Doesn't this make the people of the four countries question the strength of their No. 1 power in Beiming?

Isn't this the father emperor questioning his ability as the prince of Beiming? !

Also made him a joke of the Four Kingdoms?

Moreover, looking at these soldiers again, they looked terrified, worried that they would be killed silently if they continued, it was obvious that their morale had been hit!

They have only captured one or two cities in Nalan Kingdom now, and the soldiers have lost their morale. How will they fight in the next battle?

The army of Nalan Kingdom has not reached the battlefield yet!

Di Junming's words made Hou Gefan's dark face burst into shame, and he only felt a great shame!

very good!

Hui'an County Lord once again made him feel the humiliation of his life!

Hou Gefan endured the humiliation and anger and said: "The general will know! Prince, please rest assured, there has never been a general who fought like this! This is not what a hero does at all! Such a sneaky hide-and-seek behavior, what kind of a man does it? ? It just humiliates the integrity of being a soldier!"

The other generals of Beiming Kingdom also spoke up one after another, but there was nothing they could do. Although this battle was to capture Yongping County, but so many troops were lost, it was considered a loss!

If the emperor punishes them for this matter, they will definitely bear the brunt of the military commanders!

So at this moment, they can only start to reduce their responsibilities one after another, and then set goals in order to atone for their sins.

"General Hou is right, Hui'an County Master Yijie girl doesn't know how to fight at all! She has no shame! She has no morals! She has a lot of tricks! Only then would she come up with such nasty methods and do such insidious things! War is not like this. Yes! Our soldiers are upright and awe-inspiring, and they don't know how to follow her path! If there is a real sword fight on the battlefield, with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals formed by the inferior pariahs of Nalan, our soldiers will be able to fight in an instant. They're gone!"

"Sure enough, it is the most poisonous woman's heart, a real woman is a real villain! Treat war as a hide-and-seek game! Besides, Yongping County is their territory, this city is not a city we are familiar with, and the inferior pariahs of Nalan country live. The structure of the house is not the same as that of our Beiming people! Our people will be killed unknowingly! Next, we will not play hide and seek with them! We will fight them on the battlefield! I can kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

"No, these scumbags in Nalan country are really too stupid! We love to do this kind of trickery! We are not dogs, we can't do this kind of thing! We fight on the battlefield. See you, see the real chapter on the battlefield!"

"Yes, seeing the truth on the battlefield, killing the insidious and cunning inferior pariah without leaving a piece of armor, this is the act of a man! Hide and seek is a bitch's play, an unpopular act! Brothers, right?"

Countless soldiers immediately responded loudly:

"See the real chapter on the battlefield! Kill the inferior pariah without leaving a piece of armor!"

"See the real chapter on the battlefield! Kill the inferior pariah without leaving a piece of armor!"

Di Junming saw that the morale of the soldiers had come back a little, and his face was not so ugly.

When marching and fighting will always damage the soldiers, as long as they can win back!

Their goal is always the city!

The warmth of the dark place listened to the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom with a low-level pariah and a low-level dog thing, and sneered.

Beiming has a vast territory and rich resources. For more than a hundred years, the country has been prosperous and the people are strong, with strong soldiers and horses. It claims to be the first powerful country in the mainland. people!

Simply bah!

She jumped directly onto the roof and said loudly to the thousands of troops below: "This princess is here! The superior Beiming dog, you really don't chase me?! On the battlefield, I am afraid that you will die even more. Miserable!"

Di Junming's pupils shrank: "Kill her!"

Holding the weapon, Hou Gefan jumped up to the roof!

He's going to kill this bitch!

"Only a mad dog will chase after people to bite! Only a dog's eyes will see people and be inferior to others! Sure enough, it is a first-class dog! Wang Wang. Come and chase me! And Wang Wangzi, your sixth emperor brother is not saved? And your wife and sister! Prince Wang Wang, come after me!" Wen Nuan jumped down and said this loudly!

Cao Zihao, who was hiding in a corner, also followed at the moment: "Wangcai, we are here! Hurry up and chase! Wang Wang Wang."

The soles of her warm feet slipped and she almost fell, she said with a smile: "Come on!"

The two quickly ran into the house.

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom were so angry that they all looked at Emperor Junming.

Is this to continue to pursue or not to pursue?

Di Junming's face was ashen!

This is the first time someone dares to ridicule him as a dog!

Princess Hui'an is simply courting death!

"Prince, are we chasing?" a lieutenant asked.

Because Hou Gefan had already gone after him, he had done a great job in catching Hui'an County Master, so he could only ask. .

Di Junming said angrily, "Are you a dog?"


And Hou Gefan chased after him and jumped down, no longer seeing the two of them.

Hou Gefan didn't dare to chase after her alone. Princess Hui'an's martial arts should be comparable to his own, so he wouldn't be afraid to deal with her, but there were two of them.

And I don't know how many people there are hiding in the dark.

He was injured by an arrow, which affected his actions, and naturally he could not win.

He turned around without hesitation!

He returned to Di Junming with a gloomy face: "Back to the prince, I didn't catch it!"

Di Junming snorted coldly, he was not blind, he had already seen it.

He said coldly with a stern face: "You pick out a team of a thousand people, and slowly search them from room to room! Other soldiers surrounded the entire city! If you see the soldiers of Nalan country fleeing, shoot them. !"

Since they could not be searched separately, only one team was arranged there, one mansion, one house, one house after another.

Don't you love to hide?

How long can they hide?

See if they can't starve to death!

"Yes!" Hou Gefan arranged immediately.


Di Junming settled down in the main room of the largest room, waiting for the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom to be unable to hide and run out on their own, or be destroyed by their thousands of troops.

It has been more than half a day since Hou Gefan settled everything. He stayed in the west wing, and the military doctor was applying medicine to his wound.

A gray-headed soldier ran into the yard, shouting as he ran: "General, it's not good! General, it's not good!"

Hou Gefan's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up in fright: wouldn't a thousand people be wiped out?

The military doctor was unprepared, and a whole bottle of gold sore medicine bought from the people of Nalan a long time ago was spilled!

This is only one bottle!

The military doctor looked distressed.

Hou Gefan was also distressed, but he didn't have time to care so much.

The gray-headed soldier quickly ran to Hou Gefan: "General, it's not good!"

Hou Gefan saw his face turn pale.

Isn't this the military general who guards the grain?

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