince An's son looked at the flowers in Nalan Jinnian's hands, and said with disgust: "I told you not to take a bunch of flowers! Look, the people inside laughed when they saw it!"


When I got married a while ago, why didn't I tell myself to get a bouquet of flowers when I received the marriage!

How interesting it is!

Jingmei must be very happy to receive the flowers!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "If you're envious, just get married again!"

"Bah bah." What are you talking about!

Is it possible to get married again?


At this time, Xiaohei in the sky led a group of birds, and after circling nine times over the warm courtyard, he commanded the birds to land on the roof, courtyard wall, and branches one after another.

A pair of white cranes raised by Nalan Jinnian fell on the ground.

All of a sudden, all kinds of birds can be seen everywhere in the yard.

The singing birds sang excitedly.

A pair of parrots stood on two trees in the yard and kept calling: "Happy newlyweds! Happy newlyweds!"

The girls in the yard were all shocked by this scene!

"Where are there so many birds?" Fang Fang looked around.

"Couldn't this be King Jin's wedding party too?" Han Gengyu said in disbelief.

Inviting so many birds to greet the relatives, is this something that one person can do?

Lin Tingya was also stunned. She said blankly, "Obviously. Listen to what the pair of parrots said?"

Everyone: That's great!

Wen Ran was very satisfied with these two special welcoming teams, she decided to treat the third brother-in-law better!

The question is easier, just ask a few more questions~

Wen Ran leaned on the wall and said to Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, do you understand the rules of opening the door? Give me a red envelope first, and I will tell you what is the problem of the first level?"

The Seventh Prince was surprised when he heard the words: "However, sister, brother Ning, brother Lin, and Yichen all came up with questions right away when they got married! Why do you have to give red envelopes first when you write a question today?"

This time, don't you have to give twice as much money as others?

Wen Ran smiled and said: "Because they didn't marry my third sister! This is the rule if they want to marry my third sister!"

Of course it's because, she knows, the third brother-in-law is richer than the eldest brother-in-law!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the Seventh Prince and Prince Ning who were in charge of the red envelopes: "Give the red envelopes!"

Wen Ran took it over with a smile, and said, "What's my third sister's favorite food?"

Prince An's son was dissatisfied: "This question is too simple, isn't it? Is this the benefit of giving Yinzi another problem?"

Is this wife and sister a bit partial?

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