When the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom heard it, they quickly turned around and ran up to the top of the mountain, and then ran down the other side of the mountain!

It's just that they underestimated Da Hui's intelligence!

There are many stone and wooden barrels placed on the top of the mountain.

This was arranged by the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom to deal with the army of the Nalan Kingdom.

Da Hui knew that these things were to be rolled down the mountain to deal with their army.

Dahui forced them back just now, so he could use these stones and barrels to deal with them!

Nalan Jinnian had led ten thousand soldiers to the top of the mountain, quickly pushed the stones down, lit the barrel, and pushed them down the mountain!

The rolling boulders blocked the upward speed of a part of the Southern Border Kingdom!

Some soldiers still rushed up!

Big Hui led the wolf army directly towards them, preventing them from going down.

"Fire the arrow!" Nalan Jinnian said coldly.

At the same time, the arrow on the longbow has left the string.

The archery skills of these ten thousand soldiers are one in a hundred, and they receive very strict training every day! When the arrow is shot out, the arrow is shot in vain!

Hit the nail on the head!

There are wolves blocking in front, and rain arrows attacking, and beasts attacking behind!

The soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom were stopped halfway up the mountain for a while.

The Seventh Prince and Prince An's son led an army of 100,000 through the mountain.

Their speed is getting faster and faster!

The Seventh Prince already knew from the news sent by Xiao Hei that the Beiming enemy army was attacking Yongding City tonight.

The Seventh Prince and the Seventeenth Aunt led tens of thousands of soldiers to guard Yongding City.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Yongding City are waiting for them to rescue them.

Aunt Seventeen is waiting for them to rescue.

Not only that, the Seventh Prince took a look at the mountain!

Uncle Seventeen led an army of 10,000, and Da Hui led a group of wolf soldiers to fight against 100,000 soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom on the mountain with meager strength!

The purpose is to let them rush to Yongding City to support!

The Seventh Prince flicked the whip vigorously, and leaned forward slightly, making the horse run faster!

They must pass here as fast as possible!

Before dawn, rush to Yongding City!

Otherwise, Uncle Seventeen is in danger!

Aunt Seventeen is in danger!

Yongding City is in danger!

The people of Yongding City are in danger!

Tens of thousands of soldiers in Yongding City are in danger!

If Yongding City is occupied by Beiming Kingdom, the consequences will be disastrous!

After Yongding City, the area is mostly plains.

The plain is very conducive to the activities of the cavalry army in the Beiming Kingdom.

I am afraid that half of Nalan Kingdom will fall!

If it really falls, it will be even more difficult to fight back!




The soldiers at the foot of the mountain were all silently chanting this word in their hearts at the moment.

Even put in the strength of breastfeeding to speed up your own speed!

If they slow down for a second, the brothers on the mountain who blocked the enemy for them may fall one more!

They will all pass in half an hour!

As a result, five minutes!

One hundred thousand troops all passed through Mount Puning!

Seeing that the 100,000 troops were about to pass through, Nalan Jinnian gave an order: "Withdraw!"

At this time, the army of the Southern Border Kingdom escaped many obstacles and surged up like a tide!

The 10,000 soldiers of Nalan Kingdom quickly retreated!

Big Hui howled, and the wolves retreated quickly!

The crossbow arrows in Nalan Jinnian's sleeves were released one by one, and they were placed on the enemy soldiers who rushed to the front to kill themselves.

It was only when the last soldier ran away that Nalan Jinnian retreated quickly. While running, he took out a Thunderbolt bomb from the back basket and threw it away!

The soldiers following behind also took out a thunderbolt and threw it away!

There was a bang!

The earth shakes and the mountains shake!

Successfully blocked the footsteps of the soldiers of the Southern Border Kingdom.

Those tigers and lions were also frightened for a moment, and then quickly ran away!

Yongding City

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer soldiers of Nalan Kingdom on the battlefield!

Huge, wooden stakes hit the city gate and the city wall, bursts of ash fell, and the city wall trembled!

The people in the city were very conscious, one by one, they stepped forward and pushed the city gate firmly to prevent it from falling down!

Although they knew that if the city gate was really knocked open by the enemy, they would be the first to die under the enemy's sword, or be directly smashed to the ground by the heavy city gate.

But everyone is still pushing the city gate, unwilling to leave!

Outside the city wall, Nuan Nuan had a silver whip in one hand, a spear in the other, and a long leg. He didn't use his hands or feet, and was placed one after another by the enemy soldiers who were holding giant trees and crashing into the city!

The giant log that hit the city gate hit the ground heavily, and was quickly picked up by a group of Beiming soldiers, and continued to hit the city gate!

too tired!

Every soldier of Nalan Kingdom felt exhausted, but they didn't dare to relax, because if they relaxed, they would fall down themselves!

At this time, only 20,000 of the more than 50,000 soldiers are not enough~

And the Beiming Kingdom estimated that there are still 100,000 troops.

The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom feel that they can't kill them all!

By this time, the sky had already brightened.

The eastern sky is full of morning glow!

Why haven't their reinforcements arrived yet?

They can't hold it anymore!

Nuan Nuan kicked away a soldier who was cutting towards her, and looked up at the sky.

Reinforcements should be here!

As soon as Wen Nuan thought about it, Song Guizhou on the city wall couldn't help shouting: "The army has arrived! Our army has arrived! I saw it! I saw it! There are so many people! There are so many soldiers! There is no end to the long line! We are saved!" ! Saved!."

Song Guizhou shouted frantically, holding drumsticks frantically, and beating the big drum!

God knows, he is a civil servant, where does he get the strength, he is not tired after playing the drum for so long!

At this time, a ray of sunlight broke through the clouds and fell on the ground!

The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom trembled all over, as if their blood bars had been filled up, their strength returned!

Quickly counterattack with a more swift posture!

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom trembled when they heard this, why did the reinforcements from Nalan Kingdom arrive so soon?

A lot of people?

Can't see the end?

How many enemy troops are here!

After fighting for a whole night and attacking for a whole night without taking this city, the Beiming enemy army, who had not had enough to eat these two days, was exhausted long ago!

The rhythm of Song Guizhou's drumming accelerated!

"Boom boom boom"

One sound, dense!

While beating the drums, he shouted: "Here we come, there are 200,000, 200,000 troops are coming! There are also wolves, my God! Many wolves! The wolves are coming! Many wolves are here!" One hundred and eighty thousand!."

Song Guizhou shouted vigorously, using words to damage the morale of the enemy army and boost the prestige of our army!

The Beiming soldiers were all stunned!

What's coming? Two hundred thousand troops!

And the wolf army?

One hundred and eighty thousand wolves?

At this time, Dahui looked up to the sky and let out a long roar in a cooperative manner.

Its wolf army followed closely behind and roared up to the sky!



A wolf howl suddenly resounded through the sky!

Taking advantage of the moment when the Beiming soldiers were timid, all the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom fought back swiftly!

"Go to hell! Beiming country dog ​​thief!"

"go to hell!"

"Get out of Nalan Kingdom! Beiming bastard!"

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