The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1260 Delay as much as possible

Yongding Prefecture, as a state capital on the border, has much stricter defenses than Yongping County, Beifeng County and other small counties.

There were originally 30,000 soldiers stationed here, and they were all elite soldiers.

Plus 30,000 soldiers from Beifeng County and Yongping County!

A total of 60,000 troops!

This time Wen Nuan led an army of 55,000 out of the city, leaving only 5,000 soldiers and 20,000 civilian soldiers to defend the city.

In this battle, they really want to defend the city. In addition to the supplies enough to feed 400,000 people for a year, there is also a state capital, and the people of two counties are in it, nearly 400,000 people!

So this time, Nuan Nuan brought almost all the soldiers out of the city to fight.

Only 5,000 soldiers were left to guard the city, and they instructed the civilian soldiers in the city what to do when they encountered a strong enemy attack.

After all, the number of people is really too great. There will always be enemy soldiers rushing to the city gate and attacking the city.

"Come on!" Cao Zihao raised his spear and shouted, and he and Nuannuan kept pace, walking in the front!

The 50,000 army immediately shouted: "Come on!"

The people in the city, seeing the army rushing out of the city gate, could not help but clenched their fists and shouted in unison: "Come on!!"

This battle must be defended, otherwise the consequences of the enemy's successful siege will be disastrous.

The magistrate of Yongding City walked up to a big drum and beat the drum vigorously himself.

He shouted loudly: "We must win! Nalan Kingdom must win! Bi wins..."

The people in the city and the soldiers on the wall followed the drummers and shouted, "Victory! Victory! Victory!"

One sound resounded through the sky, shocking the soul!

More than 50,000 troops rushed out of the city gate mightily!

The sound of horns, the sound of bells and drums sounded, exciting!

That speed is much faster than the advancing enemy army!

That sound was much louder than the advancing enemy army!

More than 50,000 people stepped out of the posture of an army of 500,000!

Such momentum!

Such courage!

Let the Beiming soldiers who are about to approach feel a sense of timidity in their hearts before they approach!

They couldn't help thinking that when they attacked a small town in Yongding City with an army of 300,000, Princess Hui'an led 20,000 soldiers, making them miserable and suffering heavy losses!

The first few rows of soldiers in Nalan Kingdom were all pushing carts of various shapes.

The first row of soldiers, pushing carts and crossbows firing fifty arrows in bursts.

The carts are filled with crotons, which are warmed and treated with gravy.

The aroma is tangy!

When the two armies were still five hundred meters apart, they fought each other.

The soldiers in the first row quickly dumped all the crotons in the cart on the ground.

In an instant, the strong aroma of green grass came out, making people inhale unconsciously.

The aroma is blown out with the north wind.

Hou Gefan didn't understand why the enemy dumped so many beans on the ground for a while!

It's just that he smelled a scent, thought it was poisonous, and immediately said: "Shut your breath!"

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom held their breath one after another, but they could hold their breath, animals couldn't.

The aroma of this green vegetable is particularly attractive to the horse who has been hungry for two days.

And the warmth also adds a little spice that makes the horse even more manic after smelling it.

The horses of the enemy army became a little restless when they smelled the fragrance.

Their four hooves couldn't help speeding up, wanting to rush forward to find something to eat.

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom were so frightened that they quickly tightened the reins and controlled their horses!

Wen Nuan glanced at the horses behind who started to commotion, and smiled slightly.

Now the smell the horse smells is relatively small, so the Beiming soldiers can still control it, but if they wait a little longer, let's see if they can control the horse under their command!

It's a pity that this spice is more difficult to make, and the raw materials are hard to find, otherwise we can get more, especially to deal with the enemy's cavalry!

Nuan Nuan watched as the two armies got closer and closer.

Four hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Nuan waved the command flag and shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

The soldiers in the front row on both sides quickly stepped forward and erected their shields to form an iron wall, and the soldiers a hundred meters away in front quickly fixed their shields on top of their heads.

The method of resisting the rain of arrows on the battlefield is the same for both sides!

So who is fighting for more soldiers with good archery skills, who can penetrate Yang with a hundred steps!

The continuous crossbow fired with fifty arrows immediately released sharp arrows one after another.

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom and the ballista that fired twenty arrows in bursts also fired arrows quickly.

In an instant, the air was filled with rain arrows.

Densely packed, dazzling.

When the arrows are always used up, the rain of arrows stops after a while.

Many soldiers on both sides were hit by arrows.

If we really want to talk about it, there are still many in Beiming, because the continuous crossbow fired with fifty arrows in bursts is extremely powerful!

At this time, the distance between the two armies was even closer.

The Beiming enemy army rushed up with their spears!

"Pili Lei waiter!" Nuan Nuan waved the flag when he saw that the opponent's arrows were getting less and less, waved the command flag and ordered loudly.

So the thunderbolts were thrown out one by one.

Beiming Kingdom has not developed such a powerful thunderbolt, so when the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom threw thunderbolts, they threw giant firecrackers!

Accompanied by the sound of "Boom", there are figures being blown away one by one!

The purpose of being warm is to delay the time as much as possible and wait until reinforcements arrive!

If you want to delay the time to wait for reinforcements, you will naturally try your best to prevent the two armies from confronting each other head-on.

After Thunderbolt was used up, Wen Nuan waved the command flag again and ordered loudly:

"set fire!"

The battlefield is too noisy and chaotic, and the soldiers may not be able to hear the commander's orders, and they all act by looking at the flag.

Seeing Nuan's instructions, the soldiers pushing the trolley immediately took out the torch, blew on it, and then lit the straw at the bottom of the trolley that had just loaded the crotons.

The flames sprang up in an instant!

This cart is covered with a thick layer of tung oil, so it burns very fast.

All of a sudden the whole car was on fire.

The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom set the cart on fire, pushed the cart, and rushed towards the enemy with all their might!

When they were approaching, another soldier held a long bamboo pole with an iron hook on it, and on top of it, they pushed the cart on fire to the front of the Beiming enemy army who rushed forward desperately.

Then the iron hook at the other end of the bamboo pole hooked the cart and swept the cart left and right.

For a while, a row of burning carts swept across in front of Beiming soldiers, blocking their progress!

The Beiming Army who was hit by the train caught fire instantly.

In winter, he was wearing armor and a thick cotton coat, and it was difficult to take it off.

Howled by the fire!

In the moment of life and death on the battlefield, the companions have no time to kill them, they can only roll on the ground, hoping to put out the fire~

The soldiers who were on fire had to roll on the ground.

It's just that the fire was burning the cart, and the croton left on the straw of the cart was burned, and the aroma in the air became more intense!

Those war horses became more and more manic, and many war horses were no longer under the control of the soldiers, and ran forward desperately.

The scene became chaotic.

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