The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1257 Only need to win, not to lose

Wolves, avalanches!

What a Nalan Jinnian!

Di Junming was so angry that his teeth were itching!

"Siege the city! We will attack the city tonight!" Di Junming gritted his teeth.

The entire army of 20,000 soldiers was wiped out. If they don't teach Nalan Kingdom a lesson, they will think that Beiming Kingdom is easy to bully!

Hou Gefan was silent for a while, and it is not impossible to attack the city tonight, because they have already prepared for it.

And if you attack the city at night, you can catch it by surprise!

However, Hou Gefan reminded: "Your Highness, the spies reported that the enemy army escorted the Sixth Prince and they did not continue to go to the Butterfly Valley. Instead, they took a detour and took another path. If we send someone to rescue the Sixth Prince There is a chance. I robbed prisoners once during the day, and the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom probably would not have guessed that we would send people to rob prisoners again tonight.

Hearing the words, Di Junming pondered for a while, spread out the map, looked at it for a while, and said, "Where does General Hou think the ambush should be?"

Hou Gefan stretched out his finger and clicked on a dot on the map: "Here!"

It just so happened that he arranged for 50,000 soldiers to go there yesterday to prepare for the siege.

It is also possible to draw 10,000 to 20,000 of these 50,000 soldiers to save people.

Di Junming thought of his princess crying and begging him to rescue Jia Jingyu when he went out to fight.

The Jia family is still useful!

Besides, if Feng Di was rescued this time, Di Junxian would have been abolished, so he might be able to bring Feng's family over.

Also, my father has always loved Di Junxian very much. If I have the opportunity to save Di Junxian, but I don’t save him, my father will be unhappy if he finds out. Thinking of this, he nodded:

"Send another 20,000 soldiers, why don't you send 10,000 soldiers! Send another 10,000 soldiers to rescue Liu Huangdi, and the rest of the soldiers will set out to attack the city overnight! We must capture Yongding City before it gets dark tomorrow!"

"Yes! The general will make arrangements!" Hou Gefan immediately retreated.

"Wait!" Di Junxian called to stop him again.

Hou Gefan turned around: "Your Highness, please give me instructions!"

"Arrange good people to send the eighth princess of Nalan Kingdom to the battlefield at noon tomorrow! This matter must be done in a concealed way! It cannot be discovered by the enemy! Do you understand?"

Hou Gefan nodded: "The general will understand! Don't worry, Your Highness!"

"Notify the other generals, and then discuss the siege! Also remember to send someone to keep an eye on the enemy's movements!"


"How does the southern border country respond?"

Hou Gefan: "The sixth prince of Southern Xinjiang promised to send 100,000 soldiers tomorrow to intercept Nalan's army and help us attack the city! He also lent us 100,000 shi of grain!"

"Okay! The Nanjiang Kingdom is really loyal! Tell the sixth prince of Nanjiang that our Beiming Kingdom will do our best to help him sit on the throne. After we capture Princess Hui'an and ask about the breeding methods of rice and wheat with a yield of 1000 jin per mu, we will definitely use it to help him sit on the throne. Leave it to him, Princess Hui'an! Once Yongding City is settled, we will help them get back the city that originally belonged to them!!"

There is a place in Yongding City that borders the southern border.

The city that Nanjiang Kingdom lost at the beginning was merged into Yongding City and became a small county under Yongding.

Tomorrow the Nalan Kingdom's army will arrive, just in case, he invited the Nanjiang Kingdom to help stop it, and must capture Yongdingfu City in their Beiming Kingdom before the Nalan Kingdom's army can arrive.

At that time, they and the Southern Border Kingdom will attack back and forth, and wipe out the Nalan Kingdom's army in one fell swoop!

Di Junxian thought of something and added: "Also, as soon as possible to find the enemy's granary, we have to deal with them in the same way! We also need to find out about their food transport team and rob them of their food. ! Cut off their retreat!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, this matter will be arranged in the end!"

Di Junming nodded in satisfaction, thinking that there seemed to be nothing missing, he said: "Okay, you can make arrangements! Remember that this battle must be decided quickly, and only victory is not allowed!"



Yongding City

Wen Nuan received a letter from Nalan Jinnian sent by Xiao Hei.

After Nuan Nuan read the letter, she smiled slightly. She took up a pen and wrote a reply letter, and after Xiao Hei was full, she waved to Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, come here!"

Xiao Hei fluttered his wings, and flew to Nuannuan's side, spread his wings very sensiblely, and looked down at his armpits.

Signaling Nuan to tie the letter under the wings.

"Good boy!" Wen Nuan patted its head, then folded the letter paper, rolled it up, and tied it under Xiao Hei's wings.

Wen Nuan patted Xiao Hei's head again: "Xiao Hei is so good! Send this letter to Brother Seventeen!"

Xiao Hei nodded, just right, exercise after eating.

It's just that it's a bit cold outside, so I don't want to go out.

However, no matter how cold it is, you have to go!

The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the eagle!

It also wants to be the Eagle General!

Wen Nuan thought of something, and stood up: "Xiao Hei, wait for me! I personally made you a vest, made of bear skin, very warm! I'll bring it and put it on for you!"

Miss sister made it by herself?

Xiao Hei thought of the clothes that Miss Sister made with her own hands last time, they were so ugly! Also it is laughed by many birds! And it almost broke its wings!

It shook its head vigorously.

Sister Aster made it, it wears it!

Miss sister did it, forget it!

If it is discovered by the enemy and it cannot fly, it will be miserable!

Nuan Nuan saw it shaking his head and refused, and said, "I made this bearskin vest very well! You can wear it without worry! It fits perfectly! And this style is very foreign!"

Wen Nuan went to find the bearskin vest from the sewing basket, and walked towards Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei took a look, it was black!

It's so ugly!

It doesn't!

Xiao Hei quickly flapped his wings, flew out of the window, and immediately flew into the sky, flying far away!


Do you want to be scared like this?

She still has something to explain!

Nuannuan took a look at the small bearskin coat specially designed for Xiao Hei!

Very handsome!

Forget it, Xiao Hei doesn't know how to appreciate it!

Good luck, Brother Seventeen!

Wearing the underwear she made every day, hanging the purse embroidered by her every day, like a baby!

Since Xiao Hei doesn't wear it, let Xiao Hei's son wear it!

Wen Nuan put away the bearskin vest, and then said to Chen Huan who was guarding outside: "Go and inform General Cao, there are several generals coming to discuss matters! The Battle of Butterfly Valley has already been won, and the enemy army in Beiming may attack the city tonight. They come over to discuss matters as soon as possible! And let General Cao tell the soldiers to go to bed early tonight, get up and prepare for the battle!"

"Yes, I will inform General Cao right now." Chen Huan responded and quickly retreated.

Looking warmly at the sky outside the window.

The sun has set, and the night will come soon, this battle must be won, and the eighth princess must be rescued!

After victory, it's time for them to fight back!

After the victory in this battle, their record of destroying Beiming's 100,000 army with 30,000 troops, and another 30,000 troops to destroy Beiming's 100,000 troops will definitely cause a sensation in the four countries!

The morale of Beiming soldiers will definitely be hit hard!

The Four Kingdoms will definitely re-evaluate the strength of their Nalan Kingdom!

Nanjiang Kingdom, Dongling, and Xihua, soon, it will be their turn!

Be sure to clean them up!

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