The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1266 It's okay with me here!

Di Junming's pupils shrank: Nalan Jinnian actually caught up!

His guard quickly swung his sword to block the sharp arrow!

"Withdraw!" Di Junming said decisively!

Di Junming knew that his martial arts were not strong, at least he couldn't beat Di Junxian.

Since he was a child, the emperor has both civil and military skills, so he will be supported by the ministers!

Fortunately, my father loves me the most, and I am the eldest son, otherwise I don't know who will be the prince!

And Nalan Jinnian is the one who has won the Emperor Xian in both civil and military battles!

How could he be his opponent?

Don't leave at this time, wait for him to catch it?

Di Junming glanced at the eighth princess: "Take it! Withdraw!"

When the words fell, he took the lead in grabbing the horse's belly and fled quickly!

Several of his guards followed one after another, and there were only two guards left. One of the guards blocked the soldiers from the Lanling Kingdom who came up to stop him, and the other guard cut off the iron chain on the prison cart with a sword, and the eight princesses were killed together. He grabbed him, threw him on the horse, and galloped away!

Amber's eyes were red. He tried his best to pick up a sword. Before he could throw it, the man ran away!

"Chasing!!!!" Amber yelled, then vomited a big mouthful of blood and passed out.

Amber's bodyguard looked at Amber worriedly, then gritted his teeth and quickly chased after him!

It's over, their king is dead!

The princess must not have any more troubles!

The soldiers of Lanling Kingdom also quickly caught up!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian saw the Eighth Princess being taken away by Di Junming's two guards from a distance.

The man picked up the bow and arrow on his back at the same time.

Draw the bow and shoot the arrow!

Two sharp arrows shot out at the same time!

Nalan Jinnian's slight lead hit the horse's hind leg with an arrow!

The warm arrow then sank into the guard's back!

One man and one horse fell to the ground at the same time.

One of the Lanling soldiers quickly killed the guard with a sword and rescued the eighth princess.

The other soldiers of Lanling Kingdom chased in the direction where Di Junming was escaping!

Nalan Jinnian and Nuannuan arrived at this time on horseback, Nalan Jinnian said to Nuannuan, "Girl, look at Amber!"

After speaking, he went to the eighth princess.

Wen Nuan reined in the rein and stopped the horse.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi also stopped and dismounted.

Nuan Nuan jumped off the horse, came to Amber's side, squatted down, sniffed his breath, if there was nothing there!

If you don't save her, the eighth princess will become a widow!

Don't care about the cold weather at this moment!

She pulled out the dagger directly from the boots, cut a hole in his clothes, and then peeled it off, revealing two bloody holes on his body.

One is very close to the heart, if his heart is bigger, it will be troublesome!

Nuannuan looked down at his hand, it seemed quite big!

One is in the abdomen, that doesn't matter much!

It's good to be stabbed and learn a lesson! Nuan couldn't help but slander.

Nuan Nuan said to Chen Huan: "Chen Huan, feed him a health-preserving pill and a hemostatic pill! Chen Xi, you sprinkle gold medicine on his wound!"

"Yes!" The two hurriedly agreed.

Nuannuan took out a set of gold needles and quickly needled Amber to stop his bleeding!

Seal the acupoints with golden needles, and the blood gushing out of the wound can be seen with the naked eye.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi admired Wen Nuan's golden needle technique.

They have never seen this effect on Mr. Feng.

After Nuan Nuan finished the injection, he put his hand on Amber's pulse and healed him with purple air while calling his pulse.

A warm hand rested on his pulse and felt his pulse, and he knew that the sword didn't hit the heart, but just passed by, hurting a little, it was a fate!

The purple energy was poured into Amber's body continuously, and his wound finally stopped bleeding!

And the internal wounds are slowly healing.

Nalan Jinnian came back with the Eighth Princess at this time.

The eighth princess was supported by Nalan Jinnian and came down to Nuan Nuan's side, looking at Amber with her eyes tightly closed and her face completely pale with tears in her eyes.

Biting her lower lip tightly, trembling all over!

Nuannuan glanced at the eighth princess, and comforted her: "Don't worry, eighth princess, I'm here, it's fine!"

The eighth princess nodded.


Nuan Nuan's medical skills are so good, with Nuan Nuan here, Amber will be fine!

Wen Nuan suddenly found that the color of the purple air seemed to be darker, and the healing power seemed to be stronger, so she couldn't help but let out a "huh".

The eighth princess immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong?"

Wen Nuan came back to his senses, and comforted him: "It's okay, the king of Lanling is lucky, the two swords didn't hurt the vitals! The sword on the chest didn't hurt the heart, you see the bleeding has stopped, right?"

The eighth princess nodded, she was just too scared!

If he didn't listen to his explanation and sneak back, he wouldn't have lost his life trying to save himself!

Uncle Seventeen and Nuan Nuan didn't have to run all the way to save themselves!

The two just got married!

Nuan Nuan guessed that it was almost the same, and Amber's life was saved, so she withdrew her hand.

There must be a doctor in Lanling Kingdom to show him. No matter how good his medical skills are, it is impossible to make him feel better all at once. It is amazing to save a life!

Nuannuan withdrew his hand, and put away the gold needle, and said to the eighth princess, "Your life is saved! With me here, I promise to be alive and kicking within a month! Don't be annoyed by him then!"

The eighth princess burst into tears when she heard the words.

Nuan put her hand on Princess Eight's wrist: "I'll show you."

Nalan Jinnian had already taken off his cotton coat and gave it to Chen Huan: "Pick the King of Lanling into the prison cart and cover it with this coat."

"Yes!" Chen Huan and Chen Xi responded immediately.

Then he pushed the prison cart over, removed the cage-like part on it, used it to widen the prison cart, and carefully lifted Amber up.

The warmth gave Eighth Princess the pulse, and a coldness flashed deep in the bottom of her eyes. Eighth Princess' body was a bit injured, and the injuries on her body were not serious. In addition, she just had a miscarriage. It's even worse!

Fortunately, she had a good foundation, otherwise she would have died if she had been replaced by another woman!

But now her body has also collapsed, and she will have to take good care of her for a period of time before she can recover.

Nuannuan took out a healing pill and a health pill for the eighth princess to eat, and did not use purple qi to nourish her body for the time being.

The injuries on the eighth princess were all whip wounds, which could only be regarded as skin trauma, and they were not life-threatening for the time being.

Many soldiers on the battlefield today were seriously injured, life-threatening. Under this backward medical condition, Ziqi could bring the dead back to life in an instant, so Nuan Nuan didn't use Ziqi to heal the eighth princess.

Nuan Nuan said to the Eighth Princess: "Eighth Princess, I have to go back to see the wounded soldiers, and let Brother Seventeen take you back!"

The eighth princess immediately said: "I'm fine, you go back quickly!"

Warmly looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian nodded, and Nuannuan rode back first!

The casualties of our army in this battle were too heavy!

She must hurry up, if she can save one, it is one!

Nalan Jinnian stayed behind to escort the Eighth Princess and Amber back to the city.

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