There was a young woman standing next to the old woman. When Wan Min sent them off to leave Nanning County that day, the only old hen that Nalan Jinnian accepted was given by this young woman.

Now their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are here with two cages of old hens!

No, these ordinary people in Nanning County are carrying two cages of old hens in their hands.

Wen Nuan immediately recognized Zhang Dapeng, the son of the village head of Grape Valley.

Zhang Dapeng is now a steward of the wine workshop, responsible for purchasing raw materials for wine making.

This year's wines have arrived and are doing well.

Zi Wan respectfully said to Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "My lord, my concubine, the people of Nanning County are here."

Zhang Dapeng took the lead and knelt down first: "Caomin see the prince and princess!"

Several ordinary people who followed him put the chicken coops in their hands on the ground and knelt down: "The grass people see the prince and princess!"

Wen Nuan smiled and said: "Everyone is free! Zi Wan, help that mother-in-law."

Zi Wan helped the old woman stand up.

"Thank you, princess!" the old woman said excitedly.

She just thinks that warmth is really a beautiful person with a kind heart. No wonder she was born in a farming family, but she can marry into a heavenly family!

This is a blessing for others!

Wen Nuan looked at Zhang Dapeng, and said with a smile, "Why is Brother Zhang here? Is there something wrong with the grape workshop?"

Zhang Dapeng grinned, and said respectfully: "Back to the princess, the workshop is very good. I heard that the princess is getting married, and a batch of wine just happened to be sent to the capital, so I will drop by to congratulate the princess on her wedding! Aunt Zhang, Brother Wu, Aunt Liu Everyone is here to add makeup to the princess!"

Zhang Dapeng's skin darkened a lot due to his frequent travels, and his grin made his teeth look particularly white.

Wen Nuan heard from He Ping that he was very careful in purchasing, and went around looking for good fruits every day. When there were no fruits to harvest, he went to the mountains to teach some villagers in the mountains to grow grapes, grow fruits, and take care of orchards.

That's probably how the tan was.

At this time, the old woman smiled at Nuannuan: "Guan Zhang is right. The lady heard that the prince and the concubine were married, so she deliberately caught all the old hens at home! The old hens I raised eat bugs and lay more eggs." , Almost every egg can hatch chicks, and those chicks can only grow up! My daughter-in-law married into my family, I just gave her to eat old hens to replenish her body, and hugged two in three years! It’s already given to me now I have added five fat grandchildren!"

The old woman said happily: "So this old hen can nourish the body! The prince and princess are newly married now, and they eat my old hen to nourish the body, and they are guaranteed to give birth to a big fat man in the next year! And eat the chicken I raised, and it is guaranteed to add more Boy, it's hard to give birth to a daughter! My daughter-in-law is like that, and she will give birth to grandchildren!"

Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing, this old woman is really a waste of talent if she doesn't go into sales!

Eating her chickens to guarantee a son?

Even a doctor like her dare not say that!

Zi Wan was also amused by the old woman's words!

The young woman next to the old woman said at this time: "My lord, my concubine, you only accepted an old hen from my family in Nanning County that day. Isn't the chicken raised by my mother-in-law delicious? It is good for the body? This time We know that the lord and concubine came here specially for their wedding, and I will give you a few old hens! The lord should make up her body and give birth to a big fat boy for the lord in the coming year!"

Others also said: "My lord, my concubine, we know that my concubine likes to eat chicken, so I brought you an old hen too! My old hen is also very nourishing for your body! If my concubine eats it, she will definitely have a baby early!"

"Our Nanning County has beautiful mountains and clear waters. The water in Nanning County raises people, and the chickens raised are especially delicious! The princess loves to eat, so we also caught a few! I also brought some special products from Nanning County to the princess! The villagers in our village also I sent many things produced by the family to the princess and the prince, all of which are in the carriage outside."

"Yes, we brought it too! It's in the carriage outside!"

Everyone, you say what I say.

Zi Wan said at this moment: "The entire contents of the three carriages are in the front yard."

Nuan Nuan was dumbfounded, how could they feel that they especially love chicken?

Although, she also loves to eat chicken, but she loves to eat any kind of meat!

Nuan Nuan smiled and thanked: "Thank you everyone, I am interested. Is there anything you need to do when you come to Beijing this time?"

The old woman waved her hand: "It's okay, we heard that the prince and concubine are getting married, and we came here specially to give you something! It's just that it's still a day late."

Others also nodded: "People in our village heard that the princess and the prince are getting married, and they all said that they would send something to the princess and the prince, and wish the prince and concubine a loving couple and have a baby soon!"

"People in Nanning County, everyone knows that the princess loves chicken very much, and they all said that they want to send chickens to the princess! Please send it to us! But it is too troublesome to deliver the chicken, and we have to feed it all the way, so we only brought this chicken The cages, the others are all grown in the ground, and there are also things made by the workshops in our village! Princess Hui'an see what he likes to eat, and we will give more in the future."

Warmth warmed her heart, she knew that the wedding between herself and Nalan Jinnian was announced to the world, and everyone in Nalan Kingdom would know about it, but she did not expect that the people in Nanning County would be so considerate, and would travel thousands of miles to add makeup to her.

She is realizing what it means to be less polite than affectionate!

Wen Nuan: "Everyone is determined! I'm tired after traveling all the way. I'll ask you to stay in the palace tonight. Let's have a good rest!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Dapeng immediately clapped his hands and replied: "Princess, we have already booked a hotel! There is no need to stay in the palace."

Others also refused one after another: "That's right! We have already booked the inn! We have paid all the money!"

"I still have to visit an aunt of mine whom I haven't seen in Beijing for many years!"

Where is the palace?

For them, this is a place with dragon spirit!

How dare they live in the palace?

Wen Nuan also knew that they would definitely feel constrained if they stayed here, so he said, "Then go back to the inn after dinner, you don't have to refuse, I just want to know about the situation in Nanning County. Besides, everyone came from thousands of miles to give me congratulatory gifts , I left without eating a meal, and I felt very sorry."

Everyone was about to refuse, but it was hard to refuse after hearing this.

Zhang Dapeng also had thoughts and warm words about the grape workshop, and said: "In this case, we should be respectful and follow orders!"

Nuan Nuan sent Zi Wan to order the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Then she invited several common people to talk in the warm pavilion.

I asked about the current situation in Nanning County, and learned that Grape Valley has changed from the poorest village to one of the wealthiest villages in Nanning County, and every household has built a house of green bricks and tiles! The village is paved with bluestone roads.

Not only in Grape Valley, but also in other villages because of the establishment of workshops, the life of the villagers is much easier.

Now in Nanning County, it is rare to see people wearing tattered clothes.

Wen Nuan gave some suggestions based on what they were doing at home to make a living. After dinner, they went back happily.

They came to congratulate Nuan Nuan on behalf of the people of Nanning County. Their goal was achieved, and they were naturally happy to receive advice.

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