The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1251 As if this severe winter is no longer cold!

The gray-faced soldier rushed in and made a "puff", knelt heavily on the ground, and wailed: "General, our food and grass are burned!"

The unease in Hou Gefan's heart continued to expand, and he asked cautiously, "Which granary's grain and grass were burned?"

There were very few voices, as if I was worried that if I asked louder, the three granaries were all burned!

Burning one is no big deal.

They came back after conquering a city.

"Three or three were burned! We tried our best to put out the fire, but we couldn't save it!" the disgraced soldier cried.

Hou Gefan only felt that the sky was spinning, and he felt that the sky was about to fall.

All three were burned?

how can that be?

He shouted hoarsely: "Isn't it telling you to keep the food and grass? How can it be burned! How can it all be burned! What will the army eat next, eat shit?"

The disgraced soldier was sprayed with saliva, and was so frightened that he fell to the ground, not daring to say a word.

Because Di Junming heard the movement, he came over to take a look. He didn't expect to get such bad news, and he was in disbelief at the moment.

"How is it possible that all three granaries have been burned? Ha? What are so many people guarding for? Are you dead? They were all chopped off by Guquan! They were chopped down!" You have to kick the stool in front of you.

The soldier shivered with fright and said, "It's King Jin of Nalan Kingdom, who brought people to burn!"

Di Junming clenched his fists in anger and punched a huanghuali wood coffee table.

It's the year of Nalan Jin again!

After a long while, he suppressed the anger in his heart that was like a turbulent sea, and looked at Hou Gefan: "Strengthen the guard and guard the eighth princess of Nalan Kingdom! Today Nalan Jinnian burned how much food we have, and I will ask him for one tomorrow. One piece is back!

Also, find out how Nalan Jinnian knew where our army's food and forage were located! There must be some meticulous work in our army. If they are caught, they will be sentenced to death!

There are also arrangements for people to do a serious search to see how much emergency food they can find! …”

Emperor Junming made the same arrangements.


Just when a team of 1,000 people from Beiming started to search the city one by one for food, Wen Nuan and Cao Zihao had already left the secret road with 30,000 soldiers and several thousand people, passed through Puning Mountain, and walked for a day. One night, we arrived at Yongding City.

The soldiers of Yongding City, seeing the appearance of the 30,000-strong army, shouted excitedly: "Come back! The army is back! Many people! Open the city gate! Open the city gate!"

The heavy city gate was slowly opened.

Outside the city, there are two long teams, marching in a uniform pace, from far to near.

The footsteps of "Da Da" gradually became loud and clear.

On the city wall, a silver figure looked at the front of the team, the figure in silver armor, his eyes were gentle.

The little girl is in high spirits, and it seems that this battle has gained a lot.

Inside the city gate, the people of Yongping County were waiting.

Some were waiting for the return of their husband's son, and some were waiting for news. Everyone was worried and anxious.

Worrying about his son, Xianggong or elder brother getting hurt after killing the enemy.

Worried about the damage to your house.

I'm worried that I'll never see my family again.

Fear of never being able to return to their homeland.

Now I hear the army is back!

Everyone's faces couldn't help showing a look of anticipation, and they all stood on tiptoe, looking forward to see if the person they were thinking of appeared in the team.

Wujin sank, and the golden afterglow of the setting sun fell on the faces of these hopeful people, and they were all full of hope.

Warmth took the lead into the city.

Cao Zihao followed behind her, facing the densely packed people on both sides, and said with a smile: "Victory! Our army wiped out a local army of 100,000 with 30,000 troops! It is just around the corner to retake Yongding County and Beifeng County! The people who stayed behind in Yongping County, Not one fell, all came back! Our soldiers have all returned safely!"

In the end, Cao Zihao used a roar!

For the families of soldiers on the battlefield, nothing is more important than a safe return!


Loud cheers resounded through the sky!

The people jumped for joy!

Under the golden sunshine, how dazzling and warm the happy smiles on everyone's faces at this moment!

As if this severe winter is no longer cold!

No matter how thick the snow is!


in the camp

celebration feast

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian stood up with their wine glasses up.

Warmly smiled at the 30,000 army and thousands of civilians who participated in the war: "Today, the 100,000 enemy troops were destroyed, thanks to everyone's cooperation and bravery and wit, thank you for your hard work! I will give you a cup of honor to all the soldiers, everyone is free! I wish the next one. We will be invincible all the way, drive away the enemy forces in Beiming, and retake the lost city as soon as possible."

Nalan Jinnian also raised a toast to everyone, and only spit out two words: "We must win!"

Then he drank the wine in one gulp.

Everyone stood up one after another, raising their glasses and shouting, "We must win!"

Next, Cao Zihao brought a few generals to warm them up. Nalan Jinnian, the soldiers, and the common people who participated in the war toasted. After toasting, everyone sat together happily eating meat and drinking in small gulps. speak loudly.

Some people say that when the city gates are opened, how did 20,000 soldiers make 300,000 enemy troops jump!

Some people said that they hid in a corner and killed several enemy troops.

Some people said that they were discovered by the enemy, and how the warmth appeared in time to lead away all the enemy and let him get out of trouble.

Some people say that those Beiming enemy troops were in a panic when they found out that they had lost nearly 100,000 people after a night!

Some people say that the warmth is so powerful. Thousands of enemy troops are chasing her, and countless rain arrows are shot at her, and she can be safe and sound!

Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan sat on the main seat, listening to everyone talking, with a glass of wine in front of everyone.

Wine can make things fun, but it can also be bad, so everyone only gave one cup, and everyone took a sip when they said they were happy.

After filling her stomach with warmth, she took a sip of the wine glass and looked at everyone with a small smile.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the sky, and he held the warm hand on the table.

Wen Nuan turned to look at him, and asked, "Huh?"

"It's night, shall we go back to the house?"

Nuan glanced at everyone, everyone was still talking excitedly, but the food on the table was all eaten, and the wine had long been drunk, but they were reluctant to leave.

The joy of victory always makes people so addicted and lingering.

Nuan thought that Nalan Jinnian hadn't slept much, and nodded: "Okay!"

Getting a warm nod, Nalan Jinnian said to Cao Zihao, "It's time to leave! Let everyone rest well!"

Cao Zihao hurriedly responded.

There is still one hour left in the ionic time.

The military discipline is strict, and victory can be celebrated, but it must be rested before the hour.

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