The moon and stars were sparse, and a pair of dragon and phoenix red candles burned all night, and did not go out until the sky was full of dawn.

At this time, the movement in the yellow tent only quieted down for a while.

When Nalan Jinnian opened his eyes, it was already bright.

He lowered his head and glanced at the person who lay quietly in his sturdy arms, still asleep, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It feels so good to wake up like this!

Thinking of the twists and turns last night, Nalan Jinnian's handsome face was stained with a strange red.

No, I must look for that little book when I go back to the manor today!

Otherwise, the little girl will die of laughter!

Nuan felt something scorching gently rubbing against her waist, she subconsciously frowned, thinking that Xiaobai ran to her bed again to make trouble with her.

It's just that she was too sleepy, and there was a refreshing breath around her that made her feel at ease. She didn't want to wake up, so she pushed "Xiao Bai": "Go find Aster for something to eat! I."

Nuan just wanted to continue saying that I'm so tired, so I'll sleep for a while.

Suddenly thinking of something, he opened his eyes quickly, and met a pair of long and narrow peach eyes, looking at her with a half-smile.

Wen Nuan's already blushing pretty face added a bit of crimson.

they last night

"Princess, are you awake?" The hand on his waist tightened involuntarily, hugging someone tighter.

"Well." Wen Nuan suppressed the inexplicable shyness in his heart and responded.

Then she pretended to take a calm look at the strange tent, the festive environment, and then looked out the window, and saw that the sky was already clear: "What time is it? Are you going to serve tea to the Queen Mother and the Emperor?"

"Don't worry, the auspicious time hasn't arrived yet."

The warm heart is very strong. Why is this trivial matter worth her urgency? She is not in a hurry at all. She knows that if the time comes, there will naturally be waitresses and maids to remind them.

She rubbed her eyes, yawned, and the shyness she felt when she woke up was gone.

He found a more comfortable position in his arms and planned to continue sleeping: "Then I'll sleep again."

Warm closed his eyes.

She hadn't slept much for two nights in a row, and she was so sleepy.

I have nothing to do today, just go to sleep and serve tea when the auspicious time arrives.

"Does it still hurt?" His hand gently fiddled with her hair that fell on his arms and on the pillow where the mandarin ducks were playing in the water.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm going to sleep, don't talk, it's noisy!"

"Well, I don't talk." He just did business.

It's just that the warmth didn't fall asleep, a big palm has found the strap of the clothes and pulled it gently.

After a long while, Nuan grabbed his hand, opened his eyes, and looked at him with playful eyes: "You understand?"

Nalan Jinnian's face flushed, and even the tips of his ears instantly turned red!

"You have a good test!" The voice was hoarse.

He thought that after the first time last night, he had already performed very well!

Three poles in the sun

The maids sent by Ziwan, Kangning Palace, and Zichen Palace have already requested three times and four times!

Nalan Jinnian got up in a hurry. After she dressed herself, she took the palace clothes that had been prepared in the closet, and personally served the warm clothes and put on the complicated palace clothes.

"Are you tired?" Nalan Jinnian helped Wennuan to tie her belt, looked at her yawning, and asked distressedly.

Nuan glared at him and said angrily, "What do you think?"

The warm complexion is a blushing that has never been seen before, the eyebrows are full of spring, and the beautiful appearance is less cold and pretty than usual, and a little more seductive.

It was Nalan Jinnian who had never seen amorous feelings.

He took a breath, and his long arms clasped her slender waist directly and pulled it into his arms.


After two quarters of an hour, Wen Nuan covered her red and swollen lips and walked towards Kangning Palace with someone who was very satisfied.

Warm and desperate to mobilize the purple energy in the body to reduce the swelling, and worry about being laughed at for a while.

Nalan Jinnian took her little hand, was in a happy mood, and walked forward with a contented face.

He glanced down from time to time, and the little daughter-in-law, who was almost a head shorter than himself, held a handkerchief to cover her mouth.

The smile on Nalan Jinnian's face deepened every time he looked at it.

Along the way, when encountering palace maids and eunuchs, those palace maids and eunuchs would salute and bless, and Nalan Jinnian heard one word: "Reward!"

The guards, eunuchs, and maids in the palace all know everything. King Jin is in a very good mood today!

By the time the two walked to the Kangning Palace, Nalan Jinnian's mouth would be split to the side of his ear!

I'm in a good mood!

For the first time, Nuan gave birth to the urge to slap this silly boy to death!

Canning Palace

After the emperor came to court, he came to Kangning Palace with Prince An, Prince Ning, Seventh Prince, Prince An and others, and they continued to discuss matters directly in the side hall.

The empress dowager and concubines headed by Concubine Li, as well as Princess An, Princess Ning, and some concubines of the imperial family were talking.

Among the women in the room, only the second prince sat embarrassedly beside Concubine Li.

Of course, there is also a Twelve Prince, but the Twelve Prince has just turned four years old and is still a child, and he doesn't understand what embarrassment is!

But after being grounded for more than a year, the second prince has become much more honest. Even if he is sitting in a pile of women, he does not appear impatient.

Finally, taking advantage of the marriage of the seventeenth emperor, he was able to lift the grounding, and the second prince did not want to be grounded again.

Concubine Li Gui sat there upright, and the queen mother didn't pay much attention to her, only talking to Princess An and other concubines.

She had long been impatient, and felt distressed for her son.

She glanced at the direction of the sundial, and was annoyed!

This has been waiting for an hour, and it still hasn't come!

She couldn't help but turn her head and ask the palace maid beside her, "What time is it?"

The palace maid was blessed, and replied respectfully: "Back to the empress, it's the end of the day."

Li Guifei said in surprise: "What? It's the end of time? Isn't it auspicious time?"

She said and looked at the other concubines with a worried look on her face.

Concubine Shu lowered her head, picked up the cup next to her to drink tea, and pretended not to hear.

The German concubine teased the ten princesses.

Other concubines and nobles also drank tea one after another, and talked to their little princess and little prince.

The queen mother turned her head to look at Concubine Li, and smiled: "It is indeed auspicious time, why hasn't the child at Seventeen come over? Everyone is anxious, right? Concubine Li, why don't you send someone to see if Seventeen is here? No?"

The empress dowager is young and kind-hearted, and she hardly ever deals with the concubines of the harem.

But for so many years, who dares to ignore the Queen Mother because she is young, then the end will be miserable!

It's not what the queen mother did, but the emperor took care of you first!

So all along, apart from the abolished Empress and Concubine Li, and Concubine De dared to say a word to the Empress Dowager, no one dared.

After all, their status is high, and their parents are in power, so the emperor will give some face, not to them, but to the people of their parents.

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