The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1237 1236th Do you mean that I am a fool?

"Brother, let me enter the palace with you!" Nuan Nuan had something to discuss with Wen Chun.

"it is good!"

So the two hurriedly changed into court clothes and entered the palace to face the saint.

When Nalan Jinnian came back on horseback, he happened to see Wen Nuan and Wen Chun in court clothes, ready to get into the carriage.

He got off his horse, looked at the two of them, and raised his eyebrows: "Enter the palace?"

"Well, the eldest brother is back, so he has to go to the palace to plead guilty no matter what."

Wen Chun saluted Nalan Jinnian and called out, "Brother Seventeen."

After thinking about it for a while, Nalan Jinnian knew what Wen Nuan was worried about. In fact, there was no need to worry. Wen Chun had asked for an order when he came back, but now that Dongling Kingdom sent troops, the frontier was in danger, but this was within his expectation.

And Wen Chun is back now, just in line with his arrangement.

Recently, he felt that Nuannuan was more tired, and this girl was a carefree person, so he didn't talk to her about some things in detail.

"Let me enter the palace with you!" Nalan Jinnian handed the horse to the porter who was guarding the side.

Wen Nuan shook his head: "You just came back, you haven't eaten yet, you should eat first!"

Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand to help warm up the cloak: "Have you used it?"

Nuan shook her head: "Not yet."

It would be really disrespectful if Wen Chun entered the palace after eating.

"Then bring a few food boxes and go into the palace to have a meal with Brother Huang!"

Wen Nuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Okay! Today's lunch happens to have something the Emperor likes to eat."

Why did she forget to bring something to eat for the emperor!

"Bring some to my mother too! By the way, please say hello to my mother."

They also left the capital soon.

"it is good."

So Nuan Nuan quickly ordered some food boxes to be prepared, and the three of them entered the palace together.

In the carriage, Wen Chun asked Nuan Nuan carefully: "What's the situation with Dong Ling now?"

Warmth: "The soldiers of Dongling are not as strong as our Nalan Kingdom, and they have uncles to help them out. When the news came back, they were still stable. Uncle said that Dongling Kingdom is probably just a test, and they didn't do their best to deal with it." .”

Wen Chun thought a lot in his heart for a moment, and finally came to a conclusion: "I'm afraid this is also to guard against the Beiming country! The four countries unite, and they can't trust each other very much."

Nalan Jinnian helped Nuan take off the cloak, folded it, put it aside, then put a hand stove in her hand, and said, "This is normal."

Warmth: "There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in this world. Even enemies can sometimes cooperate as long as they have the same interests. Now the four countries are like this, and the relationship between our Nalan Kingdom and them is also the same."

Therefore, if Nalan Kingdom wants to win, if it wants to win this battle as quickly as possible, it must provoke the relationship between the four countries, break the alliance of the four countries, and even let them bite the dog's bones.

Nalan Jinnian and she are already planning this matter.

However, even if the alliance of the four nations is broken, Beiming and Nanjiang are determined to destroy Nalan!

It is too difficult for Nalan Kingdom to win this battle and win the next Beiming Kingdom!

Troops, food, silver, weapons, etc. are all less than Beiming Kingdom!

Well, strictly speaking, what is lacking the most is money. With money, many problems can be solved.

For example, if there are insufficient troops, the court can continue to recruit troops, but it takes a lot of money to recruit troops.

If you don't have food, weapons, soldiers' warming items, etc., if you have money, you can find a place to buy them!

In short, it needs a lot of silver!

So earning money is very important!

Nalan Jinnian couldn't go to the front line to kill the enemy because there were too many things that needed to be arranged!

If he doesn't arrange these back-up matters well, the battle between Nalan Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom will definitely be powerless!

The alliance of the four countries can drag Nalan Kingdom to death.

While the three were talking, they came to the palace gate.

Zichen Palace, Imperial Study Room

Zuo Duqian Yushi was spitting all over the place while the emperor sat on the dragon chair and listened quietly.

The Minister of the Household Department wrote a total of several papers this morning, including the budget for recruiting troops, the budget for food and fodder, the budget for weapons casting, and the budget for soldiers' pensions. The emperor just read it.

"Your Majesty, Mr. An's eldest son Wen Chun, Mr. Wen has disregarded the lives of hundreds of thousands of people! It is a heinous crime! There is no pardon for the crime!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also echoed: "Your Majesty, our country is being invaded by foreign enemies in all directions. If all the county magistrates in the border areas, like Mr. Wen, leave their posts without authorization and ignore the people of the entire county in times of crisis, what will happen? It’s really beyond redemption! If you are an official, if you don’t do anything like this, if our Nalan Kingdom has a few more officials like him, the country will perish! Your Majesty, you have to punish him severely to make a warning to everyone else!”

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry estimated that the emperor must know about Wen Chun's return this time. After all, King Jin and Princess Hui'an were married, so it is understandable for him to come back as the eldest brother.

But he was unlucky!

On the day of the wedding of King Jin and Princess Hui'an, he didn't come back, so this can't be an excuse for him to come back, and then he encountered the siege of the four countries.

This is enough to make him guilty of desertion without authorization!

And it is a great sin!

Minister of the Ministry of Industry naturally had to seize this opportunity, and stepped on Wen Chun hard.

To be honest, the two brothers Wen Chun and Wen Hou will be the biggest stumbling block in his son's career!

The emperor nodded: "The two lovers are right, but I already knew about Mr. Wen's return to Beijing in advance, so he is not considered leaving his post without authorization."

"Your Majesty, as a king, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined, and one should not be biased because of selfishness. If there is a mistake, it will be punished, and if it is meritorious, it will be rewarded. This is the way to govern the country!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry almost applauded Zuo Duqian Censor's words!

Only people from Yushitai dared to say this.

These officials dare not say anything.

The emperor's heart is really biased to the sky!

The emperor immediately turned black, and he said coldly: "Your Excellency Zuo thinks that I am not clear about rewards and punishments?"

"The lower officials dare not!"

To other officials, he didn't dare to say it, but to King Jin and An Guogong's family, didn't he have any self-knowledge whether the emperor clearly rewarded and punished him?

The emperor: "Are you saying that I am a fool?"

"I don't dare to be a lowly official! I have absolutely no such intentions. The emperor is a famous emperor through the ages. This is what is said among the common people! The emperor's lesson!"

The emperor snorted coldly: "Hmph, it's good if you know! As I said, I approved Mr. Wen's return to Beijing! Why, I deal with state affairs, who is summoned, or who is not summoned, do I still need to report to the two adults in advance? ?”

The two were startled, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "I don't dare!"

The emperor is also impatient, don't you know that he has a lot of things to worry about every day?

The seventeenth emperor brother has no time to deal with this memorial now, he can't sleep in the middle of the night when he approves the memorial every day!

Just to suppress their colleagues, the two of them came to him and talked nonsense for a long time!

Listening to them with this skill, the emperor thought it would be better for him to go back to the dragon bed and sleep in the cage!

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