The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1238 He Wants to Hammer a Nail

The emperor waved his hand impatiently: "Since you don't dare, don't talk too much! Stop talking nonsense! The four countries are besieged recently, what you have to do is to think more about how to deal with it and appease the people! No, I will definitely punish him! Don't worry!"

"Yes!" The two said hurriedly.

Zuo Duqian censor sighed in his heart, the emperor became more and more stubborn and eccentric as he got older!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry sneered in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface!

The emperor will punish Wen Chun. Judging by the emperor's attitude, does it seem that he will punish him?

This is clearly protecting!

So in this world, as long as the emperor wants to protect someone, there is nothing he can't protect!

However, Minister of the Ministry of Industry also knew that this impeachment would have no results, what he wanted was to put a nail in the emperor's heart.

The emperor trusts the family of Duke Anguo's family, that trust is as strong as a thick city wall, but nails can finally be driven into a strong heart wall!

A little bit at a time, more times, naturally the whole nail is nailed in. The emperor's heart is nailed with a nail all day long, and he will find a way to get rid of it if he is worried all day long!

At this time, Eunuch Lin came in and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, King Jin, Princess Jin, Lord Wen Chun, please see me!"

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "Quick pass!"

Then the emperor waved to the two of them again: "You all step back!"

The two bowed and saluted: "I will take my leave."

The two took a few steps back before turning around and walking out.

Just in time to meet Nalan Jinnian, Wen Nuan and Wen Chun walked in.

The two saluted outside the door: "My minister greets King Jin and Princess Jin!"

Wen Chun bowed to the two of them: "Your Majesty has seen the two adults!"

Nalan Jinnian stopped in his tracks. He looked at the minister of the Ministry of Industry with no expression on his face, and nodded, "There is a minister of the Ministry of Industry to greet this king and his concubine. Of course, this king and his concubine are well! Yes! Already, have you finished your tea with Minister of the Ministry of Industry?"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry: "..."

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he pulled Wen Nuan past them and walked in.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry was secretly startled, what did King Jin know?

Zuo Duqian Yushi pulled the dazed Minister of the Ministry of Industry: "Master Huang, let's go!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry came back to his senses, and the two quickly left the forbidden area of ​​the Imperial Study Room.

After the two left, Zuo Duqian Yushi sighed: "The emperor is getting more and more emotional!"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry purposefully followed up with a sigh: "The court is in troubled times, and there are not enough good generals in the court. Whether it is King Jin, Princess Hui'an, or Wang Xiao, they are all generals. It is normal for the emperor to rely on them! This time Nalan Kingdom survived the siege of the four countries, and An Guogong's family contributed more! It is natural to act arrogantly."

Censor Zuo Duqian's heart tightened. Since ancient times, there are many military generals with great achievements, who think too highly of themselves and don't take the emperor seriously. The Guo family is a precedent!

Now people in Duke An's mansion also have this sign, look at the daughter of Duke An's concubine's elder brother, who dares to despise his son for nothing!

You know how high the self-esteem of the An Guo family is!

No, in the future, he will keep an eye on every move of Duke Anguo's mansion, always alert the emperor, and absolutely not let the rebellion of the Guo family happen again!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry saw Zuo Duqian Yushi's expression of resigning himself to death and planning to fight hard, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This time the Four Kingdoms are besieging Nalan Kingdom, Nalan Kingdom is brave and good at fighting, and there is a shortage of experienced generals! The emperor definitely needs King Jin to calm down. Besides, Princess Hui'an and Wang Xiao are both brave and good at fighting. The emperor of Anguo Gongfu's family must not be moved.

The third prince sent a message back last night and told him that Liu Kai was very good at fighting, and he had guessed the enemy's plot to a good degree. Nalan won two battles in a row!

Their eastern frontier is impregnable for the time being!

If Liu Kai took advantage of the victory and pursued him, he might be able to capture a city in Dongling and make a great contribution!

But Liu Kai didn't listen to the third prince's words, saying that the enemy's army was deceitful, it was just a test, and it's not appropriate to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Liu Kai didn't listen to the third prince's order, and talked about him many times to win him over, deliberately avoiding him, and had no intention of following the third prince.

Obviously already a member of King Jin.

The third prince's current plan is to let himself find a way to drive away the trust of Duke Anguo and King Jin in the heart of the emperor bit by bit in Beijing, and he will open up remote areas in Eastern Xinjiang and make great achievements!

There is a prince who is in the army, no matter how great a contribution that general makes, won't it still fall on the prince's head?

And after he thought about it again and again, he couldn't find anyone to help separate King Jin and An Guogong's family from the emperor's trust, Zuo Duqian Yushi was a good choice.

It is not a pleasant thing to be stared at by a censor from the censor platform all day long.

An Guogong's family has a great business in a short period of time. If there are no tricks, who will believe it?

A nest of ants, a dike that collapsed thousands of miles!

In trivial matters time and time again, the walls of the emperor's trust will naturally collapse.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry glanced at the blue sky.

The day when the world is at peace will be the day when the third prince will emerge.

It's better for the third prince to stay in the barracks.

Heroes come out of troubled times. I believe that after this great war, there will definitely be many good generals. The third prince has to recruit and promote some soldiers with good general talents.

Build your own power in the army!


Inside the royal study

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian bowed respectfully to the emperor.

Wen Chun directly knelt down: "I see the emperor, my minister deserves to die, I beg the emperor to punish me!"

The emperor waved his hand: "Let's all get up and talk! It's not your fault! I approved your return. Give me your seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Several people were seated.

After taking his seat, Nalan Jinnian said, "Has the emperor had lunch? The princess has prepared some food for the emperor."

The emperor originally wanted to ask Wen Chun about the situation of the Dongling people who belonged to Nalan Kingdom, but he didn't bother to ask.

This matter cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, the food will not taste good when it is cold!

So the emperor was successfully tempted by the delicious food and went out of business!

After eating and drinking enough, we talked about business.

"Master Wen, are the people under your rule safe?"

"Back to the emperor, the common people are quite safe. For those who are restless, the officials have arranged for people to keep an eye on them quietly. Because of the benevolent government that distributes the land to each family, everyone is enthusiastic. This year, every household has a bumper harvest. I have never seen so much food!"

The emperor nodded in satisfaction: "My greatest wish is for the common people to live and work in peace and contentment! The county you manage is rather special, so you must pay attention to the secret work of Dongling Kingdom lurking among the common people..."

The emperor gave detailed instructions like an elder teaching a younger generation.

When the two armies were at war, they were most afraid of traitors in the city and would spread some news. Even when the enemy attacked the city, it would be troublesome for those traitors who were in Cao Ying to cause chaos in the city.

After all, the county that Wen Chun manages is a new county. He is young and must have insufficient experience.

And those people were originally the people of Dongling Kingdom.

Although they were considered abandoned by Dongling, people still have feelings for their homeland and country. In such a short period of time, they probably don't have enough sense of belonging to Nalan Kingdom.

This is very easy to be instigated by people.

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