The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1221 Where is it uncomfortable?

Concubine Li: "."

How dare she send someone to invite her?

Offending King Jin, the second prince might be banned again!

Now her eldest brother is not the prime minister anymore.

"My concubine is just worried about the people around the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother. Have you made the wrong time? The auspicious time is almost over."

Concubine Li secretly hated other concubines for being too fake, and she didn't dare to show her impatience!

The second prince smiled and said, "Mr. Concubine is worried about Uncle Seventeen! After all, it is not good to miss the auspicious time. But Concubine Mum is worried for nothing, Uncle Seventeen is always on time."

The emperor came out at this time, with Prince An and others behind him.

The emperor stroked his beard and said in a protective manner: "The Seventeenth Emperor is indeed punctual, everyone is early! Next time, everyone will learn from me and show up on time!"

Everyone: "."

Check it out!

The auspicious time is almost over, and the emperor also said that he was punctual!

Who doesn't show up at an auspicious time to serve tea? !

Besides, learn from the emperor and show up on time?

Stop joking, whoever believes it will enter the cold palace!

Everyone murmured and stood up to salute the emperor: "My concubine sees the emperor, the emperor is auspicious!"

At this time, just outside the Kangning Palace came: "King Jin, Princess Jin is here!"

The emperor sat down and said happily: "Everyone is exempt from the ceremony! I am right! The Seventeenth Emperor has always been on time!"

Nalan Jinnian and Nuan walked in side by side.

Concubine Li glared at them secretly, her mouth moved, and she satirized silently: Step on the tail of auspicious times to serve tea! Really on time!

The two respectfully greeted the empress dowager, the emperor salute: "My son has seen the mother, the mother is blessed and healthy! I have seen the emperor, the emperor is blessed and safe!"

"The concubine has seen the mother, the mother is blessed and safe! I have seen the emperor, the emperor is blessed and safe!"

The queen mother waits for the warm mother, she has waited long enough!

Hearing it at the moment, I feel very pleasant.

The queen mother smiled and said: "No gift! Come on, come and sit with me!"

Two people: "Thank you mother!"

Wen Nuan walked over and sat down beside the Queen Mother.

Nalan Jinnian sat down next to the emperor.

The emperor looked at Nuan Nuan dissatisfiedly: "Nuan Nuan, what should you call me?"

Nuan stood up and blessed again: "Brother Huang."

Of course, Nuan also knows that on such occasions, it is impossible to shout like this on weekdays.

Didn't you see that Princess An and Princess Ning called the emperor respectfully?

The emperor was finally satisfied: "Haha. That's right!"

The queen mother smiled and said, "Okay, let's start serving tea!"

Next, Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian knelt on the futon, offered tea to the queen mother, the emperor, and then to the others.

After a tea ceremony, Wen Nuan received half a box of valuable jewelry.

Then he accompanied the queen mother in the palace. After the emperor had eaten, the two went back to the palace.

Nalan Jinnian took the warm hand and walked towards the palace gate.

Every few steps, the maid and the eunuch knelt down respectfully to greet him and bless him.

Nalan Jinnian happily followed Xia Xuan behind them, and Ziwan rewarded them.

The two were walking in the imperial garden, and just after turning a corner, they saw a eunuch and palace maid standing every few steps along the road cleaning the imperial garden!

It was not the first time for Aster to enter the palace. She did not understand how she saw such eunuchs and palace maids in the imperial garden today. The silver nudes she and Xia Xuan had prepared for rewards were almost used up!

She whispered to Xia Xuan, "Is today the day of the imperial garden cleaning? Why are so many palace maids and eunuchs coming out to clean the garden?"

Xia Xuan said expressionlessly: "They took the opportunity to beg for rewards."

The master is so generous, as long as he wishes him and the master of Hui'an County to grow old together, and those who give birth to precious sons will be rewarded with a penny and a naked son, which palace maid and Tai Chen told him that they don't want to get it?

So there are naturally many people in the imperial garden!

"Then what should I do? My purse is almost gone? Yours is almost gone too?" Aster said anxiously, seeing that he had already emptied a purse.

If the reward silver is gone, King Jin loudly said "reward" for a while, but they didn't have anything to reward, then it would be a real shame!

Xia Xuanan took out two bulging purses from his sleeve pockets: "Don't worry, I still have two bags here!"

It was Lin Feng who wrote a letter to remind him and asked him to prepare some silver naked coins as a reward.

It is said that the master has been waiting for so long, and finally he will marry the master of Hui'an back home. If he is happy, he will definitely reward the servants. Maybe there will be a lot of money on the street. So he's already ready!

Aster looked at the two bulging purses and felt relieved: "Fortunately, you are prepared and thoughtful!"

She really didn't know that King Jin was so generous!

Nalan Jinnian, who was walking in front, looked down at his little princess: "Are you tired? Can you walk?"

Warm shook his head: "It's not like you don't know my physical strength."

How could she be tired after walking a few steps?

Now let her run a marathon, she can do it!

It was her waist that felt a little sore.

Nalan Jinnian slapped his arms and strode forward: "Well, I know, you're tired!"



Canning Palace

After Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian left, a nanny came to the Queen Mother with a beautiful box, opened it, and said respectfully, "Queen Mother, please take a look."

The Empress Dowager looked at Yin Hong on Yuanpa, smiled and closed the box, and handed it to Madam Fu who was behind her, so that she could take it to the memorial room for archives.

She smiled and looked at Madam Rong: "How many times did you ask for water last night?"

Madam Rong compared three fingers, then smiled, "I asked for it again this morning."

The queen mother smiled even brighter when she heard the words: "Yes, yes! You said, did the grandson of Aijia have an upper body?"

She has seen Nuan Nuan's little days, and this big wedding day happens to be a day when Nuan Nuan is easy to conceive.

Madam Rong said with a smile: "Master Seventeen and Princess Jin are so loving, the Queen Mother will soon get what she wants."

The queen mother nodded: "Yes, yes, yes! You are right. The two of them are so loving, this child will definitely come soon! You should go back too! Make more nourishing things for Nuan Nuan, that child is Too thin! Don't you eat on weekdays? Aijia sees that she eats a lot!"

Rong Momo smiled: "Princess Jin looks pretty, but what should be big is big, and what should be small is fine! Everything that should be is much better than children of the same age! Princess Jin's appearance is a blessing! "

When the queen mother thought about it, she smiled: "It's the seventeenth who is lucky! You go back quickly! Serve Nuan Nuan well, and pay careful attention. She is young, and she doesn't know if the child is on the upper body. When the time comes I ate the wrong thing."

"Yes! The slaves must serve the princess well." Rong mama resigned respectfully.

in the carriage

Warm out a bottle of pills.

Nalan Jinnian was nervous: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Are you going too far?

Yep, she's just grown up.

Wen Nuan shook his head: "This is Biziwan, do you want us to have children so early?"

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