It is night, and the moon is in the sky.

A team of 5,000 people was on the road overnight.

Nalan Jinnian at the front of the team suddenly stopped and looked around: "Tonight, we will be stationed here."

Feng Xiaobing immediately said: "We will be stationed here tonight, everyone find a place to rest. Eat something!"

The soldiers all stopped when they heard the words, and then consciously cleared the snow, some of them cleared the snow, some of them looked for branches to start a fire, and some of them looked for branches to start a fire.

Nalan Jinnian walked around with Feng Xiaobing and Xia Xuan.

Then he drew a few circles on the ground and said something to Xia Xuan and Feng Xiaobing.

Feng Xiaobing immediately called some soldiers to start working.

In the darkness, Di Junxian couldn't see what they were doing, but they must be laying an ambush, waiting for Beiming soldiers who came to rescue him.

He was anxious, and tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what they were doing, but he couldn't see clearly. He also thought that even if he saw clearly what they were doing, there was no way to pass the news on.

What's more, now he was hit by Nalan Jinnian's dumb acupoint again, and he couldn't speak.

Thinking of this, Di Junxian couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

After Nalan Jinnian led his men to arrange the surrounding area, the soldiers had already cleared an open space, lit a fire, and boiled some hot water. Everyone surrounded the campfires to keep warm while drinking hot water and eating dry food.

Several prison cars were placed in the middle in case someone hijacked the prisoner.

A soldier handed Nalan Jinnian a bowl of hot water: "My lord, drink some hot water to warm up your body."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, took it, walked to a tree not far away, and sat down.

Xia Xuan brought Nalan Jinnian a dry ration: "Master, eat something."

Nalan Jinnian took it and started to eat silently.

Some of the soldiers secretly looked at him, and they all admired him.

The majestic prince, he ate and slept the same as them all the way.

Let all soldiers have no complaints.

After all, everyone is like this even if they are princes, how can they dare to complain?

Military flags were planted on the surrounding trees, and those flags were fluttering in the darkness.

After Nalan Jinnian finished eating, he leaned against the tree, closed his eyes and meditated.

too tired.

I will fight in a while, and I will fight tomorrow, so I can only take a rest now.

Xia Xuan silently lit a fire beside him to keep him warm, and then leaned against another tree not far from him to rest.

The other soldiers didn't dare to make a sound. After eating in a hurry, they gathered around the fire and took the time to rest.

Only ten soldiers were left on duty at night, adding firewood to everyone's bonfire from time to time, so that everyone would not get cold in this cold night and could sleep peacefully.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, Nalan Jinnian opened his eyes, and his sharp icy pupils looked in a certain direction.

He stood up, without disturbing anyone, and walked deep into the woods.

Only Di Junxian couldn't sleep and found him leaving.

My heart couldn't help but mention it.

Has someone come to rescue him again?

How many people did you send this time?

He was happy that someone came to rescue him, but also worried that someone would come and be ambushed!

Lost soldiers and generals in vain.

Nalan Jinnian is dangerous!

Just now, someone set up some arrangements, and ambushes were set up all around!

And those wolves don't know where to ambush.

If Di Junming sent too few soldiers, not only would he not be able to save himself, but he would also lose the lives of the soldiers in vain!

After Nalan Jinnian walked tens of meters, at this moment, Xiao Hei flew down.

Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand and let Xiao Hei land on his palm.

Nalan Jinnian untied the note under the little black wing, took a look, saw the warm handwriting, his brows and eyes were tinged with tenderness, and his exhaustion disappeared.

After reading the letter, Nalan Jinnian folded it carefully, stuffed it into his arms, and said to Xiao Hei, "Did you see the enemy army coming towards us when you came?"

Although Nalan Jinnian speculates that the Beiming Congress will continue to send soldiers to rob the prisoners, but guesses are always just guesses, and there is no 100% possibility!

Xiao Hei nodded.

"Soon?" Nalan Jinnian asked again.

Xiao Hei nodded again.

Nalan Jinnian curled his lips, very good!

I can take the opportunity to destroy another 10,000 to 20,000 enemy troops.

Nalan Jinnian said to the little underworld again: "Tonight, the enemy may send troops to attack Yongding City, you go and see when they are dispatched, and if you find them dispatched, immediately notify Nuannuan, and let Xiaozhu pay attention to whether they are there or not." Take Xiaoba with you."

With Di Junming's aggressive, anxious, and conceited temperament.

He definitely hoped to capture the city of Yongdingfu before their army arrived, and he would definitely receive the news that their army would arrive soon.

In order to capture the city as soon as possible, he should use Xiao Ba to threaten them. As long as Xiao Ba appears, many tactics will be useless!

Xiao Hei nodded.

Nalan Jinnian's ears moved, and he said to Xiao Hei, "Go!"

Xiao Hei immediately flew away!

Nalan Jinnian returned to the position just now, glanced at Di Junxian's direction, curled his lips, then sat down, leaned against the tree trunk, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

The posture was exactly the same as before, as if he had never left.

Looking at him like this, Di Junxian felt even more uneasy.

One kilometer away, countless black shadows ran quickly from the dense forest like ghosts, approaching the direction of the fire from all directions!

At this time, pairs of green eyes lit up!

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves soon came from a distance.

"There are enemies!" Cao Zihao immediately opened his eyes and picked up his weapon.

All the soldiers quickly opened their eyes, picked up their weapons, found a tree, hid, and formed a circle.

Then he picked up the longbow, put on a sharp arrow, and aimed at the front, as long as there was any movement, the sharp arrow would be released!


In the darkness, a sharp arrow shot out.




There was a sound of sharp arrows piercing the air.

Then thousands of men in black ran out from all directions!

The five thousand soldiers of Nalan Kingdom hid behind the tree trunks and dodged the arrows one after another, then picked up their bows and arrows and aimed at the men in black!

Those men in black are also experienced, and many of them dodged sharp arrows.

Approach quickly!

Suddenly, there was a movement under their feet, and the whole person was hoisted by a net.

Then he was shot into a hedgehog.

Then the net spread out again, and it was lowered to cover several people, who were also quickly shot into hedgehogs by sharp arrows.

There were still some soldiers who were able to escape the net and continue to run forward, so the two sides fought quickly and fiercely!

In a quarter of an hour, all five thousand enemy troops will be dealt with!

There are still 5,000 Beiming enemy troops fighting Dahui and the others!

Those Beiming soldiers didn't know there were so many wolves!

Pretty much a wolf against them all alone!

Seeing that the situation was not right, they retreated quickly, but how could a man run faster than a wolf.

As a result, except for more than a hundred soldiers who managed to escape under the desperate escort of their companions, the rest of the army was wiped out!

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