The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1262 Are These Wolves Too Smart?

After another hour, the formation has been broken, Nuannuan can only bear it!

She led the soldiers to fight the enemy with all their strength outside the city gate.

Everyone was covered in blood.

The soldiers defending the city and the civilian soldiers stood on the city wall and tried every means to attack the enemy army who attacked the city.

The thick city gate was shivering from being hit by the enemy!

Song Guizhou was still vigorously beating the big drum rhythmically!

The people in the city still loudly cheered for the fighting soldiers: "We must win! Nalan Kingdom must win!"

They yelled through their throats, their voices had long been hoarse, and they persisted.

Every soldier of Nalan Kingdom worked hard to persevere, because they firmly believed that when the sun rose, reinforcements would definitely come!

As long as reinforcements come, it's time for them to fight back!

Now dawn is breaking in the eastern sky!

The sun is about to appear!

Mount Puning

The 100,000 troops led by Prince An's son and the Seventh Prince hurried through Mount Puning.

Prince An's son and the seventh prince galloped ahead on horseback.

The 100,000 troops followed closely behind.

On the mountain not far away, under the cover of white snow, are stones and wooden barrels.

The 100,000 troops of the Southern Border Kingdom prostrated themselves on the ground, listening to the sound of horseshoes approaching from far away.

They stared straight ahead.

In the night, I saw a winding mountain road and a long team advancing.

From a distance, it looks like ants who go out to forage in autumn and line up to go home.

"In about a quarter of an hour, the enemy army will arrive! Everyone, get ready!" Liang Guiyong, the general of the Southern Border Kingdom, reminded in a low voice.

As long as one-third of the Nalan Kingdom's army passes in front of them, they can push these boulders and barrels down!

The purpose of this battle is to prevent Nalan Kingdom's 100,000 troops from going to Yongding City and help Beiming Kingdom capture Yongding City.

As long as they stopped the 100,000 troops for two hours, they would have completed the task.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in low voices.

A soldier couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "It's finally here!"

"No!" Many soldiers echoed.

"If you don't come here, we will all freeze to death here!"

They have been waiting here for two hours!

The southern border country is south of the Qinning Mountains. Even the northernmost border is much warmer than here. I thought that the same mountain range would have similar temperatures.

The soldiers in southern Xinjiang didn't expect it to be so cold here.

I have been here before, and I know it is cold, but I have never tried to crawl on the mountain. After waiting for such a long time, I feel that the whole person is about to freeze!

Especially this year, it was very cold early.

"Shh, don't talk! The enemy sent spies!"

Everyone quickly silenced, shrank back, and shrank their heads under the snow-covered coir raincoats, not daring to move.

At this time, a pathfinder rode a horse from far to near.

Along the way, he looked at both sides, and at the same time took out the bow and arrow behind his back, and shot several arrows at the mountains on both sides at will. After finding nothing unusual, he quickly turned around and walked back.

When the sound of horseshoes gradually faded away, the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom raised their heads again.

"Everyone is ready!" Liang Guiyong urged again.

"Yes!" The soldiers responded in low voices.

Suddenly there was a roar of a tiger and a roar of a lion.

"What animal's sound?" Someone asked in surprise, and then looked back, his face turned pale with fright!

Countless soldiers from the Southern Border Kingdom quickly turned back.

Then found that many wolves gradually approached!

Not just wolves, but many tigers and many lions!

Those tigers and lions are chasing the pack of wolves!

But the pack of wolves ran towards them!

Depend on!

What the hell is going on here?

Are there turf wars among the animals in the forest?

The soldiers prostrate on the ground could no longer lie on their knees and stood up one after another!

Dahui raised his head and howled towards the sky.


The wolves run faster!

Dahui took five thousand taels last night and provoked the tigers, lions, and wolves in the Qinning Mountains!

Lead them here to deal with the 100,000 enemy troops of the Southern Border Kingdom!

No way, it only has 5,000 wolves, so it can't deal with an army of 100,000!

Although they ran all over Qinning Mountain, there were thousands more wolf soldiers this time, but there were not enough human beings!

If he alone led the wolves to fight against the 100,000 troops of the Southern Border Kingdom.

They didn't even bite a single person to death before they were stabbed to death by the enemy with a spear.

Dahui can only go to the mountains to tease tigers and lions, let's have a big beast fight!

Fortunately, it is a clever wolf, and usually listens to those generals talking about the art of war.

Liang Guiyong's face changed when he saw a wave of ferocious beasts coming!

damn it!

The 100,000 troops of Nalan Kingdom will arrive soon!

Why are there so many beasts here?

He watched a wolf run with a large pack of wolves, and they ran quite methodically!

It's like being well trained!

Liang Guiyong's eyes widened!


This must be the work of Nalan Kingdom!

Nalan has an army of wolves!

damn it!

How did the people of Nalan Kingdom know that they were ambush here?

"Brothers from the 1st to 5th Battalion killed these wolves! Brothers from the 6th to 10th Battalion prevented the Nalan Kingdom's army from passing through Mount Puning!"


Could their 100,000 army be afraid of these wolves and these tigers!

So the 50,000 troops of the first five battalions rushed towards the wolves.

There are so many of them, they are really not afraid of these beasts!

A few people deal with the beasts all the time, can't they kill them?

Big Hui led the pack of wolves and quickly ran towards the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom, then bypassed them, hid behind them, and did not fight them at all.

Tigers and lions are no slower than wolves!

After the wolves bypassed, the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom directly confronted a group of tigers and lions. The ferocious tigers and lions thought they were friends of those wolves, and rushed towards the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom!

The battle between beasts and soldiers has officially begun!

Big Hui's wolf soldiers ran behind the 50,000 Southern Border soldiers. Facing the remaining 50,000 troops, they walked slowly step by step.

The wolves bared their fangs and looked at them fiercely.

The remaining 50,000 troops looked at the pair of wolf eyes with green light, and retreated subconsciously!

Liang Guiyong saw that the wolves did not rush forward to the soldiers, but forced them back step by step!

Liang Guiyong: "."

They all know how to use tactics!

Liang Guiyong subconsciously glanced down the mountain road.

"Da da." The sound of horse hoofs became louder and louder.

The Seventh Prince and Prince An's son just ran out from the corner on horseback.

A long team followed behind them, and they also walked into Liang Guiyong's eyes!

They are fast!

We must prevent the army of Nalan Kingdom from going to Yongding City!

Liang Guiyong quickly made a decision in his heart, and he shouted: "Brothers, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom have arrived! Run! Run down the mountain! Lead the tigers and lions to them!"

Since they knew how to lure the beast to deal with him, didn't he know how to lure the beast to them?

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