"Our army has arrived!!!! It's here! His Royal Highness King Jin is a thousand years old!" Song Guizhou shouted hoarsely!

After Nalan Jinnian shot down a sharp arrow aimed at Wen Nuan, he aimed at Di Junming and shot an arrow!

Di Junming's pupils shrank, and the guard beside him blocked the arrow for him with a dodge, and the sharp arrow sank into his chest!

The other two guards quickly protected Di Junming and jumped off the roof!

Nalan Jinnian gave a cold voice, and Da Hui led him, running straight towards the warm direction!

It's too much, so many people bully the young lady together!

At this time, the people in the city cheered and even jumped up: "Our army has arrived! It has arrived! His Royal Highness King Jin is a thousand years old!!!!!!!"

At this moment, the Seventh Prince, the 100,000 army led by Prince An's son also appeared in everyone's sight!

"Come on! Kill!" The Seventh Prince shouted!

The 100,000 troops responded: "Come on! Kill!"

The momentum is like a rainbow!

"Open the city gate, folks, take up your hoes, let's go out and kill the enemy together!!" The generals defending the city immediately waved their flags!

"Open the city gate! Kill the enemy!"

"Open the city gate! Kill the enemy!"

The common people picked up their hoes one after another, shouting!

The city gate was quickly opened!

The remaining 5,000 soldiers were the first to bear the brunt, leading the 20,000 civilian soldiers to rush out in a swarm!

They listened to the sound of fighting outside in the city, and they couldn't bear it for a long time!

I couldn't hold back the blood in my body for a long time and wanted to rush out to kill the enemy!


"Come on! Kill the enemy army without leaving a piece of armor!"

"Come on."

Song Guizhou was still beating the big drum vigorously, shouting excitedly: "Beiming dog! Come on! We've opened the city gate! Come in!"

There are 100,000 reinforcements ahead, menacing!

There is a large group of civilian soldiers behind, and they are coming fiercely!

The morale of the Beiming army has been severely hit!

The tide is gone!

The tide is gone! !

The tide has gone! ! ! ! ! !

Hou Gefan felt desolate in his heart!

He roared wildly: "Retreat!"

A large wave of enemy reinforcements has arrived on the battlefield, if the battle continues, more soldiers will die, or even the entire army will be wiped out!

For the present plan, we can only retreat, and then consider the long-term plan!

After Hou Gefan gave the order, he quickly took the lead in retreating from the left.

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom followed suit!

Big Hui followed with the wolf army!

"Stop them!" The Seventh Prince quickly led a group of soldiers to stop them!

All the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom, including those common people who came out with hoes, hurried to catch up!

Especially those common people, everyone shouted loudly while chasing after them.

"Damn it! Don't let these bastards go! They came back to bite again!"

"Hurry up, don't let these bastards get away!"

"Don't run, you son of a bitch! Don't run if you can! Aren't you going to enter the city? Now the city gate is open!"

"Things that are not as good as animals, don't run away if you have the kind!"

Nalan Jinnian watched as the Seventh Prince and Prince An's son led their men to hunt down the enemy army in Beiming and did not stop them, but quickly ordered: "Leave 20,000 people here to guard! The others go after them!"

Xia Xuan and a group of soldiers are ambushing in front of the small forest, waiting for them to come to the door by themselves!

This time, we must let the Beiming enemy come and go!

This time, one of their wings must be broken, so that it will be difficult for them to fly again!

Nalan Jinnian came to Nuan Nuan's side in a flash. Seeing Nuan Nuan covered in blood, he anxiously looked up and down, his eyes full of worry: "Where is the injury?"

Nuan Nuan waved his hand: "It's not my blood! Go after him! Let's go after Prince Beiming!"

She got on the horse quickly, and galloped out as soon as she clipped the horse's belly.

Seeing this, Nalan Jinnian took a look in the direction Di Junming was leaving, mounted his horse and chased after him.

Then Chen Huan and Chen Xi quickly got on their horses to keep up!

The two had just walked a hundred meters away when a signal sounded in the sky!

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian looked back.

See the colors of the distress signals in the sky.

"It's the eighth princess!" Nuan Nuan's expression changed, and she accelerated her speed!

Nalan Jinnian, Chen Huan, and Chen Xi quickly followed.


the other end

Under the guidance of Xiao Hei, Amber came to a forest, and saw a group of 5,000 Beiming soldiers guarding the eighth princess and hurrying towards Yongding City.

He saw the eighth princess locked in the prison car, covered in blood, so angry that his whole body felt like it was about to explode!

He directly picked up the bow and arrow, and shot and killed the two soldiers guarding the eighth princess!

"Kill me!" Amber shouted!

The soldiers of Lanling Kingdom moved forward quickly and surrounded them!

The two sides fought quickly!

Because of the small number of people in Lanling Kingdom, all the people began to practice martial arts at the age of three. This time, Amber brought out elite soldiers from among the best soldiers, much better than these soldiers from Beiming Kingdom!

They killed many of them at once.

Di Junming knew when Nalan Jinnian appeared that the situation was over, so he retreated immediately.

He was planning to use the eighth princess to blackmail Nalan Jinnian into letting go of Beiming soldiers.

He didn't expect that he would meet Amber and his men who were robbing the prisoner!

Di Junming directly drew his bow and arrow and was about to shoot Amber. Suddenly, he thought of something, changed his head, and shot directly at the eighth princess who was locked in the prison car!

With a "swish", the off-string arrow came to the eyes of the eighth princess.

The eighth princess widened her eyes in fright and forgot to react.

But her hands were tied and her feet were chained, so it was difficult to react!

Amber was killing the enemy, and suddenly saw a favorable arrow shooting at the eighth princess, his face changed, his figure flashed, and he quickly flew over to block the arrow!

But because the arrow was too close to the eighth princess!

He blocked the sharp arrows, but failed to block the swords of the two Beiming enemy soldiers who were killing the enemy on both sides of the prison car while guarding the eighth princess!

The two drew their swords at the same time, one stabbed at his heart, and the other stabbed at his abdomen!

When the two Beiming soldiers drew their swords, blood sprayed the eighth princess all over her face!

Amber was stabbed twice by the sword, and he reacted extremely quickly, slashing the two soldiers with his sword.

The eighth princess screamed in fright: "Ah!"

Amber grinned at the eighth princess, and comforted him: "Yue'er is not afraid!"

Then he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell directly to the ground, vomiting blood from his mouth.

"Amber! Amber!." The eighth princess shouted in the prison car, she was so frightened that tears flowed like broken pearls.

Amber clutched her chest to appease the eighth princess: "I'm fine, don't be afraid!"

The eighth princess shook her head. She thought of something, took out a signal flare from her bosom, and let it go!

"King!" The guards around Amber saw that Amber was injured, and were so frightened that their actions became more violent!

Hit and kill!

Di Junming ran up with his guards and took the eighth princess away, when suddenly he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

Looking back, a sharp arrow is almost shooting at me!

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