The winter sky is high and deep blue, and the sun shines on the resplendent palace, reflecting the brilliance.

The newlyweds were bathed in the sun, and with the blessings of the ministers and the people, they made a white-headed covenant with the heaven and the earth.

After worshiping the heaven and earth, it is necessary to enter the hall where the tablets of the emperors of the past dynasties are enshrined, and then worship the high hall.

After the various ceremonies, Rao Shi felt tired even though he was warm and energetic.

After all the rituals were done, the sun was about to go down.

Nalan Jinnian sent warmth to the palace, the courtyard where he lived before he became an adult.

Nalan Jinnian held her warm little hand tightly: "Wait for me! Come back soon!"

Nodding warmly, she took a look at the room that was not very festive: "Tonight, shall we spend the night in the palace?"

Is this illegal?

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Well, I won't go back to the house after serving tea tomorrow."

Nalan Jinnian originally disagreed.

But the royal brother said that he arranged it this way because they could sleep longer tomorrow, so they didn't have to enter the palace so early.

Nalan Jinnian felt that this arrangement was good and agreed.

Anyway, this yard is the yard where he grew up, and he used to occasionally stay in the palace for the night.

It was only after Wennuan entered Beijing that he left the palace no matter how late.

"I let the gentle and warm people come in and talk to you."


After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he hurried out.

He had to go to the Tianyuan Hall first, and get those people drunk before they could come back.

After Nalan Jinnian went out, he instructed the maid to bring in some snacks to warm him up and padded his stomach.

Now she is still covered with a red head cover, and it is only convenient to eat snacks.

He will come back later and accompany her to eat something else.

Then someone went to invite Wen Wen, Lin Tingya and others to go in and talk to Wen Wen. They didn't even think about it, they were also hungry for a day and needed to eat!

However, several people are also very willing to go in and accompany the warmth.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian appeared in Tianyuan Hall, Prince An, Prince Ning and others called him loudly.

Nalan Jinnian walked over and sat in his seat.

At this time, the maid behind Nalan Jinnian poured a glass of wine for Nalan Jinnian.

The emperor stroked his beard happily: "Seventeenth brother, I respect you! I wish you and Hui'an County Lord Longfeng auspicious, grow old together, and give birth to your son early!"

I just don't know if all the civil and military officials of the court will toast him with a glass of wine tonight, will he be so drunk that he will be unconscious, and then even the bridal chamber will not move!

Nalan Jinnian picked up the wine glass and stood up: "Brother Xie Huang!"

Then drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

The queen mother also picked up the wine glass: "Seventeen, the queen mother toasts you! I wish you and Hui'an county master will always be of one heart, and your children and grandchildren will be full!"

"Thank you mother!" He also drank the wine in one gulp.

Hearing the words, the seventh prince smiled and said, "Grandmother, you are blessing yourself with all the children and grandchildren?"

The queen mother glared at the seventh prince: "Ai's family just wants to hug their grandson! You also quickly find a girl for Ai's family to marry!"

Hearing the words, the seventh prince smiled and said, "Okay! I'll do it as soon as possible! I received the blessing of the Seventeenth Aunt today, and my good marriage will be here soon!"

"You're the most pompous, just talk and don't do it! Why don't you hurry up and give you a toast to the Seventeenth Emperor?" The queen mother didn't believe him! Lie every year!

The seventh prince smiled and said, "Yes, grandmother!"

Then he picked up the wine glass and said to Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeen, I respect you! I wish you and Hui'an County Master a hundred years of harmony!"

Next is Prince An, Prince Ning, Prince An's heir, Prince Ning's heir, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are also ready to move.

There are hundreds of people in the entire hall, if all of them would give him a toast.

Even if Nalan Jinnian has a thousand cups of alcohol without getting drunk, he can't hold so many people. There are at most hundreds of people in the entire hall! Who among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would dare not toast him?

Smart, he had already made some arrangements in secret. After drinking a bottle of wine, he replaced the wine with water.

Nalan Jinnian did not refuse to come, and the emperor and the empress dowager were secretly anxious for him!

What's going on with the seventeen?

Happy is not like this!

After a while, I was so drunk that I was unconscious, how could I have a bridal chamber?

The queen mother coughed.

Nalan Jinnian ignored it.

It's not easy for the emperor to say it clearly, stop everyone from toasting him, um, okay!

Although he was in a hurry, he also wanted to know the alcohol capacity of the Seventeenth Emperor!

Never seen him drunk!

Every time I drink with him, I get drunk first.

Nalan Jinnian drank four more pots of water into his stomach, and when a pot of wine came up, he drank a cup of the wine that Prince An had toasted to him again, and then pretended to be drunk!

"Uncle Seventeen, got drunk so soon? I don't believe it! Uncle Seventeen, stop pretending!" Prince An's son was planning to avenge the marriage that day!

The emperor also felt that it was almost the same. After five pots of wine, he would be unconscious! It seems that the seventeenth emperor's younger brother has one more drink than himself! He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Your Seventeenth Uncle has already drunk five pots of wine, and it's almost done! Be careful that he won't be able to have a bridal chamber tonight, and I'll settle the bill with you tomorrow!"

The 500 people in the entire court laughed when they heard this.

The emperor rarely made such jokes in front of them on weekdays.

The queen mother was also worried that Nalan Jinnian would be too drunk and unconscious. Tonight, her wish to hold her grandson failed, and she hurriedly said: "Come on, send King Jin to the master of Hui'an! Remember to feed him two more bowls of sober soup. !"

The emperor smiled and said: "The queen mother, this is eager to hold the grandson!"

The seventh prince smiled and said, "Grandmother, if you are in a hurry to hold your grandson, instead of preparing sober soup, you should prepare Shiquan Dabu soup!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

The excitement in the hall continued.

Nalan Jinnian was supported by two little eunuchs and walked out of the Tianyuan Palace. He stood up straight and waved to them: "Go back!"

The two little eunuchs did not expect that Nalan Jinnian was actually pretending to be drunk, but they were not too surprised. They respectfully saluted: "Yes!"

It's just that Nalan Jin's figure flashed a long time ago and disappeared in place.

They just bowed to the air.

The two little eunuchs glanced at each other: "What a fast speed!"

Nalan Jinnian returned to the bridal room, and Wen Wen and others said their goodbyes.

Then the two completed the ceremony at the prompt of Xi Niang, lifting the red hijab, drinking the wine and other rituals.

When it was over, Xi Niang left with a house of palace maids.

In the room, only Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were left.

Nalan Jinnian took the warm hand and held it in the palm of his hand, with a smile on his face, and looked at the warmth without blinking.

Today's little girl is so beautiful!

His little princess is so beautiful!

Under the candlelight, he had a tender look on his face and a satisfied smile on his eyebrows and eyes.

Nuan was embarrassed by him, so she reached out and covered his eyes: "Don't look at it! It's not that you haven't seen it!"

Nalan Jinnian took her hand down and glanced at the food on the table: "Are you hungry?"

Several dim sum dishes were empty.

Wen Nuan shook his head: "I ate a lot of snacks and I'm not hungry."

Don't be hungry, that's fine!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Then princess, let's go to bed!"

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