Nuan Nuan asked Xia Xuan to take them back to the inn and take care of everything.

After they left, Nuan Nuan said to Zi Wan: "Go to the storeroom and prepare some gifts, just prepare a piece of makeup brocade, a piece of blue cloud brocade, and a few bottles of health medicine for iron wounds and mosquito bites. Oil, a wedding candy, a wedding cake and various snacks, send them over as a gift in return."

"Yes!" Zi Wan hurriedly responded, turned around and went to the warehouse to prepare.

Nalan Jinnian suddenly said: "Wait!"

Zi Wan stopped in her tracks, gave a blessing, and waited for orders.

Nuannuan also looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian: "Ask Mrs. Zhang how to raise chickens. And stew a bowl of Cordyceps chicken soup for the princess at night."

The little girl has been exhausted for the past two days, and she looks thinner.

Zi Wan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Yes!"

Nuan Nuan looked at him with her chin on her hand: "You don't really believe Mrs. Zhang's words, do you? If you eat those chickens, you will definitely have a son? If you believe her, you might as well believe me! But having a boy or a girl is a matter of fate! You Shouldn't it be patriarchal?"

Nalan Jinnian reached out and scratched her nose: "What nonsense! Am I that kind of person? It's just the child you gave me. I like both men and women, and I even like a daughter who looks like you. It's just Mrs. Zhang The words have a good meaning!"

If you don’t want children now, you will still have them in the future. Isn’t it good to have two children in three years?

Wen Nuan pretended to be fierce and said: "If you dare to favor boys over girls, I will always give you girls!"

Nalan Jinnian smiled, and pinched her little face: "That's fine too! Then how many daughters do you want to give me?"

Warmth stretched out a hand casually: "Five!"

It's just a joke anyway!

scare him!

Nalan Jinnian slapped it down with a palm: "Then it's settled! I have to think of names for my five daughters. What should I call them? How about calling the first daughter Baozhu? The meaning is like a jewel like a jewel."

"No, do you want to be so vulgar?"

"It's vulgar there? I think it's fine."

"No, change it!"

The rare and leisurely two were having a boring conversation here, naming the child who hadn't seen a picture yet.


Outside the gate of King Jin's Mansion

Xia Xuan personally rode a few people from Nanning County to the inn.

Zhang Dapeng led his people to drive the carriage and followed.

A series of ordinary carriages left from Prince Jin's Mansion, which caught the attention of the second prince who had just returned from the outer city.

The servant of the second prince saw a carriage coming out of Prince Jin's mansion, and told the second prince, and the second prince asked him to step aside to let the carriage of Prince Jin's mansion go first. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a few extremely ordinary carriages.

The people who drive the car also look like ordinary people.

After these few carriages passed by, the second prince asked, "Why are there so many ordinary carriages here at King Jin's Mansion? Are they relatives of Princess Hui'an in Ningyuan County?"

The boy driving the carriage said: "It doesn't seem to be the case. I heard someone invite Xia Shiwei to play in Nanning County. It should be someone from Nanning County."

People from Nanning County?


Nanning County is the fiefdom of Princess Hui'an.

It was a barren land, but now it is rich!

The Jianghuai Mansion, which has always been prosperous, is the fiefdom of the Seventeenth Emperor's Uncle.

What a rich couple they are!

It was rare for the second prince to ground his feet. He hadn't been out of the mansion for a long time. After he came out of the palace, he went to the outer city to have a look.

In the outer city, that large piece of land is owned by Uncle Seventeen and Princess Hui'an. Now there are two streets of shops in the outer city. It's so lively!

Those streets are clean and tidy, the shops are spacious and bright, and there are so many customers!

It makes people look hot!

The Seventeenth Emperor's Uncle and Princess Hui'an make a lot of money every day, right?

The second prince thought that the Li family's flower farm business, ceramic business, and other businesses have all plummeted!

Now that he is implicated by the second concubine, he really has nothing left!

The third child has gone to the front line to earn military merits!

Lao Qi heard that he was going to the front line too!

He is a prince despised by the emperor, if he doesn't do something, he will really miss the throne.

But what should we do?

Do you also go to the front line to make military contributions?

But everyone left the capital, and he stayed in the capital to accompany his father, so there should be more opportunities, right?

The second prince couldn't think of what to do for a while, so he decided to discuss it with Concubine Li when he entered the palace to pay his respects tomorrow.



Wen Nuan soaked in the warm soup for a while in the clean room, and he felt much more comfortable.

She came out with her wet hair loose.

Nalan Jinnian was reading a book, when he saw her coming out, he immediately closed the book, covered it with a book, and stood up.

Nuan raised her eyebrows: "What book are you reading?"

Nalan Jinnian took a cotton towel, walked over to him, and said nonchalantly, "I didn't read the title of the book seriously, so I just read it casually."

This expression is clearly a guilty conscience!

"What kind of book are you looking at casually?" Hmph, I was sneaky just now.

"It's just a miscellaneous book. After looking through it, I found that there is nothing interesting!" It was a book about intercourse moves, and he wanted to find them to learn moves.

But I found that I have no teacher at all!

But there are some postures that you can try tonight.

Nalan Jinnian pulled Wen Nuan to lie down on the chaise longue, and dried her hair.

"What miscellaneous books?"

"Just a folk tale book." Seeing her keep asking, Nalan Jinnian thought about it, and deliberately talked about other things.

"You bring it here, and I'll take a look too. I like reading story books the most." Wen Nuan felt more and more that he was deliberately hiding something!

Why didn't you mention the title of the book?

There must be a ghost!

"It's very boring, you won't like to watch it." Nalan Jinnian said in a casual tone with a smile hidden in his eyes.

The warmth is getting more and more interesting! !

"I haven't watched it yet. How do you know I don't like it? Or do I find it interesting? Anyway, it's just to pass the time. Take it here!"

Nalan Jinnian just shouldn't: "You have read it, just that "The Story of the Green Screen". I heard you said it was boring before."

I don't believe a word of warmth!

I just said that I didn't read the title of the book clearly!

"Well, I happen to be free, so it's good to pass the time. I'll get it and have a look!" Wen Nuan stood up and ran over quickly.

Nalan Jinnian followed.

Wen Nuan quickly picked up the book and opened it.


The warm face instantly flushed red!

She quickly closed the book and looked at Nalan Jinnian: "You"

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were full of smiles.

Nuannuan knew he had been fooled!

He simply lured himself to look at it on purpose!

"It's too bad!" Wen Nuan glared at him.

Nalan Jinnian smiled and picked her up directly, and walked towards the bed: "Well, I did it on purpose for my husband! Didn't the princess say that I don't understand it! I have to learn it on purpose! Now that I have finished learning, let's come Let's practice, Wangfei, see if I have learned it?"


The next day was a warm day to return home.

Nalan Jinnian dared to enter the palace late, but he didn't dare to accompany Nuannuan back home late.

Of course, it was also because he rested early last night, so someone was already satisfied.

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