"We have to rescue Xiao Ba in advance, and only in this way can all our previous plans not be disrupted."

Their plans are linked one after the other, if they mess up a step, it will be troublesome!

Because many things have been explained and are already in progress.

Wen Nuan nodded: "No matter what, saving Xiao Ba is the most important thing!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "I know, I'll go to the palace, you get ready, we will set off to Beiming Country to rescue Xiaoba at dawn!"

Their soldiers set off in batches to the front lines of various frontiers.

When to set off, Nalan Jinnian would go to the barracks and tell the army when he set off.

Only in this way can absolute confidentiality be achieved.

Now he has to leave this matter to the emperor to arrange.

"Okay!" Nuannuan nodded.


When Nalan Jinnian came out of the palace, it was already daylight.

Wen Nuan has simply packed two sets of luggage, and explained all the matters in the mansion, and went back to An Guo Gong's mansion to visit his parents and relatives, and told them about his expedition.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian returned to the mansion, the two of them took Xia Xuan, Chen Huan and Chen Xi and set off for the northern border at high speed.

Naturally, Dahui and Xiaobai, as well as Xiaohei and Xiaoben are indispensable in the company.

This time, Da Hui took a wolf army to go, and they walked directly on the mountain road.

They will wait for the warmth and Nalan Jinnian at the foot of a certain mountain.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Ben flew fast and could walk in a straight line. They went to Beiming Country to find out the situation first.

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian went out of the city, and they were immediately known by interested people.

Then the news that the two were leaving the city spread in all directions at the fastest speed, and was sent to those who needed to know the whereabouts of the two.


The few people drove non-stop for two days, and did not rest at night, until they left behind the people who were secretly following them, entered the mountain forest, and joined Dahui.

Then they walked for most of the night, and Nalan Jinnian led them to find a cave.

"Tonight, we will rest here for one night, and we will set off tomorrow morning."

"Yes!" Xia Xuan and the others responded one after another, and then immediately started lighting fires and cleaning the cave.

In this winter, the cave needs to be checked carefully to see if there are no poisons to spend the winter here.

After riding a horse for two days and one night in the ice and snow, my warm hands and nose were red from the cold.

Nalan Jinnian grabbed her hand, rubbed it lightly, and kept breathing, trying to warm her hand.

Nuan Nuan smiled and withdrew his hand: "Okay, I'm not cold, let's hurry up to collect firewood, help light the fire, and then go to sleep!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "I'll come, you rest."

Nalan Jinnian then went out to collect firewood, and by the way, he called Big Hui to join his subordinates.

How powerful are wolves!

Soon, Chen Huan started the fire, Chen Xi finished the inspection, Xia Xuan went outside to get some clean snow from the branches, and came back to boil water for drinking.

In this weather, the river is frozen.

The water boiled, but Nalan Jinnian hadn't come back yet.

Da Huidu brought his wolf soldiers back with a lot of dead branches in his mouth.

Nuannuan was a little worried: "Why haven't you come back for so long?"

At this moment, Da Hui came back with a small bundle of firewood in his mouth, Wen Nuan couldn't help asking, "Da Hui, where's Brother Seventeen?"

Dahui glanced back, meaning to be behind.

Soon, Nuannuan saw Nalan Jinnian returning with two prepared hares.

Warm and helpless: "Are you going to catch rabbits?"

It's midnight!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "I just saw it, thinking that you have been eating dry food for the past two days, so I grabbed it."

Xia Xuan quickly took it over: "Master, is this rabbit roasted?"


Nalan Jinnian held warm hands: "Come with me."

"Where are you going?"

"You'll find out soon."

Nalan Jinnian held warm hands, held the torch, and walked cautiously to a place in the dim light of the fire.

Nuannuan looked at a pitch-black cave, which could only allow one person to pass through: "This is?"

"Go in and have a look."

Wen Nuan bent over, turned slightly sideways, and walked in cautiously.

Nalan Jinnian followed behind Nuannuan, he had already gone in just now, and it was safe inside.

After passing through a narrow narrow road, the inside suddenly opened up.

By the light of the torch, Nuan Nuan saw many weapons!

There are long spears, sabers, armors, bows and arrows, etc., everything that one expects to find.

Among them, there are the most feathered arrows, at least 100,000!

This can solve the urgent need.

On the battlefield, arrows consume the most, but they are also relatively difficult to craft.

"Why are there so many weapons hidden here?" Nuan Nuan's eyes were full of surprise.

"There is still silver." Nalan Jinnian pointed to a certain corner.

Wen Nuan walked over, and stepped forward to uncover a box, which contained ingots of gold ingots!

Nuannuan's eyes were full of surprises: "Did you discover the treasure?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled: "Catching a rabbit, I found it suddenly. This should be part of the silver from the former treasury that has not been found!"

Wen Nuan picked up an ingot of gold and took a look at it. There was indeed a sign of the former dynasty printed on the bottom.

Warm opened one box after another, and it was estimated that there were about 50,000 taels of gold.

It's not a lot, but there are five hundred thousand taels of silver!

The most important thing is these weapons. The imperial court recruits recruits who need to be used and trained by them.

Soldiers fighting on the front line also need a lot of weapons, especially arrows, which are the most worn out.

Now these 100,000 Rain Arrows are considered urgent!

It can be transported to northern Xinjiang immediately, and used by Prince An's son and the seventh prince for their layout!

That formation, but the more arrows, the better!

"It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it! The emperor knows that he should be happy!"

Nalan Jinnian saw that the torch's flame was getting weaker and weaker, and there was a faint tendency to extinguish it: "Tomorrow, I will ask Da Hui to send a letter back to Brother Huang. Let's go out first! This place has been closed for too long, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time."

"En." The two walked out and returned to the cave just now.

After roasting in front of the fire for a while, the two shared a roasted rabbit, leaving the other one for Xia Xuan and Chen Huan and Chen Xi.

That night, Xia Xuan guarded the outside of the cave, while Chen Huan and Chen Xi guarded the entrance of the cave.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian stood by the fire back to back.

Each rested on their knees.

After resting for only two hours, before dawn, I got up again and continued on my way.

Dahui returned the same way with a letter, and he would continue to catch up with them after sending the letter back to Duke Anguo's mansion.

In the following days, the five of them did not ride horses.

Several people rode a wolf each, walking among the mountains and forests.

After running for a certain distance, the wolf got tired, so he changed to another wolf, ensuring the fastest speed, and arrived at Beiming Country.

It was snowing heavily, and the further north we went, the heavier the snow fell.

Half a month later, they finally arrived at the northern border!

Here, it is really frozen for thousands of miles, snow drifts for thousands of miles, and it is frozen three feet!

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