As soon as the battle here was over, Nalan Jinnian said to the five thousand soldiers, "Everyone get ready, we will set off for Mount Puning in a quarter of an hour!"

The 5,000 soldiers had no complaints at all, and the uninjured soldiers treated the wounded soldiers immediately.

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he blew a whistle, and Dahui soon appeared beside him.

Behind it, thousands of wolves followed.

Pairs of wolf eyes, glowing green in the dark.

The soldiers couldn't help but feel hairy when they saw it!

I secretly rejoiced that these were all teammates, not enemies.

The ferocity and fighting power of wolves are not something ordinary soldiers can fight against!

Nalan Jinnian took out a sheepskin map, spread it on the ground, pointed to a certain point and said to Xia Xuan and Dahui: "Xia Xuan, take Dahui and its wolf soldiers to Puning Mountain to ambush first. Remember, don't let the enemy find your whereabouts."

Xia Xuan immediately said: "Yes!"

Then Big Hui took Xia Xuan and its wolf soldiers and set off first.

The speed of running in the mountains is comparable to a gust of wind!

A quarter of an hour later, 5,000 soldiers lined up neatly and headed towards Mount Puning.

The Seventh Prince and Prince An's son also led the army to the direction of Puning Mountain, and entered Yongding City from Puning Mountain.

Early tomorrow morning, they will be able to reach Mount Puning.

Puning Mountain is located at the junction of Yongping County and Yongding City.

Mount Puning is a mountain in the Qinning Mountains, within the territory of Nalan Kingdom.

The terrain of Qinning Mountains is special, it borders Xihua Kingdom, Nanjiang Kingdom, and Nalan Kingdom.

This piece of land is divided into five kingdoms, except Beiming Kingdom which occupies a large area and has no border with Nanjiang Kingdom. Beiming Kingdom shares borders with Xihua, Dongling, and Nalan Kingdoms.

Now Beiming Kingdom has conquered Beifeng County and Yongping County, and has successfully bordered with Nanjiang Kingdom.

This is also why the Beiming Kingdom will choose the southwest direction to send troops first.

In this way, the three armies can unite to attack Nalan Kingdom.

It's just that the Xihua Kingdom is a bit weak. Up to now, a small border town of Nalan Kingdom has not been captured, and they are in line with them!

This night is destined to be a restless night.

At dawn, the Xihua Kingdom blew the horn again to attack the small border town of Tangji in Nalan Kingdom.

The 50,000 troops of the Southern Border Kingdom rushed to Mount Puning overnight, laying in ambush, waiting for the arrival of the Nalan Kingdom's army.

The mountain is full of boulders, fire barrels and other things.

Just waiting for the Nalan Kingdom army to pass by.

Yongding City

The gates are closed!

Waiting for the arrival of the Beiming army.

The people of Yongding City have received a notice from the government that the enemy army will attack the city tonight or tomorrow.

That night, every family could not sleep.

People who are asleep have big knives next to their pillows!

Self-defense weapons such as hoes or firewood axes are placed at the corners of every household.

Wen Nuan reconfirmed the battle plan with several generals, and then went back to sleep.

I slept soundly for a while.

After all, the gates of the city are closed. If there is an enemy army coming, the soldiers defending the city will report it. Don't worry, you will be at ease.

And for this battle, they only need to receive the arrival of the army, and then fight to the death with the Beiming Kingdom!

If there is no accident, the army will arrive at noon tomorrow.

Wen Nuan was dreaming, dreaming of a very big snake and a small snake, and then the big snake suddenly turned into a golden dragon and flew into the sky.

Many people knelt down and worshiped the golden dragon while exclaiming.

In a blink of an eye, Wen Nuan also dreamed that he was riding on that dragon, soaring through the clouds and fog.

She was just about to feel the feeling of flying through the clouds, when she heard a knock on the door, and Chen Huan's voice sounded: "Princess, wake up! The enemy army is about to attack the city!"

Warmth woke up from a dream, and then heard the sound of horns, and she replied with a shiver: "Come in!"

Then he quickly got out of bed and put on his armor.

Chen Huan opened the door and came in, then waited for Wen Nuan to put on his armor, and went to the city gate together.

At this time, the people in every household lit up their oil lamps.

Wen Nuan and Chen Huan, when Chen Xi rode to the gate of the city, he saw many people carrying hoes on their shoulders and rushing towards the gate, obviously planning to defend the city with the soldiers.

Nuan also heard the cry of the child.

It must have been woken up by the sound of the horn.

It's so noisy all around!

When Wen Nuan came to the city, he saw many people gathered inside the city gate.

All the common people held hoes in their hands.

They are very sensible, standing on both sides of the road, or in the corner, not stopping the soldiers' activities.

Seeing Nuan Nuan appear, some people excitedly said, "Princess Jin is here!"

"County Huian is here!"

Nuannuan led 30,000 soldiers and wiped out the enemy's 100,000 troops. The news has already spread throughout Yongding City!

The people adore her!

My worried heart has settled down!

Since Princess Hui'an brought 30,000 soldiers, he could destroy the enemy's 100,000 troops.

Now there are nearly 70,000 soldiers defending the city of Yongding, including them and the common people. It is easy to destroy the 200,000 enemy army, right?

Seeing Nuan Nuan appearing, the soldiers quickly knelt down and said loudly, "Welcome Princess Jin!"

Seeing this, the people also knelt down: "Congratulations to Princess Jin!"

Wen Nuan raised his hand to everyone, and hurriedly replied: "Everyone is welcome!"

Then she quickly went to the city to see where the enemy army had come.

Cao Zihao, Yuan Minzhe, and Song Guizhou, the magistrate of Yongding City, immediately saluted when they saw Nuan Nuan coming.

Nuan raised her hand to stop it: "There's no need to be polite!"

Warm eyes fell in the distance, and the enemy's army was about 1,500 meters away.

Song Guizhou knew how Nuan Nuan won a battle in Yongping County. At this moment, he asked: "Princess Jin, should we open the city gate and go to fight?"

"Of course it is necessary." Nuan Nuan looked at the distance carefully, this time Beiming's army learned to be smart, the team walking in front were all infantry, and the cavalry were all behind the infantry, and the distance was a bit far.

But, do you really think this is all right?

At this time Song Guizhou's master said: "This time the cavalry is behind, we want to throw firecrackers to startle the horses, is it impossible to create chaos!"

Gao Yi, the commander-in-chief of Yongding City, took a look at him: "Who said it's impossible?"

Didn't you see bags of crotons prepared on the city?

These are all used to wait on the enemy's horses!

In other words, they can't buy food from the four countries, but Croton can buy a lot!

Princess Hui'an didn't know what method to use to detoxify the croton and feed the horse with croton.

Also because of this, their war horses never worry about having no food to eat!

Song Guizhou and the master were just about to ask why they should startle the horse.

But Nuannuan said at this time: "Open the city gate, let's fight!"

His heart tightened, and he quickly shut up.

After Wen Nuan finished speaking, Cao Zihao, Yuan Minzhe, and Gao Yi all jumped down from the city.

A soldier shouted: "Open the city gate! Let's fight!"

Little cuties, I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

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