After listening to the emperor's instructions, Wen Chun left the palace with Nuannuan.

Nalan Jinnian stayed in the palace to discuss matters with the emperor, mainly the issue of weapon manufacturing, and the issue of selling the salt produced by their saltworks to Beiming Kingdom and other countries to earn some money.

Fighting wars cost too much money, and there will only be more money in the future. Nalan Jinnian can only try his best to make money.

After Wen Nuan and Wen Chun left the palace, Wen Chun went to the Liang Mansion to pay a visit to his father-in-law and mother-in-law before returning home.

After returning to the mansion, Wen Chun bid farewell to his family: "Dongling has dispatched troops, they must have taken back the lost city immediately, I must go back and take office immediately."

Wu was surprised and said, "So fast? It's getting dark now, so I can't go back tomorrow."

Wen Chun shook his head: "The emperor allowed me to go back tomorrow, the emperor's grace is good, but I can't wait until tomorrow."

Wen Chun said this and looked at Liang Ziyun: "Ziyun, you are pregnant, it is really not suitable to hurry, and now there is a war, it is not safe for you to go back with me, how about you stay in the capital this time to raise your baby?"

Liang Ziyun nodded: "Okay, don't worry, I will take good care of myself. You must be careful."

Liang Ziyun had already heard about the siege of Nalan Kingdom by the Four Kingdoms, and she had already guessed that Wen Chun would rush back immediately after returning from the palace.

She was also worried that the emperor would punish him!

Now it seems that there is no penalty.

However, whenever Liang Ziyun thought of what happened to Wen Chun last time, she would be afraid for a while!

At that time, his whole body didn't have a piece of intact skin!

But in this situation, she can't follow, and she can't cause him any trouble.

At this time, Wang said: "National affairs are the most important thing. Brother Chun, you can go back at ease. As the parent official of a county, the people there can't do without you! We will take care of Ziyun, you don't have to worry! You take care of her." Just protect the people yourself!"

Wen Chun nodded: "Grandma, I know! I'll go back now!"

Wu Shi felt reluctant, but still said: "I'll pack your luggage for you right now!"

In the end, Wen Chun came back, stayed at home for less than an hour, and then left.


five days later, at dawn

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were woken up by the sound of Xiao Hei pecking at the window.

Nalan Jinnian quickly sat up.

Just as Nuan Nuan was about to sit up, Nalan Jinnian pushed her back on the bed, tucked her in the quilt, and kept the cold air out: "It's Xiao Hei who's back. You continue to sleep, it's not dawn yet!"

Nalan Jinnian quickly got out of bed and went to open the window.

Facing a piercing chill, Xiao Hei flew in.

This ghost weather really froze the eagle to death!

Xiao Hei spread his wings, signaling Nalan Jinnian to quickly untie the note.

Nalan Jinnian quickly untied the note.

He opened it and took a look, his face changed.

After he untied the note, Xiao Hei landed directly next to the charcoal basin, spread his wings, and kept warm.

Its whole body was shivering near the side of the charcoal basin.

Nuan Nuan also got out of bed at this time, put on a cloak, and gave Nalan Jinnian a cloak to put on, and asked casually, "What was written in the letter?"

Nalan Jinnian was still looking down at the letter without speaking.

Nuan Nuan saw that Xiao Hei's feathers were drenched, worried that it would freeze, so he quickly picked up a cloth towel, walked towards it, and dried his feathers.

Xiao Hei looked at Wen Nuan pitifully, and then gave Nalan Jinnian a accusing look.

Still Miss Sister!

That heartless guy sent the eagle out to work in the winter, and it was still during its wedding!

It almost froze to death on the road, making Xiaoben a widow!

Nuannuan was amused by Xiaohei's expression: "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaohei, I'll give you something delicious! You won't be cold after eating!"

Nuan Nuan nourished Xiao Hei with purple qi, then she walked over to the Bogu rack and took out a warming pill, and fed Xiao Hei to eat.

After Xiao Hei finished eating, he immediately felt a stream of hot air flowing through his body, and his whole body became warmer.

It looked at Nuan Nuan and opened its mouth, the meaning was obvious: I want more!

Wen Nuan patted its head: "You can't eat too much of this, I'll ask Chen Huan to bring you something delicious!"

Nuan Nuan called out: "Chen Huan."

Chen Huan was keeping watch tonight. She saw Xiao Hei coming back just now, and she had already gone to the kitchen to get food.

"Here we come! Princess, the meat is ready, Xiao Hei can come out and eat!" Chen Huan responded.

Xiao Hei immediately flew over.

Nuannuan looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Where are the eighth princesses?"

Nalan Jinnian pursed her lips and gave the letter to Nuannuan, then closed the window to prevent the cold outside from freezing her.

Seeing his expression, Wen Nuan's heart skipped a beat, she lowered her head, and read the letter at a glance.

Nuan Nuan's knuckles were turning white while pinching the letter paper: "What a Beiming country!"

The letter was written by Amber, and the eighth princess only took a few of her guards and maidservants back. When they passed by the Beiming Kingdom, they were robbed by the people of the Beiming Kingdom! Now Beiming Kingdom wants Nalan Kingdom to hand over Emperor Xian in exchange for the Eighth Princess!

Dijunxian must be intact, otherwise Dijunxian will lose a hair, and the eighth princess will lose a hair!

If Di Junxian lost a hair, the eighth princess would lose a layer of skin!

Regarding the miscarriage of the eighth princess, the letter said that it was hard to say, he was the one who was sorry for the eighth princess, and when the eighth princess was rescued, he would definitely take the blame.

From this point of view, the eighth princess had a sudden miscarriage, so she must have an in-law.

"Brother Seventeen, I'm going to the military camp, and I'm going to the Beiming Kingdom to save the eighth princess! I can't follow the previous plan!"

Wen Chun was caught, but he was rescued, but his body was covered in bruises, and he almost lost his life!

The eighth princess has just had a miscarriage, and now the weather is cold, and the Beiming country is covered in ice for thousands of miles. If the eighth princess is tortured again to extract a confession, she will really lose her life.

As long as Wen Nuan thinks about Wen Chun's situation at that time, she becomes anxious.

Wen Nuan grabbed the letter paper in his hand into a ball, thinking about how to rescue the eighth princess.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to enter Beiming country now.

Although Wen Nuan looked calm on the surface, Nalan Jinnian could tell that she was anxious.

Nalan Jinnian pulled her into his arms and comforted her in a low voice: "Don't worry, let me think about what to do."

Nalan Jinnian asked Nuannuan to lead the troops to rescue the eighth princess. Although Nalan Jinnian knew about Nuannuan's ability, he was not at ease.

At this moment, the people of Beiming Kingdom must have laid a net, waiting for them to save the eighth princess.

Nalan Jinnian patted Nuan Nuan's back lightly, thinking: Xiao Ba was arrested, his plan was disrupted.

Now the team escorting Di Junxian has left the capital for several days, but the weather is cold, and the speed of the march may be slower. If he starts now, he will have to rush to Beiming and rescue the little one before the team reaches the ambush. Eight.

It's not like there's no chance.

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